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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Craftmanship amidst change in southern Nias 1997 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 11 (): 119-44
  • Yoshiko Yamamoto
Change, development and indigenous peoples 1997 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 11 (): 1-11
  • Tan Chee-Beng
Working for money among the Orang Asli in Kedah, Malaysia 1997 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 11 (): 13-31
  • Shuichi Nagata
The Ibans of Sarawak: the nature of their peripherality and its political and economic consequences 1997 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 11 (): 33-59
  • Jayum A. Jawan
  • Victor T. King
Culture and mental health: an illustration from three Malayo-Polynesian groups in Taiwan 1997 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 11 (): 101-17
  • Hsu Mutsu
The ecological and social consequences of conversion to Christianity among the Rungus of Sabah, Malaysia 1997 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 11 (): 61-99
  • G. N. Appell
Religion, politics and change at Makatian, Yamdena, eastern Indonesia: a preliminary investigation 1997 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 11 (): 145-68
  • Harald Beyer Broch
Cuddling the rice: myth and ritual in the agricultural year of the Rembong of northern Manggarai, Indonesia 1994 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 10 (): 151-83
  • M Erb
The rice scattering ritual in Austronesia: instances from the Nage of central Flores (eastern Indonesia) 1994 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 10 (): 185-213
  • G L Forth
The traditional rice culture of the Lahu (including Kucong) of southwest China 1994 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 10 (): 37-62
  • Huihao Liu
The one-sided one: Iban rice myths, agricultural ritual and notions of ancestry 1994 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 10 (): 119-50
  • C A Sather
Rice legends in mainland southeast Asia: history and ethnography in the study of myths of origin 1994 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 10 (): 5-36
  • B J Terwiel
"Ca Suh Aw_ Ca Ve"; eating the new rice among the Lahu Nyi (Red Lahu) in north Thailand 1994 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 10 (): 63-90
  • A R Walker
Traditional rituals of the rice cultivating cycle among selected ethnic minority peoples of Yunnan province, southwest China [transl from the Chinese original] 1994 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 10 (): 91-117
  • A R Walker ed
  • Kun Shi transl
  • Yuxiang Yang
Agama Buddha Maitreya: a modern Buddhist sect in Indonesia 1990 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 9 (): 113-24
  • Iem Brown
Religious syncretism among the Chinese in the Philippines 1990 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 9 (): 53-65
  • Bon J Go
  • T Ang
Pavilioned in splendour: interregional and intrasectarian dynamics in a Singaporean planchette society 1990 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 9 (): 125-41
  • RichardF Young
Death rituals and ideas of pollution among Chinese in Singapore 1990 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 9 (): 91-112
  • Chee Kiong Tong
Chinese religion and local Chinese communities in Malaysia 1990 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 9 (): 5-27
  • Chee Beng Tan
The cult of Mazu in peninsular Malaysia 1990 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 9 (): 29-51
  • Khin Wah Soo
Chinese clan associations and religious activities in Penang 1990 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 9 (): 67-89
  • Wei Nee Soh
Child diviners: religious knowledge and power among the Chinese in Singapore 1989 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography (): 71-86
  • Chee Kiong Tong
Locating religious specialists in Singapore's Hindu nexuses 1989 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography (): 87-109
  • Vineeta Sinha
Shamans and seminarians: Ngaju Dayak ritual specialists and religious change in central Kalimantan 1989 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography (): 5-24
  • Anne L Schiller
Parallel worlds: healers and witches in a Balinese village 1989 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography (): 25-42
  • Abby Ruddick
Creating the experience of a sacred elite: an examination of the concept of 'shiji' in southern Ryukyuan religion 1989 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography (): 111-25
  • Yoshinobu Ota
Versions of eternal truth: 'ulama' and religious dissenters in Kedah Malay society 1989 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography (): 43-69
  • Sharifah Zaleha Syed S Hassan
'Hxak Hmub': an introduction to an antiphonal myth cycle of Miao in southeast Guizhou 1988 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography (): 95-128
  • Mark Bender
Lisu world view 1988 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography (): 27-49
  • Alain Y Dessaint
The spirit of laws: a first presentation of data on the 'customary laws' of the Indochinese Jörai people 1988 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography (): 7-25
  • Jacques Dournes
Apes and dugongs: common mythological themes in diverse southeast Asian communities 1988 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography (): 189-229
  • Gregory L Forth
A collection of research papers on the Tai Lue of Chiang Kham, northern Thailand 1988 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography (): 231-9
  • Ngampit Jagacinski
The Garo of Bangladesh: religion, ritual and world view 1988 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography (): 129-56
  • Kibriaul Khaleque
"Meri' anak mandi'": the ritual first bathing of infants among the Iban 1988 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography (): 157-87
  • Clifford A Sather
Exorcising the 'jaw' and 'meh ' spirits: three Lahu Nyi (Red Lahu) ritual texts from north Thailand 1988 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography (): 51-94
  • Anthony R Walker
Way of life 1986 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 20 (): 135-48
  • Richard H Davis
Islam and Muslim society in south Asia: a reply to Das and Minault ['For a folk-theology and theological anthropology of Islam' by V. Das in Contrib Indian Sociol 1984 NS (18:2) 293-3OO and 'Some reflections on Islamic revivalism vs. assimilation among Muslims in India' by G. Minault in Contrib Indian Sociol 1984 NS (18:2) 3Ol-5] 1986 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 20 (): 97-104
  • Francis Robinson
The king's order 1986 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 20 (): 1-13
  • J C Heesterman
Open space and free time: pleasure for the people of Banaras 1986 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 20 (): 41-60
  • Nita Kumar
Caste in Islam and the problem of deviant systems: a critique of recent theory 1986 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 20 (): 61-73
  • Charles Lindholm
Self-legitimacy of Indian higher education: a comment 1986 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 20 (): 105-16
  • Mahendra K Premi
Introversion and isogamy: marriage patterns of the Newars of Nepal 1986 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 20 (): 75-95
  • Declan Quigley
Brahmin, king, sannyasi, and the goddess in a cage: reflections on the 'conceptual order of Hinduism' at a Tamil Saiva temple 1986 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 20 (): 15-39
  • Glenn E Yocum
Brahmin, king, sannyasi, and the goddess in a cage: reflections on the 'conceptual order of Hinduism' at a Tamil Saiva temple 1986 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 20 (): 15-39
  • Glenn Yocum
Towards a sociological understanding of ancient India 1986 Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography 20 (): 117-33
  • A M Shah
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