Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Of sacred things, taboos, and orthopraxis: the concept of Lulik in East Timor 2023 Mana 29 (1): 1-27
  • Alberto Fidalgo-Castro
  • Enrique Alonso-Población
H6/KUL [MANA-] 1678-4944
Governing through opacity: customary authority, hidden intentions, and oil infrastructure development in Suai, Timor Leste 2023 Ethnos 88 (4): 797-818
  • Judith Bovensiepen
H6 [ETHNOS-] 1469-588X
Decolonization without self-determination? 2023 Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde 179 (2): 216-45
  • Rui Graça Feijó
  • Zélia Pereira
H6/KX [BIJDRAGEN-] 0006-2294
An anthropological perspetive on biodiverse forests: resurgences of ruined landscapes by eucalyptus monoculture 2023 Etnográfica: revista do Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social 27 (3): 851-73
  • Susana Matos Viegas
H6 [ETNOGRAFICA-] 0873-6561
Polygamy in Timor Leste 2023 Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde 179 (3/4): 353-81
  • Douglas Kammen
  • Tian Yingguihang
H6/KX [BIJDRAGEN-] 0006-2294
The archive, the collection, and the hunter: autobiography of a historical ethnography 2022 Etnográfica: revista do Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social 26 (2): 303-25
  • Ricardo Roque
H6 [ETNOGRAFICA-] 0873-6561
A relational approach of conflicts in the context of judicialization of domestic violence in East-Timor 2022 Etnográfica: revista do Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social 26 (3): 773-93
  • Miguel Antonio dos Santos Filho
H6 [ETNOGRAFICA-] 0873-6561
Hominin adaptations in the Lesser Sunda Islands: exploring the vertebrate record to investigate fauna diversity before, during and after the Last Glacial Maximum 2022 World archaeology 54 (2): 264-87
  • Sofia C. Samper Carro
H6/KE [WORLD-] 1470-1375
Continuity and variability in prehistoric fishing practices by Homo sapiens in Island Southeast Asia: new ichthyofaunal data from Asitau Kuru, Timor-Leste 2022 World archaeology 54 (2): 288-316
  • C. Boulanger
  • R. Ono
  • S. Hawkins
  • S. O’Connor
  • S.C. Samper Carro
H6/KE [WORLD-] 1470-1375
Filmic encounters: multispecies care and sacrifice on island Timor 2021 The Australian journal of anthropology 32 (S1): 80-95
  • Lisa Palmer
H6/KF [AUSTRALIAN-] 1757-6547
Timorese archaeobotany: an anthracological pilot study at the late Holocene Lepu-Kina rockshelter, Atauro Island, East Timor 2021 Australian archaeology 87 (2): 190-209
  • Alexandra Ribeny
  • Emilie Dotte-Sarout
  • Jean-Christophe Galipaud
*H6/KE [AUSTRALIAN-] 0312-2417
Can oil speak? On the production of ontological difference and ambivalence in extractive encounters 2021 Anthropological quarterly 94 (1): 33-64
  • Judith Bovensiepen
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Inauguration of the Sacred House Mau Suma – Rai Alas. Re-living traditions and alliances in Timor-Leste 2021 Anuário antropológico (Rio) 46 (2): 215-35
  • Carlos Andres Oviedo
H6 [ANUARIO-] 2357-738X
Returning the rock and protecting the game: Austronesian custom and environmental governance in Timor-Leste 2020 Oceania 90 (1): 55-69
  • Michael Rose
H6/KX [OCEANIA-] 0032-0447
Who decides to have sex? Exploring the perceptions of Timorese women and men through a reproductive justice lens 2020 Culture, health & sexuality 22 (1): 112-27
  • Agueda Isolina Miranda
  • Angela Taft
  • Eurico da Costa
  • Heather Julie Wallace
  • Helen Henderson
  • Livio da Conceicao Matos
  • Susan McDonald
  • Suzanne Belton
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1464-5351
Early metal age pottery from Fatu Aki Anik Knua, Timor-Leste and the appearance of ceramics in the Wallacean Islands 2020 Journal of Indo-Pacific archaeology 44 (): 113-41
  • Mathieu Leclerc
  • Phillip Beaumont
  • Sue O'Connor
