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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
The phenetic distances of Jordanian Arabs from other human populations suggest a major genetic drift from the Caucasoid race 2011 Dental anthropology 24 (1): 26-33
  • Ameen Khraisat
  • Firas Alsoleihat
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Prevalence of short dental roots in four ethnic groups in an orthodontic population 2011 Dental anthropology 24 (1): 11-15
  • Bradfors Johnson
  • Carla Evans
  • Ellen BeGole
  • Kathryn Edgcomb
  • Xianghong Luan
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
A geometric morphometric analysis of the crown form of the maxillary central incisor in humans 2011 Dental anthropology 24 (1): 1-10
  • Akiko Kato
  • Ayamoto Isomura
  • Makiko Kouchi
  • Masaaki Mochimaru
  • Norikazu Ohno
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Patterns of hypodontia among third molars in contemporary American adolescents 2009 Dental anthropology 22 (1): 8-17
  • Edward F. Harris
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Obituary: Shelley Rae Saunders (1950-2008) 2009 Dental anthropology 22 (2): 57-61
  • Charles FitzGerald
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Case report: patent mandibular symphysis with congenital absence and ankyloglossia 2009 Dental anthropology 22 (2): 52-6
  • Ann S. Smith
  • Edward F. Harris
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Supernumerary teeth from two Mesoamerican archaeological contexts 2009 Dental anthropology 22 (2): 39-46
  • William N. Duncan
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Discriminatory effectiveness of crown indexes - tests between American Blacks and Whites 2009 Dental anthropology 22 (3): 85-92
  • Candice L. Foster
  • Edward F. Harris
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Strong genetic influence on hypocone expression of permanent maxillary molars in South Australian twins 2009 Dental anthropology 22 (1): 1-7
  • Denice Higgins
  • Grant C. Townsend
  • Helen James
  • Toby E. Hughes
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Joined supernumerary mandibular teeth in the premolar region: report of a Hungarian archeological case 2009 Dental anthropology 22 (1): 18-21
  • E. Molnár
  • G. S. Kocsis
  • Gy. Szabó
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Commentary: sumernumerary teeth 2009 Dental anthropology 22 (1): 21-9
  • Edward F. Harris
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Frequency and variation of three-rooted lower first permanent molars in precontact Easter Islanders and in pre-conquest Peruvians 2009 Dental anthropology 22 (2): 33-8
  • Andrea G. Drusini
  • Daris R. Swindler
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Stigmata of congenital syphilis on a high status juvenile at Yoguë, Oaxaca, Mexico 2009 Dental anthropology 22 (3): 73-84
  • Anamay Melmed
  • Arion T. Mayes
  • Sarah Barber
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
A promising mandibular molar trait in ancient populations of Ireland 2009 Dental anthropology 22 (3): 65-72
  • Jaimin D. Weets
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Professor Ebba During (1937-2007) 2008 Dental anthropology 21 (1): 26
  • Osteoarchaeological Research Laboratory Stockholm University
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Quantification of dental occlusal variation: a review of methods 2008 Dental anthropology 21 (1): 1-11
  • Edward F. Harris
  • Robert S. Corruccini
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
For whom the coin tolls: green stained teeth and jaws in medieval and post-medieval Spanish burials 2008 Dental anthropology 21 (1): 12-17
  • G. Richard Scott
  • Kimberly A. Hopkinson
  • Sarah M. Yeats
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
The biology of Natfa people: bones and teeth 2008 Dental anthropology 21 (1): 18-20
  • Abdulla Al-Shorman
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Daris R. Swindler (1925-2007) 2008 Dental anthropology 21 (1): 21-5
  • Christopher Dean
  • Thomas Koppe
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Deciduous dental morphological diversity in contemporary Colombian ethnic groups 2008 Dental anthropology 21 (2-3): 33-45
  • Miguel Eduardo Delgado-Burbano
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Morphology of root and C-shape canal in Prehispanic and modern Maya groups from northern Yucatan 2008 Dental anthropology 21 (2-3): 46-9
  • Andrea Cucina
  • Elma Vega Lizama
  • G. Alvarado Cárdenas
  • Marco Ramírez
  • Vera Tiesler
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Dental nonmetric traits in a pre-conquest sample from Chubut region of Patagonia, Argentina 2008 Dental anthropology 21 (2-3): 50-3
  • David Rodríguez-Flórez
  • Gabriel A. Bollini
  • Sonia E. Colantonio
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Congenital absence of permanent canines: report of two cases 2008 Dental anthropology 21 (2-3): 54-9
  • Ann S. Smith
  • Edward F. Harris
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
The relationship between crown size and complexity in two collections 2007 Dental anthropology 20 (2-3): 29-32
  • Bridgett A. Williams
  • Robert S. Corruccini
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Asymmetrical eruption of permanent teeth in Australian Aborigines 2007 Dental anthropology 20 (2-3): 33-41
  • G. C. Townsend
  • J. R. Robers
  • P. Sobhi
