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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Language, culture, and data on the north coast of New Guinea 1996 Journal of quantitative anthropology 6 (4): 209-261
  • Robert L. Welsch
Grammars, the I Ching and Lévi-Strauss: more on Siemens' 'Three formal theories of cultural analogy' 1996 Journal of quantitative anthropology 6 (4): 263-71
  • Shieldon Klein
Models of economic differentiation and cultural change 1996 Journal of quantitative anthropology 6 (1/2): 49-74
  • Liliana R. Goldin
Social differentiation: a speculative birth and death process hypothesis 1996 Journal of quantitative anthropology 6 (4): 273-302
  • Trevor Denton
Risky sex and sexual cognition: the cartography of eros among Flemish gay men 1996 Journal of quantitative anthropology 6 (3): 171-208
  • John Vincke
  • Ralph Bolton
Classification of actors in a social network based on stochastic centrality and prestige 1996 Journal of quantitative anthropology 6 (1/2): 75-99
  • Laura Koehly
  • Stanley Wasserman
Understanding Australian kinship: rewrite rules or homomorphisms? 1996 Journal of quantitative anthropology 6 (1/2): 101-46
  • Peter Lucich
A method for systematic reduction of the number of questions in a network matrix questionnaire 1996 Journal of quantitative anthropology 6 (1/2): 35-47
  • Anne M. Bowen
  • Heather J. Hurlbert
  • Robert T. II Trotter
Reconsidering social networks: reciprocal gift exchange among the !Kung 1996 Journal of quantitative anthropology 6 (3): 147-70
  • Thomas Schweizer
The relation between typicality and semantic similarity structure 1996 Journal of quantitative anthropology 6 (1/2): 1-14
  • A. Kimball Romney
  • Devon D. Brewer
  • William H. Batchelder
Methods for analyzing three-way cognitive data 1996 Journal of quantitative anthropology 6 (1/2): 15-34
  • Ece Kumbasar
The rank-size dimension and the history of site structure from survey data 1995 Journal of quantitative anthropology 5 (4): 327-58
  • R. R. Laxton
  • W. G. Cavanagh
Malécot's isolation by distance model: empirical behavior and theoretical considerations 1995 Journal of quantitative anthropology 5 (3): 171-89
  • D Šimić
  • P Rudan
  • Stephen L Zegura
Pile sort analysis of siSwati terms for acute respiratory infections 1995 Journal of quantitative anthropology 5 (2): 129-47
  • Ruth Wilson
Detecting context-based constraints in social perception 1995 Journal of quantitative anthropology 5 (4): 285-303
  • C. M. Webster
A new statistical test for the comparison of the standardized differences corresponding to two different measurements: the case of Petralona and Kabwe 1995 Journal of quantitative anthropology 5 (3): 215-38
  • GN van Vark
A new statistical test for studying morphological trends 1995 Journal of quantitative anthropology 5 (3): 239-51
  • AGM Steerneman
The use of multilevel modeling for analysing personal networks: networks of cocaine users in an urban area [Dutch case study] 1995 Journal of quantitative anthropology 5 (2): 85-105
  • M Spreen
  • R Zwaagstra
  • Tom Snijders
Experimental evidence for punishment: of Evans-Pritchard, Wynne-Edwards, and ants 1995 Journal of quantitative anthropology 5 (1): 47-72
  • Gregory B Pollock
  • SW Rissing
Simple game inevitable correlated equilibria 1995 Journal of quantitative anthropology 5 (1): 15-45
  • Gregory B Pollock
Commentary on Welsch and Terrell's (1994) reply to Moore and Romney (1994) ['Material culture, geographic propinquity, and linguistic affiliation on the north coast of New Guinea: a reanalysis of Welsch, Terrell, and Nadolski (1992)' by CC Moore and AK Romney, with reply by RL Welsch and JE Terrell, both in Amer Anthrop 1994 (96:2) 370-96] 1995 Journal of quantitative anthropology 5 (2): 75-84
  • AK Romney
  • Carmella C Moore
Occupational cognition in three nations 1995 Journal of quantitative anthropology 5 (2): 149-68
  • J Ferreira-Pinto
  • M Burton
  • Raúl Magaña
Social schemata for remembering people: relationships and person attributes in free recall of acquaintances 1995 Journal of quantitative anthropology 5 (4): 305-24
