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Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Trabajos de antropología Trab Antrop No longer indexed
Trabajos del Instituto Bernardino de Sahagún de Antropología y Etnología Trab Antrop No longer indexed
Trabajos y conferencias Seminario de Estudios americanistas Rev esp Antrop amer Currently Indexed
Trabalhos de antropologia e etnologia Trab Antrop Etnol Selectively indexed
TRACE: travaux et recherches dans les Amériques du centre Trace Selectively indexed
Traditional dwellings and settlements review: journal of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments Trad Dwelling Settlement Rev Selectively indexed
Traditiones: zbornik Instituta za Slovensko narodopisje Traditiones: acta Inst ethn Slov Selectively indexed
Trames: a journal of the humanities and social sciences Trames No longer indexed
Transactions and proceedings of the Fiji Society Trans Proc Fiji Soc Ceased publication
Transactions of the Rhodesia Scientific Association Trans Zimb sci Ass Ceased publication
Transactions of the Westermarck Society Trans Westermarck Soc Ceased publication
Transactions of the Zimbabwe Scientific Association Trans Zimb sci Ass Ceased publication
Transforming anthropology Transform Anthrop Selectively indexed
Travaux de l'Institut français d'Etudes andines Trav Inst fr Etud and No longer indexed
Travaux du Laboratoire d'Anthropologie de Préhistoire et d'Ethnologie des Pays de la Méditerranée Occidentale Trav Lab Anthrop Pays Medit occid Ceased publication
Travaux du Laboratoire d'Anthropologie et d'Archéologie préhistoriques du Musée du Bardo Libyca Ceased publication
Tribal Art Tribal Art Selectively indexed
Tribus Tribus Currently Indexed
Tropical Man Tropical Man Ceased publication
Trudy po antropologii Trud Antrop Tartu Ceased publication
Tsantsa: Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Ethnologischenen Gesellschaft Tsantsa Currently Indexed
Tuhinga. Records of the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa Tuhinga Selectively indexed
Tumivut Tumivut Ceased publication
U tz’ib U tz’ib Ceased publication
Uganda journal Uganda J No longer indexed
Ulster folklife Ulster Folklife Currently Indexed
Unesco courier Unesco Courier No longer indexed
Universitetets etnografiske Museum årbok Univ etnogr Mus Oslo Yb Ceased publication
University of East Africa Social Sciences Council conference papers Univ E Afr Social Sci Coun Conf Pap No longer indexed
Uqaqta Uqaqta Ceased publication
Urban anthropology Urban Anthrop Currently Indexed
Urban Life Urban Life No longer indexed
Urban life and culture Urban Life No longer indexed
Vanyajati Vanyajati Selectively indexed
Variability and evolution Variab Evol No longer indexed
Veröffentlichungen des Brandenburgischen Landesmuseums für Ur- und Frühgeschichte Veroff Brandenburg Landesmus Ur Fruhgesch No longer indexed
Veröffentlichungen des Museums für Ur- und Frühgeschichte Veroff Brandenburg Landesmus Ur Fruhgesch No longer indexed
Vertebrata palasiatica Vertebr palasiat No longer indexed
Vestník Národopisné Společnosti československé při ČSAV a Slovenskej Národopisnej Spoločnosti při ČSAV Vestn narodop Spolec sl Ceased publication
Véstník Národopisné Společnosti Československé v Praze Vestn narodop Spolec sl Ceased publication
Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi. Seryia humanitarnykh navuk Vestsi Akad Navuk Belarusi Ser human Navuk Selectively indexed
Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi. Seryya hramadskikh navuk Vestsi Akad Navuk Belarusi Ser human Navuk Selectively indexed
Vestsi Akademii Navuk BSSR. Seryya hramadskikh navuk Vestsi Akad Navuk Belarusi Ser human Navuk Selectively indexed
Vicus Vicus No longer indexed
Vierte Welt Information Bedroh Volk Ceased publication
Vinculos Vinculos No longer indexed
Virgin islands Archaeological Society journal Virgin Isl archaeol Soc J No longer indexed
Visible religion Visible Relig No longer indexed
Visual anthropology Visual Anthrop Currently Indexed
Visual anthropology review Visual Anthrop Rev Selectively indexed