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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Maltese fictional prose forms 1994/5 Journal of Maltese studies 25/6 (): 146-65
  • Charles Briffa
Two notes: Brighella and Thezan; the [Cantilena], Maltese and Sicilian proverbs 1994/5 Journal of Maltese studies 25/6 (): 58-66
  • Arnold Cassola
Secret languages: preliminary notes on four examples from the Maltese islands 1994/5 Journal of Maltese studies 25/6 (): 93-9
  • Mark-Anthony Falzon
The Morisco and Hispano-Arabic culture and Malta: some highlights on late medieval and early modern links 1994/5 Journal of Maltese studies 25/6 (): 1-12
  • Thomas Freller
Lexical strata in Maltese 1994/5 Journal of Maltese studies 25/6 (): 166-78
  • N. P. Parawahera
About the meanings of Ẓurrieq, Wied iż-Ẓurrieq and Wied iż-Ẓerqa 1994/5 Journal of Maltese studies 25/6 (): 52-7
  • Patrice Sanguy
Mikiel Anton Vassalli: a bibliography 1993 Journal of Maltese studies 23/4 (): 230-6
  • Carmel G. Bonavia
Vassalli and the Vella case 1993 Journal of Maltese studies 23/4 (): 31-3
  • C. L. Dessoulavy
It-taqsim ewlieni tal-kitbiet ta' Vassalli 1993 Journal of Maltese studies 23/4 (): 175-93
  • Edward Fenech
La lingua maltese nel '500 attraverso i resoconti di scrittori e viaggiatori stranieri 1991/2 Journal of Maltese Studies 21/2 (): 79-90
  • A Cassola
Maltese and Portuguese in contact 1991/2 Journal of Maltese Studies 21/2 (): 1-9
  • T Bonnici
Language maintenance and language shift of the Maltese migrants in Canada 1989/90 Journal of Maltese Studies 19/20 (): 34-41
  • L Sciriha
In the mould of a new environment: the Maltese language in Australia 1989/90 Journal of Maltese Studies 19/20 (): 110-15
  • R Bovingdon
White dipping sails [sail terminology, Maltese language] 1989/90 Journal of Maltese Studies 19/20 (): 62-70
  • C Briffa
A note on evidence for ll-dd in Maltese onomastics 1989/90 Journal of Maltese Studies 19/20 (): 24-6
  • S Fiorini
Negation in English and Maltese: common rules and typological differences 1989/90 Journal of Maltese Studies 19/20 (): 95-9
  • L A Grozdanova
The origin of the name 'Kirkop' 1989/90 Journal of Maltese Studies 19/20 (): 58-61
  • G Hull
Politica linguistica vs identità culturale: alcuni aspetti della questione della lingua a Malta nel secondo '800 1989/90 Journal of Maltese Studies 19/20 (): 100-9
  • G Mazzon
La lingua in Sicilia e a Malta nel medioevo 1987/8 Journal of Maltese Studies 17/18 (): 1-5
  • A Varvaro
L'articolo indeterminativo del siciliano e la sua agglutinazione nei sicilianismi del maltese 1987/8 Journal of Maltese Studies 17/18 (): 32-53
  • S C Sgroi
La leggenda maltese della sposa della Mosta: due varianti inedite e la 'Scibilia Nobili' siciliana 1987/8 Journal of Maltese Studies 17/18 (): 164-80
  • G C Pullicino
Vicende e caratteristiche del maltese parlato in Egitto 1987/8 Journal of Maltese Studies 17/18 (): 87-103
  • G Hull
Sicilian connexions of some medieval Maltese surnames 1987/8 Journal of Maltese Studies 17/18 (): 104-38
  • S Fiorini
Una edizione diversa della lista di voci maltesi del seicento di Hieronymus Megiser 1987/8 Journal of Maltese Studies 17/18 (): 72-86
  • A Cassola
To be or not to be a copula in Maltese 1987/8 Journal of Maltese Studies 17/18 (): 54-71
  • A J Borg
Il lessico agricolo e meteorologico nel maltese e le sue fonti arabe e siciliane 1987/8 Journal of Maltese Studies 17/18 (): 6-12
  • G Aquilina
Un esempio di -ll-;"-dd-" nel maltese 1987/8 Journal of Maltese Studies 17/18 (): 27-31
  • G Brincat
Interferenze inglesi sulla lingua maltese 1986 Journal of Maltese Studies 16 (): 45-52
  • Marianne Brincat Massa
The Maltese and the Arabic dialects: an approach from linguistic geography 1986 Journal of Maltese Studies 16 (): 22-44
  • Reinhold Kontzi
A survey of Maltese nicknames. l, The nicknames of Naxxar: 1832 1986 Journal of Maltese Studies 16 (): 62-93
  • S Fiorini
Some grammatical characteristics of the place-names of Malta and Gozo in early modern times 1983 Journal of Maltese Studies 15 (): 31-68
  • Godfrey Wettinger
Maltese children's rhymes and poetry 1983 Journal of Maltese Studies 15 (): 69-86
  • J Cassar Pullicino
Late medieval Judaeo-Arabic poetry in Vatican Hebrew ms. 411: a postcript 1981 Journal of Maltese Studies 14 (): 56-8
  • G Wettinger
Localism: a method for describing meaning in Maltese 1981 Journal of Maltese Studies 14 (): 3-13
  • A J Borg
The dress of stars, of sea and of earth (AT 510B): an analysis of the Maltese Cinderella marchen within the Mediterranean tradition area 1981 Journal of Maltese Studies 14 (): 48-55
  • G M Chircop
Verb-subject order in Maltese 1981 Journal of Maltese Studies 14 (): 22-31
  • D Agius
  • I Kalmar
L'elemento maltese nel maltese 1981 Journal of Maltese Studies 14 (): 32-47
  • R Kontzi
Late medieval Judaeo-Arabic poetry in Vatican ms. 411: links with Maltese and Sicilian Arabic 1979 Journal of Maltese Studies 13 (): 1-16
  • G Wettinger
The three stolen princesses (AT 30 1): a Maltese Marchen within the Mediterranean tradition area 1979 Journal of Maltese Studies 13 (): 67-79
  • G M Chircop
The Mediterranean islands as places of synthesis between Arab culture and European cultures 1979 Journal of Maltese Studies 13 (): 17-42
  • J Cassar-Pullicino
Three functions of the dual suffix in Maltese 1978 Journal of Maltese Studies 12 (): 1-9
  • E Fenech
Languages in contact in Malta 1978 Journal of Maltese Studies 12 (): 45-62
  • J Aquilina
Antonio Cremona folklorista (1880-1972) 1978 Journal of Maltese Studies 12 (): 77-87
  • G Cassar-Pullicino
Towards a structural analysis of the Maltese riddle on Maranda's metaphoric structures 1978 Journal of Maltese Studies 12 (): 63-9
  • G M Chircop
Reflections about the old Maltese folk belief in the transformation of a person into a Gawgaw ghost on Christmas eve 1978 Journal of Maltese Studies 12 (): 70-6
  • S A A Jahn
Popular witty retorts 1975 Journal of Maltese Studies 10 (): 65-79
  • J Aquilina
Maltese morphophonemics 1975 Journal of Maltese Studies 10 (): 11-28
  • A Borg
Caxaro's Cantilena: a checkpoint for change in Maltese 1975 Journal of Maltese Studies 10 (): 4-10
  • W Cowan
Comparative study of Maltese and Egyptian proverbs 1975 Journal of Maltese Studies 10 (): 55-64
  • A Talaat
Verbs [on the Maltese language] 1973 Journal of Maltese Studies 8 (): 93-8
  • J Aquilina