  • A. P. Fiske
Partner choice, game theory and social behavior 1995 Journal of quantitative anthropology 5 (1): 3-14
  • Lee Alan A Dugatkin
Cognitive indicators of knowledge in semantic domains 1995 Journal of quantitative anthropology 5 (2): 107-28
  • Devon D Brewer
Patterns in the recall of persons in a department of a formal organization 1995 Journal of quantitative anthropology 5 (4): 255-84
  • D. Brewer
A comparison of methods for collecting judged similarities among items in a semantic domain 1995 Journal of quantitative anthropology 5 (4): 359-74
  • A Kimball Romney
  • T. J. Brazill
  • W. H. Batchelder
Graphical representation of blood group data of human populations 1995 Journal of quantitative anthropology 5 (3): 191-214
  • CR Rao
  • Robert Boudreau
Data type: a comparison of observational and cognitive measures 1993/4 Journal of quantitative anthropology 4 (4): 313-28
  • C M Webster
Personal fitness, altruism, and the ontology of game theory 1993/4 Journal of quantitative anthropology 4 (3): 193-209
  • G B Pollock
Statistical sampling, estimation, and analytic procedures in archaeology [North American data] 1993/4 Journal of quantitative anthropology 4 (3): 221-48
  • J D Nance
Projectile point morphology: a note on the golden section 1993/4 Journal of quantitative anthropology 4 (3): 211-20
  • J W Lynch
  • R J Hathaway
Consensus in the judgment of personality traits among friends and acquaintances 1993/4 Journal of quantitative anthropology 4 (4): 279-95
  • A K Romney
  • A L Iannucci
Ranking versus ratings in social networks: theory and praxis 1993/4 Journal of quantitative anthropology 4 (4): 297-312
  • E Schade
  • J C Johnson
  • L Eudey
Cultural domain analysis 1993/4 Journal of quantitative anthropology 4 (4): 261-78
  • S P Borgatti
Centrality and prestige: a review and synthesis 1992/3 Journal of quantitative anthropology 4 (1): 23-78
  • K Faust
  • S Wasserman
Settlement size and demographic inferences: a structural approach 1992/3 Journal of quantitative anthropology 3 (4): 297-323
  • R Uerkvitz
Reply to S. Klein [see above] 1992/3 Journal of quantitative anthropology 3 (4): 365-8
  • S D Siemens
Mixture models for investigating complex distributions 1992/3 Journal of quantitative anthropology 3 (4): 325-45
  • C H Morrell
  • J D Pearson
  • L J Brant
Ethnography and ethnology: Goodenough vs. Fischer a generation later 1992/3 Journal of quantitative anthropology 4 (1): 1-21
  • D B Kronenfeld
A caveat on the use of the quadratic assignment procedure 1992/3 Journal of quantitative anthropology 3 (4): 279-96
  • D Krackhardt
On Siemens' 'Three formal theories of cultural analogy' [in "J quant Anthrop" 1991 (3;3) 229-50; with reply by SD Siemens, see below] 1992/3 Journal of quantitative anthropology 3 (4): 361-3
  • S Klein
Measuring precision of three-dimensional landmark data 1992/3 Journal of quantitative anthropology 3 (4): 347-59
  • B D Corner
  • J T Richtsmeier
  • S Lele
Procrustes analysis of individual configurations: pattern and axes similarities 1989 Journal of quantitative anthropology 1 (3): 293-308
  • L Furbee
  • R A Benfer
Reliability and inference in the cross-cultural coding process 1989 Journal of quantitative anthropology 1 (4): 353-71
  • Candice Bradley
Family size distribution and correlation between the number of boys and girls in families of variable sizes 1989 Journal of quantitative anthropology 1 (3): 261-77
  • R Chakraborty
Partitioning political actor networks: some quantitative tools for analyzing qualitative networks 1989 Journal of quantitative anthropology 1 (3): 279-91
  • L H Albert
  • P Doreian
Categorical analysis of cross-cultural survey data: effects of clustering on chi-square tests 1989 Journal of quantitative anthropology 1 (4): 335-52
  • M M Dow
How humans see social groups: a test of the Sailer-Gaulin models 1989 Journal of quantitative anthropology 1 (3): 229-38
  • A G Michaelson
  • L C Freeman
  • S C Freeman
Time allocation research and aspects of method in cross-cultural comparison 1989 Journal of quantitative anthropology 1 (4): 313-34
  • Allen Johnson
  • C A Behrens