Early metal age pottery from Fatu Aki Anik Knua, Timor-Leste and the appearance of ceramics in the Wallacean Islands. Supplementary file 1: Faak Cave catalogue 2020 Journal of Indo-Pacific archaeology 44 (): 142-50
  • Mathieu Leclerc
  • Phillip Beaumont
  • Sue O'Connor
Early metal age pottery from Fatu Aki Anik Knua, Timor-Leste and the appearance of ceramics in the Wallacean Islands. Supplementary file 2: Faak open site catalogue - rims 2020 Journal of Indo-Pacific archaeology 44 (): 151-238
  • Mathieu Leclerc
  • Phillip Beaumont
  • Sue O'Connor
Early metal age pottery from Fatu Aki Anik Knua, Timor-Leste and the appearance of ceramics in the Wallacean Islands. Supplementary file 3: Faak open site catalogue - decorated rims 2020 Journal of Indo-Pacific archaeology 44 (): 239-48
  • Mathieu Leclerc
  • Phillip Beaumont
  • Sue O'Connor
Early metal age pottery from Fatu Aki Anik Knua, Timor-Leste and the appearance of ceramics in the Wallacean Islands. Supplementary file 4: Faak open site catalogue - decorated body shards 2020 Journal of Indo-Pacific archaeology 44 (): 249-95
  • Mathieu Leclerc
  • Phillip Beaumont
  • Sue O'Connor
Early metal age pottery from Fatu Aki Anik Knua, Timor-Leste and the appearance of ceramics in the Wallacean Islands. Supplementary file 5: Faak thin sections catalogue 2020 Journal of Indo-Pacific archaeology 44 (): 296-328
  • Mathieu Leclerc
  • Phillip Beaumont
  • Sue O'Connor
The cosmopolitics of flow and healing in north-central Timor-Leste 2020 The Australian journal of anthropology 31 (2): 224-39
  • Lisa Palmer
H6/KF [AUSTRALIAN-] 1757-6547
Playing with ambiguity: the making and unmaking of local power in postcolonial Timor-Leste 2020 The Australian journal of anthropology 31 (3): 333-46
  • Daniel S. Simião
  • Kelly Silva
H6/KF [AUSTRALIAN-] 1757-6547
Faces in the stone: further finds of anthropomorphic engravings suggest a discrete artistic tradition flourished in Timor-Leste in the terminal Pleistocene 2020 Cambridge archaeological journal 31 (1): 129-42
  • Ceri Shipton
  • Christopher D. Standish
  • Marcos García-Diez
  • Nuno Vasco Oliveira
  • Shimona Kealy
  • Sue O'Connor
H6/KE [CAMBRIDGE-] 0959-7743
Shell adzes, exotic obsidian, and inter-island voyaging in the early and middle Holocene of Wallacea 2020 Journal of island and coastal archaeology 15 (1-4): 525-46
  • Ceri Shipton
  • Christian Reepmeyer
  • Nathan Jankowski
  • Shimona Kealy
  • Sue O'Connor
H6/KE [ISLAND-] 1556-4894
On the banality of wilful blindness: ignorance and affect in extractive encounters 2020 Critique of anthropology 40 (4): 490-507
  • Judith Bovensiepen
H6 [CRITIQUE-] 0308-275X
Veterans and heroes: the militarised male elite in Timor-Leste 2020 The Asia Pacific journal of anthropology 21 (2): 117-39
  • Sarah Niner
H6 [CANBERRA-] 1444-2213
Dong Son drums from Timor-Leste: prehistoric bronze artefacts in island South-East Asia 2019 Antiquity 93 (367): 163-80
  • Nuno Vasco Oliveira
  • Peter Bellwood
  • Sue O'Connor
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Wetar and Kisar in Indonesia, and East Timor: colonial encroachment, migration, and strategies of survival in the 17th century 2019 Indonesia and the Malay world 47 (138): 199-219
  • Hans Hägerdal
H6/KX [INDONESIA-] 1363-9811
Introduction: a nationalism of absence 2019 Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka) 43 (3): 275-82
  • Satoshi Nakagawa
H6 [OSAKA-] 0385-180X
The distinctive character of East Timorese nationalism 2019 Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka) 43 (3): 283-300
  • Michael Leach
H6 [OSAKA-] 0385-180X
Nationalism at scale in Timor-Leste: between Rai na'in and Rai Timor 2019 Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka) 43 (3): 301-15
  • Andrew McWilliam
H6 [OSAKA-] 0385-180X
