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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Anthropology or ethnography (or both) 2021 Ethnographia 132 (1): 1-21
  • Mészáros Csaba
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
Dilemmas of corpus construction beyond folklore anthologies: the speech act of threatening in early modern witch trials in Debrecen and in Bihar county 2021 Ethnographia 132 (1): 22-44
  • Emese Ilyefalvi
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
"Please burn after reading": vernacular religion in secret police archives 2021 Ethnographia 132 (1): 45-66
  • Ágnes Hesz
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
The first wave: the folklore of Coronavirus in community media on the example of memes 2021 Ethnographia 132 (1): 67-88
  • Ildikó Tamás
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
The impact of the First World War on peasant society 2021 Ethnographia 132 (1): 89-116
  • Sári Zsolt
  • Tamás Szegedy-Kloska
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
Changes of peasant/villager consumption after the Second World War 2021 Ethnographia 132 (1): 117-39
  • Tibor Valuch
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
A poem about the decline of traditional fairs 2021 Ethnographia 132 (1): 140-43
  • József Gelencser
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
Horticultural and regional cabbage varieties in the Carpathian Basin 2021 Ethnographia 132 (2): 183-224
  • Zsigmond Csoma
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
Data to the traditional way of boat-towing 2021 Ethnographia 132 (2): 225-46
  • Imre Gráfik
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
Fish-garths in the Tisza-Maros confluence area 2021 Ethnographia 132 (2): 247-65
  • László Mód
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
A Hungarian alcohol: brandy and pálinka in historical-ethnographic sources 2021 Ethnographia 132 (2): 266-87
  • László Ferenc Novák
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
Hungarian ethnomycology in Udvarhelyszék 2021 Ethnographia 132 (2): 288-318
  • Zsigmond Győző
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
Barrel-making in Salánk: materials, tools, technologies and products 2021 Ethnographia 132 (2): 319-44
  • Barnabás Kész
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
En route: a report on the current situation of the relocation of the Museum of Ethnography in Budapest 2021 Ethnographia 132 (2): 345-72
  • Lajos Kemecsi
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
Ideas of obsession and practices against devils in the religious life of some eastern Hungarian communities 2021 Ethnographia 132 (3): 397-419
  • Eva Pócs
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
The last vision: a fairy seer in eastern Serbia 2021 Ethnographia 132 (3): 420-32
  • Mária Vivod
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
Why is the angel angry with man? Ethnographic notes on sin 2021 Ethnographia 132 (3): 433-64
  • Laura Iancu
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
On ("synagocical") Jewish proper names and their use (from Jewish folk customs) 2021 Ethnographia 132 (3): 465-75
  • János Oláh
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
The changing representation of interethnic relations in Háromszék/Trei Scaune 2021 Ethnographia 132 (3): 476-97
  • Ádam Biborka
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
Problems of staged folklore performances in relation to a western Macedonian Easter custom 2021 Ethnographia 132 (3): 499-512
  • Anna Mária Bolya
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
The use of postcards as a means of communication 2021 Ethnographia 132 (3): 513-34
  • Tivadar Petercsák
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
Continuation and initiative: the book series Folklore Fellows' Communications 2021 Ethnographia 132 (3): 535-9
  • Vilmos Voigt
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
In memoriam Marshall D. Sahlins 2021 Ethnographia 132 (3): 540-3
  • Csaba Mészáros
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
Cabbage gardens in the Carpathian basin from the early modern era to the 21st century 2021 Ethnographia 131 (1): 1-39
  • Zsigmond Csoma
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
Cross-beam joist in West-Central Hungary 2021 Ethnographia 131 (1): 40-75
  • László Lukács
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
The historical use of landscape of the settlement of Szernye marshland from the end of the 18th century until 1910 2021 Ethnographia 131 (1): 76-84
  • Sándor Frisnyák
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
The change of peasant labour during the First World War 2021 Ethnographia 131 (1): 85-105
  • Tamás Csíki
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
The role of pub in a rural community 2021 Ethnographia 131 (1): 106-30
  • Zsófia Pisztora
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
An interdisciplinary yoik database to the memory of György Szomjas-Schiffert 2021 Ethnographia 131 (1): 131-44
  • Ildikó Tamás
  • Péter Velősy
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
Ideas about spirit possession and anti-devil practices in the religious life of some eastern Hungarian communities 2021 Ethnographia 132 (4): 575-616
  • Éva Pócs
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
The establishment and operation of Greek Catholic altar societies reflected in the regulation of prayer-meetings 2021 Ethnographia 132 (4): 643-68
  • István Ivancsó
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
Orphans in south-western Hungary in the 19th century 2021 Ethnographia 132 (4): 669-87
  • Gábor Koloh
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
Data to the history of lacemaking in east-central Hungary 2021 Ethnographia 132 (4): 688-707
  • Lilla Erdei t.
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
The spatial dissemination and social embeddedness of bootmakers' craft in Hungary at the end of the 19th century 2021 Ethnographia 132 (4): 708-33
  • János Szulovszky
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
Humility and calling: Margit Tóth, the ethnomusicologist 2021 Ethnographia 132 (4): 746-60
  • Lujza Tari
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
Jung Károly (1944-2021) 2021 Ethnographia 132 (4): 761-3
  • Vilmos Voigt
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
Bodé Sándor (1943-2021) búcsúztatása 2021 Ethnographia 132 (4): 764-70
  • Lajos Kemecsi
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
The forms, practices and systems of biographic memory 2020 Ethnographia 131 (3): 379-436
  • Vilmos Keszeg
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
Religious small monuments of the Carpathian basin: approaches and history of research 2020 Ethnographia 131 (3): 437-64
  • József Liszka
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
The role of historic past in Finnish tourism and locality development project 2020 Ethnographia 131 (3): 465-85
  • Bertalan Pusztai
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
Ethnographic fieldwork in a community of alcoholics anonymous in Hungary 2020 Ethnographia 131 (3): 465-502
  • József Madácsy
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
"A European thinker taking responsibility for the whole world..." Sándor Bálint on folk culture and on the purpose of ethnography and folkloristics 2020 Ethnographia 131 (3): 503-13
  • Barna Gábor
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
Tobias' benediction torn apart: lay religious practice and historical ethnography 2020 Ethnographia 131 (3): 514-37
  • János Bednárik
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
"Pub of the church", or pubs owned by congregations in Transylvania 2020 Ethnographia 131 (4): 567-85
  • János Bárth
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
Cutting into the crop and making roped sheaves as a technique of crop harvesting in the Carpathian basin 2020 Ethnographia 131 (4): 596-604
  • Attila Selmeczi Kovács
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
Gentlement's way of hunting in Nagykunság 2020 Ethnographia 131 (4): 605-23
  • Sándor Oroszi
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
The oldest stringed instrument: the history and types of musical bow 2020 Ethnographia 131 (4): 624-51
  • Jószef Brauer-Benke
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
Cult of the ancestors of feudal tax? Tradition and politics in a Muslim community in a central Sulawesi province 2020 Ethnographia 131 (4): 652-72
  • Zoltán Szombathy
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
From catching a toe to touching a coffin (on some forgotten Jewish folk customs) 2020 Ethnographia 131 (4): 673-81
  • János Oláh
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
"Catch a toe" in nursery rhymes 2020 Ethnographia 131 (4): 682-3
  • Vilmos Voigt
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798