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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Canadian prairies archaeology, 1857-1886: exploration and self-development 2009 Canadian journal of archaeology 33 (1): 1-39
  • Ian Dyck
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Debitage sample size and its implications for understanding lithic assemblage variability 2009 Canadian journal of archaeology 33 (1): 40-64
  • Brooke Milne
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Iroquoian pottery at Lake Abitibi: a case study of the relationship between Hurons and Algonkians on the Canadian Shield 2009 Canadian journal of archaeology 33 (1): 65-91
  • François Guindon
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Geoarchaeological investigations at two intermediate Indian sites near Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador: implications for Late Holocene paleoshoreline reconstruction and settlement patterning in Western Hamilton Inlet 2009 Canadian journal of archaeology 33 (1): 92-114
  • Richard L. Josephs
  • Scott W. Neilsen
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Canadian prairies archaeology, 1886-1915: reliance on external interest and expertise 2009 Canadian journal of archaeology 33 (2): 179-204
  • Ian Dyck
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Boardwalk, Northern Northwest Coast, Canada—a new face to an old site 2009 Canadian journal of archaeology 33 (2): 205-33
  • Frances L. Stewart
  • Gary Coupland
  • Kathlyn M. Stewart
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Sea-levels and archaeology in the Gulf Island National Park Reserve 2009 Canadian journal of archaeology 33 (2): 234-53
  • Daryl W. Fedje
  • Ian D. Sumpter
  • John R. Southon
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Assessing sea level changes in the southern Gulf islands of British Columbia using archaeological data from coastal spit locations 2009 Canadian journal of archaeology 33 (2): 254-80
  • Colin Grier
  • Eric McLay
  • Kelly Derr
  • Patrick Dolan
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
The rise and fall of complex large villages of British Columbian plateau: a geoarchaeological controversy 2009 Canadian journal of archaeology 33 (2): 281-96
  • Brian Hayden
  • Rolf Mathewes
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Presentism? Balderash! 2008 Canadian journal of archaeology 32 (2): 186-93
  • Jane H. Kelley
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Rethinking the archaeological approach to Iroquoian kinship 2008 Canadian journal of archaeology 32 (2): 194-213
  • Jennifer Birch
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Exploring variability in maritime resource use on the Northwest Coast: a case study from Barkley Sound, western Vancouver island 2008 Canadian journal of archaeology 32 (2): 214-38
  • Alan D. McMillan
  • Denis E. St. Claire
  • Iain McKechnie
  • S. Gay Frederick
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
The palaeoindian bison assemblage from Charlie Lake Cave, British Columbia 2008 Canadian journal of archaeology 32 (2): 239-57
  • Claudine Vallières
  • Jonathan C. Driver
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
A non-finite radiocarbon date on charcoal at the 'Dorset' palaeo-Eskimo site of Cape Ray Lilght (CjBt -1), Newfoundland, Canada, with remarks on acceptable ages, material sources, and environment 2008 Canadian journal of archaeology 32 (2): 258-63
  • Ian A. Brookes
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
More than meets the eye: reconsidering variability in Iroquoian ceramics 2007 Canadian journal of archaeology 31 (2): 143-70
  • Kostalena Michelaki
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Enculturing an unknown world: caches and Clovis landscape ideology 2007 Canadian journal of archaeology 31 (2): 171-89
  • Jason D. Gillespie
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Coast Salish interaction: a view from the inlets 2007 Canadian journal of archaeology 31 (2): 190-223
  • Dana Lepofsky
  • Jesse Morin
  • Teresa Trost
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Pre-Dorset technological organization and land use on southwestern Hudson Bay 2007 Canadian journal of archaeology 31 (2): 224-53
  • Jacob M. Anderson
  • Lisa M. Hodgetts
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Introduction to Building a contexual milieu: interdisciplinary modeling and theoretical perspectives from the SCAPE Project 2007 Canadian journal of archaeology 31 (3): 1-9
  • B.A. Nicholson
  • Dion Wiseman
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Building the contexual milieu: an approach to data collection and interpretation 2007 Canadian journal of archaeology 31 (3): 10-47
  • B.A. Nicholson
  • Garry Running
  • Matthew Boyd
  • Scott Hamilton
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
A practical guide to planning and conducting an interdisciplinary archaeological research project: lessons learned from SCAPE 2007 Canadian journal of archaeology 31 (3): 48-64
  • B.A. Nicholson
  • Dion Wisesman
  • Garry L. Running IV
  • Matthew Boyd
  • Sylvia Nicholson
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
The new ecology and landscape archaeology: incorporating the anthropogenic factor in models of settlement systems in the Canadian praire ecozone 2007 Canadian journal of archaeology 31 (3): 65-92
  • D. Joy Oetelaar
  • Gerald A. Oetelaar
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Archaeological site distributions and contents: modeling the late precontact Blackduck land use in the northeastern plains 2007 Canadian journal of archaeology 31 (3): 93-136
  • B.A. Nicholson
  • James Graham
  • Scott Hamilton
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
The middleman fur trade and slot knives: selective integration of European technology at the Mortlach Twin Fawns site (DiMe-23) 2007 Canadian journal of archaeology 31 (3): 137-62