Establishing the legitimacy of Portuguese as an official language in Timor-Leste 2019 Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka) 43 (3): 317-32
  • Wakana Okuda
H6 [OSAKA-] 0385-180X
The centre of the land, the periphery of the nation: wars and migration in southern Tetun society, Timor Island 2019 Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka) 43 (3): 333-50
  • Shintaro Fukutake
H6 [OSAKA-] 0385-180X
Reiterated encounter: on a reconciliation ceremony at the urban settlement in Dili, Timor-Leste 2019 Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka) 43 (3): 351-66
  • Toru Ueda
H6 [OSAKA-] 0385-180X
'Mice' of transborder trade in Timor Island: Timorese smugglers and 'reconciliations' 2019 Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka) 43 (3): 367-90
  • Yoshinari Morita
H6 [OSAKA-] 0385-180X
Stone archives and fortified histories in Timor-Leste 2019 The Asia Pacific journal of anthropology 20 (3): 247-60
  • Andrew McWilliam
H6 [CANBERRA-] 1444-2213
Dramas, socialization and trainings: legal pedagogies in an NGO in contemporary East-Timor 2019 Etnográfica: revista do Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social 23 (3): 755-74
  • Miguel Antonio dos Santos Filho
H6 [ETNOGRAFICA-] 0873-6561
Spirit ecologies and customary governance in post-conflict Timor Leste 2019 Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde 175 (4): 474-505
  • Andrew McWilliam
  • Lisa Palmer
H6/KX [BIJDRAGEN-] 0006-2294
Spirit ecologies and customary governance in post-conflict Timor Leste 2019 Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde 175 (4): 474-505
  • Andrew McWilliam
  • Lisa Palmer
H6/KX [BIJDRAGEN-] 0006-2294
Marriage prestations, gift making, and identity in urban East Timor 2018 Oceania 88 (1): 127-47
  • Kelly Silva
H6/KX [OCEANIA-] 0029-8077
Ideology, ritual performance and its manifestations in the rock art of Timor-Leste and Kisar Island, Island Southeast Asia 2018 Cambridge archaeological journal 28 (2): 225-41
  • Alifah
  • Mahirta
  • Daud Tanudirjo
  • Marlon Ririmasse
  • Muhammad Husni
  • Shimona Kealy
  • Stuart Hawkins
  • Sue O'Connor
H6/KE [CAMBRIDGE-] 0959-7743
Introduction: mimetic governmentality, colonialism, and the state 2018 Social analysis 62 (2): 1-27
  • Patrice Ladwig
  • Ricardo Roque
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 0155-977X
Dances with heads: parasitic mimesis and the government of savagery in colonial East Timor 2018 Social analysis 62 (2): 28-50
  • Ricardo Roque
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 0155-977X
Beyond a 3s approach to marketing island nations? Destination marketing and experiences from Timor-Leste 2018 The contemporary Pacific 30 (2): 438-59
  • Sara Currie
*H6/KX [CONTEMPORARY-] 1043-898X
Bargaining Kultura. Tensions between principles of power acquisition in contemporary Timor-Leste 2018 Sociologus (New Series) 68 (2): 107-24
  • Alberto Fidalgo-Castro
  • Enrique Alonso-Población
  • María Jesús Pena-Castro
H6/KF [ZEITSCHRIFT-] 0038-0377
Introduction: the political dynamics and social effects of megaproject development 2018 The Asia Pacific journal of anthropology 19 (5): 381-94
  • Judith Bovensiepen
  • Laura S. Meitzner Yoder
H6 [CANBERRA-] 1444-2213
Economic techno-politics and technocratic development in the Oecusse-Ambeno enclave, Timor-Leste 2018 The Asia Pacific journal of anthropology 19 (5): 395-411
  • Laura S. Meitzner Yoder
H6 [CANBERRA-] 1444-2213
Petroleum planning as state building in Timor-Leste 2018 The Asia Pacific journal of anthropology 19 (5): 412-31
  • Judith Bovensiepen
  • Maj Nygaard-Christensen
H6 [CANBERRA-] 1444-2213
Oil and custom: impacts of the Tasi Mane oil project on local communities in Suai, Timor-Leste 2018 The Asia Pacific journal of anthropology 19 (5): 432-49
  • Brunna Crespi
  • Dominique Guillard
H6 [CANBERRA-] 1444-2213