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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Savage other or noble ancestor ? The Ch'olwin of Q'eqchi Maya folklore 2004 Journal of Latin American lore 22 (1): 3-14
  • Jon Schackt
H6/KUL [JOURNAL-] 0360-1927
Anacondas from nature to culture in Quechua myths and narratives 2004 Journal of Latin American lore 22 (1): 15-38
  • Janis B. Nuckolls
H6/KUL [JOURNAL-] 0360-1927
Cupisnique iconography: ideology and its manifestations in an ancient Andean culture 2004 Journal of Latin American lore 22 (1): 39-83
  • Kayoko Toshihara
H6/KUL [JOURNAL-] 0360-1927
Constructing a supernatural landscape through talk: creation and recreation in the central Amazon of Brazil 2004 Journal of Latin American lore 22 (1): 85-108
  • Janet Chernela
  • Patricia Pinho
H6/KUL [JOURNAL-] 0360-1927
Music and female imagery in the Candomblé religion of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil 2004 Journal of Latin American lore 22 (1): 109-36
  • Clarence Bernard Henry
H6/KUL [JOURNAL-] 0360-1927
Integrating politics and cosmology: the history of radial pyramids at Quiriguá 2004 Journal of Latin American lore 22 (2): 141-66
  • Matthew Looper
H6/KUL [JOURNAL-] 0360-1927
The cult of the dead and the subversion of state justice in Moxos, lowland Bolivia 2004 Journal of Latin American lore 22 (2): 167-96
  • Akira Saito
H6/KUL [JOURNAL-] 0360-1927
In the book of Matthew thus spake John: Tzotzil discourse 2004 Journal of Latin American lore 22 (2): 197-238
  • Robert M. Laughlin
H6/KUL [JOURNAL-] 0360-1927
La virgen, las enfermedades y los espíritus: pluralismo médico y romerías indígenas a El Quinche, Ecuador 2004 Journal of Latin American lore 22 (2): 239-60
  • Bernhard Wörrle
H6/KUL [JOURNAL-] 0360-1927
Tell me, maiden: the Maya adaptation of a European riddle sequence 2004 Journal of Latin American lore 22 (2): 261-77
  • Amy George-Hirons
H6/KUL [JOURNAL-] 0360-1927
The alloy effect in ancient Panamanian art: compositional comparabilities between ceramic design and metallurgy 2003 Journal of Latin American lore 21 (2): 145-61
  • Mary W. Helms
Shamanizing the state in Venezuela 2003 Journal of Latin American lore 21 (2): 163-77
  • Jonathan Hill
The customs of the faithful: Evangelicals and the politics of Catholic fiesta in Bolivia 2003 Journal of Latin American lore 21 (2): 179-200
  • Daniel M. Goldstein
Tapir magic in the Andes and its shamanic origins 2003 Journal of Latin American lore 21 (2): 201-20
  • Daniel W. Gade
Face painting and clothing of a Capulí coquero 2003 Journal of Latin American lore 21 (2): 221-38
  • Karrie Porter Brace
  • Thomas P. Myers
Artes marciales moches 2003 Journal of Latin American lore 21 (2): 239-57
  • Augustin Seguí
El Edificio de los Mazos y el Edificio de la Serpiente: evidencias iconográficas de la organización social moche 2003 Journal of Latin American lore 21 (2): 259-309
  • Zoltan Paulinyi
The cosmic umbilicus in Mesoamerica: a floral metaphor in the source of life 2001 Journal of Latin American lore 21 (1): 3-54
  • Julia Guernsey Kappelman
  • Matthew G. Looper
Scaling the world trees: ethnobotanical insights into Maya spiked vessels 2001 Journal of Latin American lore 21 (1): 55-78
  • Bryan Bayles
Masked identities: dance of the conquest and layered histories of the Maya 2001 Journal of Latin American lore 21 (1): 79-108
  • Charles D. Thompson jr
The transformation of the seed: ritual offerings and trade among the Uwa of Colombia 2001 Journal of Latin American lore 21 (1): 109-42
  • Ana Maria Falchetti
Las múltiples máscaras de Ngünechen: batallas ontológicas y semánticas del ser supremo mapuche en Chile 1997 Journal of Latin American lore 20 (1): 173-204
  • Ana Mariella Bacigalupo
Bridging the gap: mythical and historical discourse in La ley del amor 1997 Journal of Latin American lore 20 (2): 333-46
  • R. Fernández-Levin