  • B.A. Nicholson
  • Scott Hamilton
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
"Through the woods whare thare ware now track ways": Kelsey, Henday and trails in east central Saskatchewan 2007 Canadian journal of archaeology 31 (3): 163-97
  • Dale Russell
  • David Meyer
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Paleoindian geoarchaeology of the Assiniboine delta of glacial Lake Agassiz 2007 Canadian journal of archaeology 31 (3): 198-221
  • Matthew Boyd
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Geoarchaeological contributions to SCAPE research in the glacial Lake Hind Basin, southwestern Manitoba 2007 Canadian journal of archaeology 31 (3): 222-50
  • Dion Wiseman
  • Garry Running IV
  • Karen Havholm
  • Matthew Boyd
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Quantifying landscape diversity and uniqueness in the prairie ecozone 2007 Canadian journal of archaeology 31 (3): 251-70
  • Dion Wiseman
  • James Graham
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
The Frog Pond site (AhGx-359): the identification of a 17th-century Neutral Iroquoian medicine lodge in southern Ontario 2006 Canadian journal of archaeology 30 (1): 1-39
  • Jeffrey A. Bursey
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Ceramic vessels of the Wendat confederacy: indicators of tribal affiliation or mobile clans? 2006 Canadian journal of archaeology 30 (1): 40-72
  • Joyce M. Wright
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Evidence for short-term resource procurement events at the Spillsbury Bay site, Rice Lake, Ontario 2006 Canadian journal of archaeology 30 (1): 73-100
  • Jenneth E. Curtis
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
On historical relativity in archaeology 2006 Canadian journal of archaeology 30 (2): iii-v
  • George P. Nicholas
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Methodological issues in the use of Tsimshian oral traditions (Adawx) in archaeology 2006 Canadian journal of archaeology 30 (2): 158-92
  • Andrew Martindale
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Indigenous historic archaeology of the 19th-century Secwepemec village at Thompson's River Post, Kamloops, British Columbia 2006 Canadian journal of archaeology 30 (2): 193-250
  • Catherine C. Carlson
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Gender, grave goods and status in British Columbia burials 2006 Canadian journal of archaeology 30 (2): 251-71
  • Meghan Burchell
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
The fauna from Ma'acoah (DfSi-5), Vancouver Island, British Columbia: an interpretive summary 2006 Canadian journal of archaeology 30 (2): 272-301
  • Gregory G. Monks
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Editor's notes: on mtDNA and archaeological ethics 2005 Canadian journal of archaeology 29 (1): iii-vi
  • George P. Nicholas
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Understanding 'Clovis' fluted point variability in the northeast: a perspective from the Debert site, Nova Scotia 2005 Canadian journal of archaeology 29 (1): vi
  • Christopher Ellis
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Causes of toolkit variation among hunter-gatherers: a test of four competing hypotheses 2005 Canadian journal of archaeology 29 (1): 1-19
  • Mark Collard
  • Michael Kemery
  • Samantha Banks
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
An alternate model for First Nations involvement in resource management archaeology 2005 Canadian journal of archaeology 29 (1): 20-45
  • Rick Budhwa
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Form and function of projectile points and the trajectory of Newfoundland prehistory 2005 Canadian journal of archaeology 29 (1): 46-67
  • Donald H. Holly jr
  • John C. Erwin
  • Stephen H. Hull
  • Timothy L. Rast
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Fish weirs, salmon productivity, and village settlement in an upper Skeena River tributary, British Columbia 2005 Canadian journal of archaeology 29 (1): 68-87
  • Paul Prince
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Multidimensional scaling of Northwest Coast faunal assemblages: a case study from southern Haida Gwaii, British Columbia 2005 Canadian journal of archaeology 29 (1): 88-112
  • Terence Clark
  • Trevor J. Orchard
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
An arrow from the Tsitsutl Glacier, British Columbia 2005 Canadian journal of archaeology 29 (1): 113-23
  • Erle Nelson
  • Grant Keddie
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
On 'reality archaeology' 2005 Canadian journal of archaeology 29 (2): iii-vi
  • George P. Nicholas
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Sur les approches à la complexité sociale chez les chasseurs-cueilleurs préhistoriques: particularisme, généralisme et méthode comparative 2005 Canadian journal of archaeology 29 (2): 153-64
  • Andre Costopoulos
  • Samuel Vanneckhout
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Explaining Vinette I pottery variability: the view from the Batiscan site, Québec 2005 Canadian journal of archaeology 29 (2): 165-233
  • Karine Taché
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
An analysis of two late archaic burials from Manitoba: the Eriksdale site (EfL1-1) 2005 Canadian journal of archaeology 29 (2): 234-66
  • Gregory Monks
  • Kevin Brownlee
  • Laura Allingham
  • Linda Larcombe
  • Robert D. Hoppa
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Holocene shoreline occupations and water-level changes at Lac Mégantic, Québec 2005 Canadian journal of archaeology 29 (2): 267-88
  • Brad Loewen
  • Claude Chapdelaine
  • Richard J.H.
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Old cuts and scrapes: composite chipped stone knives on the Canadian Plateau 2004 Canadian journal of archaeology 28 (1): 1-31
  • Mike K. Rousseau
*H6/KE 'CANADIAN-' 0705-2006