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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Participatory photography asa a qualitative approach to obtain insights into farmer groups 2009 Field Methods 21 (3): 290-308
  • Bernhard Freyer
  • Elisabeth Gotsch
  • Robert Delve
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Demonstrating the merits of the peer research process; a Northern Ireland case study 2009 Field Methods 21 (3): 309-26
  • Dirk Schubotz
  • Stephanie Burns
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Respondent debriefings conducted by experts: a technique for questionnaire evaluation 2009 Field Methods 21 (2): 115-32
  • Elizabeth Nichols
  • Jennifer Hunter Childs
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Participant observation and phased assertion as research strategies in the Canadian Arctic 2009 Field Methods 21 (2): 133-53
  • Peter Collings
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
From interviews to social network analysis: an approach for revealing social networks embedded in narrative data 2009 Field Methods 21 (2): 154-80
  • Julia C. Gluesing
  • Kenneth Riopelle
  • Willie L. McKether
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
The field site as a network: a strategy for locating ethnographic research 2009 Field Methods 21 (2): 181-99
  • Jenna Burrell
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Design of web questionnaires: the effects of the number of items per screen 2009 Field Methods 21 (2): 200-13
  • Arthur van Soest
  • Marcel Das
  • Vera Toepoel
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
The stories metaphors tell: mataphors as a tool to decipher tacit aspects in narratives 2007 Field Methods 19 (1): 3-23
  • Thomas Steger
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Validity and reliablity of qualitative data analysis: interobserver agreement in reconstructing interpretive frames 2007 Field Methods 19 (1): 24-39
  • Gert Jan Van der Wilt
  • John Grin
  • Margriet Moret
  • Rob Reuzel
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Adapting life history calendars for qualitative research on welfare transitions 2007 Field Methods 19 (1): 40-58
  • Deborah A. Harris
  • Domenico 'Mimmo' Parisi
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Using text messages in U.S. mobile phone surveys 2007 Field Methods 19 (1): 59-75
  • Charlotte Steeh
  • Mario Callegaro
  • Trent D. Buskirk
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
The influence of visual stimuli in ethnobotanical data collection using the listing task method 2007 Field Methods 19 (1): 76-86
  • Maria Christina De Mello Amorozo
  • Tatiana Mota Miranda
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
QDA Miner 2.0: mixed-model qualitative data analysis software 2007 Field Methods 19 (1): 87-108
  • R. Barry Lewis
  • Steven M. Maas
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Challenges in collecting personal network data: the nature of personal network analysis 2007 Field Methods 19 (2): 111-15
  • Barry Wellman
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Visualizing personal networks: working with participant-aided sociograms 2007 Field Methods 19 (2): 116-44
  • Barry Wellman
  • Bernie Hogan
  • Juan Antonio Carrasco
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
A comparison of social network mapping and personal network visualization 2007 Field Methods 19 (2): 145-62
  • Christopher McCarty
  • Claudia Aguilar
  • José Luis Molina
  • Laura Rota
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Simplifying the personal network name generator: alternatives to traditional multiple and single name generators 2007 Field Methods 19 (2): 163-93
  • Alexandra Marin
  • Keith N. Hampton
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Contact diaries: building archives of actual and comprehensive personal networks 2007 Field Methods 19 (2): 194-217
  • Yang-Chich Fu
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Dscribing changes in personal networks over time 2007 Field Methods 19 (2): 218-36
  • J. Jill Suitor
  • Jordana Gartner Hoegh
  • Scott L. Feld
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Visualizing proximity data 2007 Field Methods 19 (3): 239-63
  • Chris Roussin
  • Daniel S. Halgin
  • Rich De Jordy
  • Stephen P. Borgatti
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Methods for translating an English-language survey questionnaire on tobacco use into Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, and Vietnamese 2007 Field Methods 19 (3): 264-83
  • Barbara H. Forsyth
  • Deirdre Lawrence
  • Gordon B. Willis
  • Kerry Levin
  • Martha Stapleton Kudela
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Video-based research made 'easy': methodological lessons learned from the TIMSS video studies 2007 Field Methods 19 (3): 284-99
  • Hilary Hollingsworth
  • Jennifer K. Jacobs
  • Karen B. Givvin
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Grabbing the audience: correlates of contactability in visitor studies 2007 Field Methods 19 (3): 300-12
  • Henk Roose
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Measures of desirability beliefs and their validity as indicators for socially desirable responding 2007 Field Methods 19 (3): 313-36
  • Christian Hunkler
  • Volker Stocké
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Cultural consensus theory: applications and frequently asked questions 2007 Field Methods 19 (4): 339-68
