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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Feminise our forests: consultation on the World Commission on Forests and Sustainable Development 1997 Development in practice 7 (4): 415-20
  • Reema Nanavaty
Change and continuity: the challenge of transition 1997 Development in practice 7 (4): 500-4
  • Deborah Eade
Further reading 1997 Development in practice 7 (4): 510-15
  • Deborah compiler Eade
Land-use options for rural development 1997 Development in practice 7 (4): 420-4
  • Krishna B. Ghimire
The evaporation of gender policies in the patriarchal cooking pot 1997 Development in practice 7 (2): 148-56
  • Sara Hlupekile Longwe
Reconciliation in Zimbabwe: reality or illusion? 1997 Development in practice 7 (4): 487-9
  • Val Ingham-Thorpe
Sustainable development at the sharp end: field-worker agency in a participatory project 1997 Development in practice 7 (3): 237-47
  • Cecile Jakson
The nature and design of development organisations 1997 Development in practice 7 (3): 286-90
  • Samwel Johnatan
Participation in social forestry re-examined: a case study from Bangladesh 1997 Development in practice 7 (3): 260-6
  • Niaz Ahmed Khan
The global struggle for the right to a place to live 1997 Development in practice 7 (1): 5-16
  • Miloon Kothari
Critical reflections on rapid and participatory rural appraisal 1997 Development in practice 7 (3): 290-3
  • Robert Leurs
Guatemala: uncovering the past, recovering the future 1997 Development in practice 7 (4): 395-401
  • Elizabeth Lira
Rwanda: beyond [ethnic conflict] 1997 Development in practice 7 (4): 464-74, 538, 545, 552
  • Anne Mackintosh
Framing participation: development projects, professionals, and organisations 1997 Development in practice 7 (3): 229-36
  • David Craig
Sustainable peace-building in the south: experiences from Latin America 1997 Development in practice 7 (4): 438-55, 537, 544, 551
  • Jenny Pearce
South African NGOs and the trials of transition 1997 Development in practice 7 (2): 157-66
  • Edgar Pieterse
Development jargon as order words 1997 Development in practice 7 (3): 280-3
  • Jimmy Roth
Commercial sex and the single girl: women's empowerment through economic development in Thailand 1997 Development in practice 7 (4): 424-7
  • Rachel G. Sacks
Agricultural growth and 'trickle down' reconsidered: evidence fom rural India 1997 Development in practice 7 (3): 267-75
  • Shalendra D. Sharma
Reconstruction and reconciliation: emerging from transition 1997 Development in practice 7 (4): 475-8
  • Graeme Simpson
Relief agencies and moral standing in war: principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and solidarity 1997 Development in practice 7 (4): 342-52, 536, 542-3, 549-50
  • Hugo Slim
The humanitarian responsibilities of the United Nations Security Council: ensuring the security of the people 1997 Development in practice 7 (4): 353-62, 536, 543, 550
  • Juan Somavía
Non-neutral humanitarianism: NGOs and the Rwanda crisis 1997 Development in practice 7 (4): 384-94, 537, 544, 551
  • Andy Storey
Empowerment and survival: humanitarian work in civil conflict (2) 1997 Development in practice 7 (1): 50-8
  • Martha Thompson
Transition in El Salvador: a multi-layered process 1997 Development in practice 7 (4): 456-63, 538, 544-5, 551-2
  • Martha Thompson
Conflict, reconstruction, and reconciliation: reciprocal lessons for NGOs in southern Africa and central America 1997 Development in practice 7 (4): 505-9
  • Martha Thompson
Participatory development: an approach sensitive to class and gender 1997 Development in practice 7 (3): 248-59
  • Dan Connell
Tensions in the psychosocial discourse: implications for the planning of interventions with war-affected populations 1997 Development in practice 7 (4): 402-7
  • Alastair Ager
Physical, psychological, and political displacement in Angola and Mozambique 1997 Development in practice 7 (4): 490-3
  • Francisco Tunga Alberto
Food an poverty in the Americas: institutional and policy obstacles to efficiency in food aid 1997 Development in practice 7 (2): 117-29
  • Solon Barraclough
Community conflict, NGOs, and the power of religious symbols 1997 Development in practice 7 (1): 17-25
  • Joseph G. Bock
African rural labour and the World Bank: an alternative perspective 1997 Development in practice 7 (1): 26-38
  • Deborah Fahy Bryceson
  • John Howe
For better? For worse? Humanitarian aid in conflict 1997 Development in practice 7 (4): 363-74, 536-7, 543, 550
  • David Bryer
Child soldiers: the experience of the Mozambican Association for Public Health (AMOSAPU) 1997 Development in practice 7 (4): 494-6
  • Viriato Castelo-Branco
Reconciliation: the role of truth commissions and alternative ways of healing 1997 Development in practice 7 (4): 483-6
  • Noel Muchenga Chicuecue
Collective memory and the process of reconciliation and reconstruction 1997 Development in practice 7 (4): 479-82
  • Wiseman Chirwa
Dismantling former Yugoslavia, recolonising Bosnia 1997 Development in practice 7 (4): 375-83, 537, 544, 550-1
  • Michel Chossudovsky
New communication technologies in tropical African development 1996 Development in practice 6 (3): 228-39
  • Jerry Komia Domatob
  • John M. Butler
  • William A. Ausmus
NGOs, the poor, and local government 1996 Development in practice 6 (3): 244-9
  • Christopher Collier
Development practice and development studies: working together 1996 Development in practice 6 (1): 67-9
  • Michael Edwards
Institutional development in practice: a case-study from the Tibetan refugee community 1996 Development in practice 6 (3): 217-27
  • Thomas Fisher
  • Tsering Topgyal
  • Vijay Mahajan
Brazilian NGOs: from grassroots to national civic leadership 1996 Development in practice 6 (3): 250-4
  • John W. II Garrison
Gender studies and gender training in Africa 1996 Development in practice 6 (1): 50-4
  • Deborah Hope Kasente
Women targeted and women negated: an aspect of the environmental movement in Bangladesh 1996 Development in practice 6 (2): 113-20
  • Manzurul Mannan
Gender and development: a SAFE recipe 1996 Development in practice 6 (2): 140-3
  • Suzette Mitchell
Structural adjustment, land reform, and disenfranchisement in Uganda 1996 Development in practice 6 (4): 347-51
  • Warren Nyamugasira
Eviction and homelessness: the impact on African children 1996 Development in practice 6 (4): 340-7
  • Lynette Ochola
Development without a peasantry: a forgotten aspect of the land issue in South Africa 1996 Development in practice 6 (2): 129-39
  • Marina Ottaway
Empowerment and survival: humanitarian work in civil conflict, 1 1996 Development in practice 6 (4): 324-33
  • Martha Thompson
Depoliticising development: the uses and abuses of participation 1996 Development in practice 6 (1): 6-15
  • Sarah C. White