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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Trickery or secrecy? On Andrew Latta's interpretation of [Bush Kaliai cargo cults] 2002 Anthropos. Anthropos Institut, Sankt Augustin 97 (1): 181-99
  • Holger Jebens
Sorcery and colonialism: illness, dreams and death as political languages in West New Britain 1993 Man 28 (1): 51-77
  • A Lattas
Skin, personhood and redemption: the double self in West New Britain cargo cults 1992 Oceania 63 (1): 27-54
  • A Lattas
The punishment of masks: cargo cults and ideologies of representation in West New Britain 1992 Canberra anthropology 15 (2): 69-88
  • A Lattas
'People who act like dogs': adultery and deviance in a Melanesian community 1991 Anthropologica 33 (): 99-110
  • D E A Counts
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