  • Susan C. Weller
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Accessing married adolescent women: the realities of ethnographic research in an urban slum environment in Dhaka, Bangladesh 2007 Field Methods 19 (4): 369-83
  • Sabina Faiz Rashid
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Contemporary challenges of participatory field research for land use change analyses: examples from Kenya 2007 Field Methods 19 (4): 384-406
  • David J. Campbell
  • Elizabeth E. Wangui
  • Jennifer M. Olson
  • Thomas A. Smucker
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Semantic frameworks: methodological reflections on how to understand Mekeo 'sorcery' and 'magic' 2007 Field Methods 19 (4): 407-24
  • Steen Bergendorff
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Negotiating and securing access: reflections from a study into urban regeneration and community participation in ethnically diverse neighborhoods in London, England 2007 Field Methods 19 (4): 425-40
  • Paul J. Maginn
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Ethnography and experiments: cultural models and expertise effects with experimental research techniques 2005 Field Methods 17 (2): 131-49
  • Douglas L. Medin
  • Norbert Ross
HI/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Cheking for relationships across domains measured by triads and paired comparisons 2005 Field Methods 17 (2): 150-69
  • E. Paul Durrenberger
  • Suzan Erem
HI/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Photo interviews: eliciting data through conversations with children 2005 Field Methods 17 (2): 170-82
  • Marva Cappello
HI/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Thinking aloud to create better condom use questions 2005 Field Methods 17 (2): 183-99
  • Cathy Toroitich-Ruto
  • Mildred Edwards
  • Sarah C. Thomsen
HI/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Object and walking probes in ethnographic interviewing 2005 Field Methods 17 (2): 200-4
  • Jason Patrick De Leon
  • Jeffrey H. Cohen
HI/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Advances in ethnobiological field methods 2005 Field Methods 17 (3): 211-18
  • John Richard Stepp
HI/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Considerations for collecting freelists in the field: examples from ethnobotany 2005 Field Methods 17 (3): 219-34
  • Marsha Quinlan
HI/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Some field methods in medical ethnobiology 2005 Field Methods 17 (3): 235-68
  • Brent Berlin
  • Elois Ann Berlin
HI/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Triad tasks, a multipurpose tool to elicit similarity judgements: the case of Tzotzil Maya plant taxonomy 2005 Field Methods 17 (3): 269-82
  • Alberto Esquit-Choy
  • Norbert Ross
  • Tomas Barrientos
HI/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Scenarios as a tool for eliciting and understanding farmers' biological knowledge 2005 Field Methods 17 (3): 283-301
  • Daniela Soleri
  • David A. Cleveland
HI/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
An ecological framework for participatory ethnobotanical research at Mt. Kasigau, Kenya 2005 Field Methods 17 (3): 303-14
  • Humphrey W. Kalibo
  • Kimberly E. Medley
HI/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Review of TAMS analyzer (Macintosh version) 2005 Field Methods 17 (3): 321-8
  • Bill Warters
HI/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Measuring cultural consonance: examples with special reference to measurement theory in anthropology 2005 Field Methods 17 (4): 331-55
  • Camila D. Borges
  • José Ernesto Dos Santos
  • Mauro C. Balieiro
  • William W. Dressler
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Measuring traditional agro-ecological knowledge: an example from peasants in the Peruvian Andes 2005 Field Methods 17 (4): 356-72
  • Jorge M. Rocha
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Using existing tests and scales in the field 2005 Field Methods 17 (4): 373-93
  • Ellen Navarro
  • Robert W. Schrauf
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Measuring stress among Luo elders: development of the Luo perceived stress scale 2005 Field Methods 17 (4): 394-411
  • Gillian H. Ice
  • Jaja Yogo
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Scale adaptation and ethnography 2005 Field Methods 17 (4): 412-31
  • David P. Kennedy
H1/KFB [CAM-] 1525-822X
Measuring culture as shared knowledge: do data collection formats matter? Cultural knowledge of plant uses among Tsimane' Amerindians, Bolivia 2004 Field Methods 16 (2): 135-56
  • Elizabeth Byron
  • Lilian Apaza
  • Ricardo Godoy
  • Victoria Reyes-García
  • Vincent Vadez
HI/KFB 'CAM-' 1525-822X
Ultimatum game with ethnicity manipulation: problems faced doing field economic experiments and their solutions 2004 Field Methods 16 (2): 157-83
  • Francisco J. Gil-White
HI/KFB 'CAM-' 1525-822X
Fixed-choice and open-ended response formats: a comparison from HIV prevention research in Zimbabwe 2004 Field Methods 16 (2): 184-202
  • Beverley Cummings
  • Daniel J. Hruschka
  • Daphne Cobb St. John
  • Gertrude Khumalo-Sakutukwa
  • Janet Moore
HI/KFB 'CAM-' 1525-822X
Field notes as a web site: integrating multimedia into anthropological documents 2004 Field Methods 16 (2): 203-14
  • Gareth Barkin
  • Glenn Davis Stone
HI/KFB 'CAM-' 1525-822X