Assimilation and transformation of some Catholic icons in Huichol myth and ritual 1997 Journal of Latin American lore 20 (2): 249-74
  • Peter T. Furst
The [half-bad] Kayumári: trickster-culture hero of the Huichols 1997 Journal of Latin American lore 20 (1): 97-124
  • Peter T. Furst
To warm the blood, to warm the flesh: the role of steambath in highland Maya (Tzeltal-Tzotzil) ethnomedicine 1997 Journal of Latin American lore 20 (1): 3-95
  • Kevin P. Groark
Hidden histories: African-American tales of resistance and arrival 1997 Journal of Latin American lore 20 (1): 161-72
  • David M. Guss
The curassow the severed leg: cross-cultural implication of ancient Panamanian ceramic motifs 1997 Journal of Latin American lore 20 (2): 275-315
  • Mary W. Helms
Ancient Maya astronomy and the cosmology in Lacandon Maya life 1997 Journal of Latin American lore 20 (1): 125-42
  • R. Jon McGee
Mixtec manipulations: pictographic history and cultural identity in the art of early colonial Mexico 1997 Journal of Latin American lore 20 (2): 209-48
  • Eleanor Wake
Illuminative serpents: tobacco hallucinations of the Warao 1997 Journal of Latin American lore 20 (2): 317-32
  • Johannes Wilbert
The Incaic feast of the queen and the Spanish feast of the cabañuelas 1997 Journal of Latin American lore 20 (1): 143-60
  • R. Tom Zuidema
Politics make strange bedfellows: a contextual analysis of [The song of the women of Chalco] 1996 Journal of Latin American lore 19 (1/2): 31-51
  • Tracy Duvall
Who was 'o Grande Romano'? Geneaological purity, the Indian [past], and whiteness in Brazil's northeast backlands, 1750-1900 1996 Journal of Latin American lore 19 (1/2): 129-79
  • Linda Lewin
The iconography and social context of Tairona gold pectorals 1996 Journal of Latin American lore 19 (1/2): 101-28
  • Matthew G. Looper
A Cashinahua creation story 1996 Journal of Latin American lore 19 (1/2): 85-100
  • Joseph W. Bastien
  • Richard Montag
Reciprocity and resistance in the Fiesta de los Tastoanes: the prenda system 1996 Journal of Latin American lore 19 (1/2): 65-83
  • Olga Najera-Ramirez
Beauty and the feast: aesthetics and the performance of meaning in the Day of the Dead, Oaxaca, Mexico 1996 Journal of Latin American lore 19 (1/2): 53-64
  • Kristin Norget
The identification of the Xipe bundle-red and white bundle place sign in the Mixtec codices 1996 Journal of Latin American lore 19 (1/2): 3-29
  • Bruce E. Byland
  • John M. D. Pohl
Ritual gesture to poetic text in the Christianization of the Andes 1992 Journal of Latin American lore 18 (1/2): 125-61
  • Margot Beyersdorff
The spirit of rebel and docile slaves: the black version of Brazilian umbanda 1992 Journal of Latin American lore 18 (1/2): 163-87
  • John Burdick
Kuntur: shrine of the southern Andes 1992 Journal of Latin American lore 18 (1/2): 189-209
  • Guillermo Delgado-P
Chapopote: evidence of shamanism on pre-Columbian Veracruz figures 1992 Journal of Latin American lore 18 (1/2): 95-124
  • Myra L. Engelhardt
The Aztec new fire ritual: a world renewal rite 1992 Journal of Latin American lore 18 (1/2): 29-36
  • Jill Leslie McKeever Furst
Religion, ritual, and medicine in Mixe society 1992 Journal of Latin American lore 18 (1/2): 15-27
  • Frank J. Lipp
La religión y la larga duración: consideraciones para la interpretación del sistema mítico-religioso mesoamericano 1992 Journal of Latin American lore 18 (1/2): 53-62
  • Alfredo Lopez Austin
Native of her land: Costa Rica's virgin of Los Angeles 1992 Journal of Latin American lore 18 (1/2): 3-13
  • Nancy A. Mullenax
Heterodoxy, gender, and the Brazilian inquisition: patterns in religion in the 1590s 1992 Journal of Latin American lore 18 (1/2): 79-94
  • Carole A. Myscofski
Ethnic identity and the persistence of traditional religion in a contemporary Nahua village 1992 Journal of Latin American lore 18 (1/2): 37-52
  • Alan R. Sandstrom
The organization of sacrifice in the city of Cuzco 1992 Journal of Latin American lore 18 (1/2): 63-78
  • R. Tom Zuidema