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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Dendro-ecological investigation of the old 'judges' trail' between Arjeplog and Jokkmokk, N. Sweden 1983 Fornvännen 78 (3/4): 269-79
  • Jon Agren
Andreas Oldebergs tryckta skrifter 1927-1980 1983 Fornvannen 1 (): 37-42
  • I Serning
  • J Ambatsis
  • M Lundqvist
Tuna on Aland 1983 Fornvännen 78 (3/4): 244-8
  • Erik Bertell
The Viking - an oarsman 1983 Fornvannen 78 (2): 92-4
  • B Daggfeldt
Neolithic or mediaeval at Alvastra? Contribution to a 6O-year-old debate 1983 Fornvännen 78 (3/4): 176-88
  • Ebba During
Rune finds in 1982 1983 Fornvännen 78 (3/4): 224-43
  • H Gustavson
  • Helmer
  • Thorgunn Snaedal S Brink
  • Jan Paul P Strid
The oriental attire at Birka 1983 Fornvännen 78 (3/4): 204-23
  • Inga Hägg
Astronomisk tolkning av slipskaror pa Gotland 1983 Fornvannen 1 (): 21-8
  • G Henriksson
Zoomorphic clay figurines and beads from Ire, Hangvar parish, Gotland 1983 Fornvannen 1 (): 1-20
  • G O Janzon
De vikingatida fynden med engelska mynt fran Finland och nagra jamforelser med dem 1983 Fornvannen 1 (): 29-34
  • K Jonsson
A rare animal-headed cross-bow brooch from Plinkaigalis in Lithuania 1983 Fornvännen 78 (3/4): 189-96
  • Vytautas Kazakevičius
Rediscovered finds from the Stora Förvar cave [Gotland] 1983 Fornvännen 78 (3/4): 169-75
  • Anita Knape
  • Per Ericson
A system of trapping and hunting pits 1983 Fornvännen 78 (3/4): 249-51
  • Hakan Rydving
  • Rolf Kristoffersson
Where did Ingvar the Far-travelled go? 1983 Fornvannen 78 (2): 95-104
  • M Larsson
Viking weather-vane practices in medieval France 1983 Fornvännen 78 (3/4): 7-203
  • Jehuda Neumann
  • Susanne Lindgrén
The Passion of Christ: a suite of paintings in the Museum of National Antiquities in Stockholm 1983 Fornvannen 78 (2): 113-27
  • A Nilsen
On the iconography of the Balingsta runic stone 1983 Fornvannen 78 (2): 88-91
  • L Silen
Via regia incedens: a contribution to the dating of the legend of St. Erik 1983 Fornvännen 78 (3/4): 252-60
  • Rolf Sjöberg
Ytterligare en medeltida sigillstamp i finska samlingar 1983 Fornvannen 1 (): 35-6
  • J P Taavitsainen
The Coppergate helmet 1983 Fornvannen 78 (2): 105-12
  • D Tweddle
Dating with the help of clay tobacco pipes 1983 Fornvannen 78 (2): 128-35
  • L Wallin
A Roman aureus from Tetricus found in Ostergotland west of the river Stangan 1983 Fornvannen 78 (2): 81-7
  • B Ambrosiani
  • U Westermark
Viking age combs in East and West 1982 Fornvannen 3 (): 180-3
  • K Ambrosiani
A contribution to the architectural history of the old castle of Stockholm 1982 Fornvannen 77 (1): 49-58
  • K Andersson
Rune finds in 1981 1982 Fornvannen 77 (4): 235-51
  • J P Strid
  • T S Brink
Arkeologi, ideologi og objektivitet - et stridssporsmal [comment on 'Om arkeologiens teori, metod och material', by M.P. Malmer] 1982 Fornvannen 2 (): 141-7
  • A Christophersen
On the development of craftsmanship in Staraja Ladoga 1982 Fornvannen 3 (): 170-9
  • O Davidan
Archaeological economy and economic archaeology: an attempt to describe the conditions of the agriculture of Oland in the early iron age 1982 Fornvannen 77 (1): 7-21
  • B Edgren
  • F Herschend
Ett grundlaggande teoretiskt problem [comment on 'Om arkeologiens teori, metod och material', by M.P. Malmer] 1982 Fornvannen 2 (): 148-51
  • F Herschend
The Snartemo/Kempston problem 1982 Fornvannen 77 (1): 22-9
  • D Sanderson
  • J Hunter
Arkeologiens teori og data [comment on 'Om arkeologiens teori, metod och material', by M.P. Malmer] 1982 Fornvannen 3 (): 212-25
  • A B Johansen
Some aspects of Polish early medieval metalworking 1982 Fornvannen 77 (1): 38-48
  • H Kocka-Krenz
Vikter och varderingar - ett genmale 1982 Fornvannen 2 (): 130-40
  • O Kyhlberg
Okensamlare och arktiska jagare: exempel pa etnoarkeologi 1982 Fornvannen 77 (1): 1-6
  • L Larsson
Settlement patterns a starting-point in studying prehistoric societies [Sweden] 1982 Fornvannen 3 (): 161-9
  • H Lundmark
  • T Larsson
Jordbruksredskap av jarn fore ar 1000 1982 Fornvannen 2 (): 81-104
  • J Myrdal
Arkeologi i Storbritannien - en litteraturoversikt 1982 Fornvannen 77 (1): 30-7
  • I Saerlvik
The plague of Justinian and other scourges: an analysis of the anomalies in the development of the iron age population in Finland 1982 Fornvannen 3 (): 184-97
  • T Seger
The hunting-gathering component of the central Swedish neolithic funnel-beaker culture [TRB] economy 1982 Fornvannen 3 (): 153-60
  • S Welinder
Archaeological prospecting with geophysical methods at Svanesund, Orust, Sweden 1981 Fornvannen 4 (): 219-26
  • A Furingsten
  • B Fridh
  • K Ahlbom
Oscar Almgrens skrifter 1896-1943 1981 Fornvannen 2/3 (): 113-20
  • J Ambatsis
Gehanget i Vendel XII [comment on 'The bridle mounts from Vendel XII: a suggestion of a new interpretation', by L. Thunmark] 1981 Fornvannen 2/3 (): 121-2
  • B Ambrosiani
The migration period in the lake Malar valley 1981 Fornvannen 4 (): 178-85
  • A Bennett
  • B Ambrosiani
  • E Brynja
  • J Ferenius
Addendum to a corpus: rediscovery of the missing Mater Dolorosa of Rimbo 1981 Fornvannen 1 (): 26-9
  • A Andersson
The Annunciation: a pilgrim's badge from Paris found at Visby 1981 Fornvannen 1 (): 30-5
  • A Andersson
A method for the recovery of fragmentary ship parts 1981 Fornvannen 4 (): 230-4
  • A Carlsson
  • B Varenius
  • K Nordeman
  • L Teir
On stone ard points and early agriculture in north Bothnia, Sweden 1981 Fornvannen 4 (): 169-77
  • D Damell
Rune finds in 1980 1981 Fornvannen 4 (): 186-202
  • H Gustavson
  • T S Brink
Stave church problems at Lund 1981 Fornvannen 4 (): 203-14
  • R Hauglid
A Viking age weight 1981 Fornvannen 2/3 (): 91-4
  • E Nathorst-Boeoes
  • L Lagerqvist