  • S. Mihailidis
  • T. E. Hughes
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Short communication: dental trait variation and age determination based on dental wear: a preliminary study of Javanese 2007 Dental anthropology 20 (2-3): 42-4
  • Myrtati D. Artaria
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Obituary: Melvin L. Moss (1923-2006) 2007 Dental anthropology 20 (2-3): 45-55
  • Edward F. Harris
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Unilateral fusion of two primary mandibular teeth: report of a Portuguese archaeological case 2007 Dental anthropology 20 (1): 16-18
  • Ana Leonor Silva
  • Ana Maria Silva
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Bilateral asymmetry of upper permanent dentition in six archaeological pre-conquest samples from Colombia, South America 2007 Dental anthropology 20 (1): 19-23
  • Carlos David Rodríguez Flórez
  • Sonia E. Colantonio
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Approximal attrition and permanent tooth crown size in a Romano-British population 2006 Dental anthropology 16 (1): 23-8
  • A.H. Brook
  • C. Underhill
  • L. K. Foo
  • M. Hector
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Torus mandibularis: etiology and bioarchaeological utility 2006 Dental anthropology 16 (1): 1-14
  • Brenna Hassett
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Dental pathology, wear, and diet in a hunting and gathering forest-dwelling group: the Batak people of Palawan Island, the Philippines 2006 Dental anthropology 16 (1): 15-22
  • Christy G. Turner II
  • James F. Eder
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Inheritance of bilateral fusion of the lower central and lateral incisors: a pedigree of a Maya family from Yucatan, Mexico 2006 Dental anthropology 16 (1): 29-34
  • Francisco D. Gurri
  • Gilberto Balam
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Regional differences of dental microwear on the occlusal surface of an M2 from neolithic Japan: a case study 2005 Dental anthropology 18 (2): 61-4
  • Teruyuki Hojo
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Kazuro Hanihara (1927-2004) 2005 Dental anthropology 18 (2): 65-6
  • C. Loring Brace
  • Noiriko Seguchi
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Dental indications of Polynesian affinity for prehistoric Rotuma islanders, South Pacific 2005 Dental anthropology 18 (2): 55-60
  • Christy G. Turner II
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Posterior tooth morphology and lower incisor crowding 2005 Dental anthropology 18 (2): 37-42
  • Alan H. Brook
  • Anwar A. Shah
  • Claire Elcock
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
A study of cusp base areas in the maxillary permanent molars of American whites 2005 Dental anthropology 18 (1): 22-9
  • Dustin P. Dinh
  • Edward F. Harris
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Dental health decline in the Chesapeake Bay, Virginia: the role of European contact and multiple stressors 2005 Dental anthropology 18 (1): 12-21
  • Sally M. Graver
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
An investigation of ultrasound methods for the assessment of sex and age from intact human teeth 2005 Dental anthropology 18 (1): 2-11
  • Robin N. M. Feeney
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Tooth shape deviations of mandibular premolars 2004 Dental anthropology 17 (2): 63-4
  • Sheldon Peck
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Provenance of African-born individuals from the colonial cemetery of Campeche (Mexico) by means of trace element analysis 2004 Dental anthropology 17 (3): 65-69
  • Andrea Cucina
  • Hector Neff
  • Vera Tiesler
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Dentitions, distance, and difficulty: a comparison of two statistical techniques for dental morphological data 2004 Dental anthropology 17 (2): 55-62
  • Heather Joy Hecht Edgar
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
A system for the acquisition and analysis of three-dimensional data describing dental morphology 2004 Dental anthropology 17 (3): 70-4
  • Grant C. Townsend
  • John A. Kaidonis
  • Lindsay C. Richards
  • Pingzhou Liu
  • Sarbin Ranjitkar
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Maxillary second premolars with paramolar tubercles 2004 Dental anthropology 17 (3): 75-8
  • Edward F. Harris
  • Robert A. Turner
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Occlusal morphology of the mandibular first and second premolars in Iranian adolescents 2004 Dental anthropology 17 (3): 94-6
  • Fatemeh Hajian
  • Robert A. Mosharraf
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Dental reduction and diet in the prehistoric Ohio river valley 2004 Dental anthropology 17 (2): 34-44
  • Molly K. Hill
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Food and the State: bioarchaeological investigations of diet in the Moche valley of Perú 2004 Dental anthropology 17 (2): 45-54
  • Celeste Marie Gagnon
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
An artificial human tooth from the neolithic cemetery at Gebel Ramlah, Egypt 2004 Dental anthropology 17 (1): 28-31
  • Jacek Kabaciski
  • Joel D. Irish
  • Michael Kobusiewicz
  • Przemyslaw Bobrowski
  • Romuald Schild
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411
Elongated mandibular premolar: a new morphological variant 2004 Dental anthropology 17 (1): 24-7
  • Heather J. H. Edgar
  • Paul W. Sciull
H1/HCCT [DENTAL-] 1096-9411