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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Use of human biometrics and growth study in forensic sciences 2013 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 31 (1/2): 13-17
  • Laurent Martrille
  • Loïc Lalys
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Age estimation by analysis of carbon 14 in dental enamel 2013 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 31 (1/2): 19-25
  • Didier Riviere
  • Florence Derache
  • Mathieu Gunepin
  • Xavier Holy
  • Yves Schuliar
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Feeding practices of young children in Cote D'Ivoire: the introduction of foods for infants in family nutrition 2013 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 31 (1/2): 27-35
  • J.B. Beugre
  • K. Dhaha
  • K. Kouassi
  • K. Sonan
  • M. Gbane
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Longitudinal study of body mass index growth at teenagers according to the chronological age and the biological maturation 2013 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 31 (1/2): 37-43
  • Jean-Claude Pineau
  • Loïc Lalys
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
The influence of the physical activity practice and body fat on the global and physical self esteem at persons with motor handicap 2013 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 31 (1/2): 45-9
  • Hosni Bouslimi
  • Iteb Magouri
  • Jaoued Bouslimi
  • Jean-Claude Piuneau
  • Zouhaier Farhani
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Attitudes of students in sport with regard to the mixed physical activity: comparison between French and Syrian 2013 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 31 (1/2): 51-8
  • Jaoued Bouslimi
  • Jean-Claude Piuneau
  • Madi A.
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Historical and archaeological study on Louis XI's teeth 2013 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 31 (1/2): 59-66
  • X. Riaud
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Correlational and comparative study of five methods for predicting adult height among volleyball female players aged from 10 to 12 years 2013 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 31 (3/4): 69-75
  • M. Abdelmalek
  • N. Mimouni
  • S. Chabni
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Overweight and eating behavior [of] Moroccan school adolescents (Marrakech, Morocco) 2013 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 31 (3/4): 77-82
  • Abdellatif Baali
  • Amal Laassakri
  • Françoise Roville-Sausse
  • Hakima Amor
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Body satisfaction and gender: study of a group of Moroccan adults of the city of Marrakech (Morocco) 2013 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 31 (3/4): 83-9
  • Abdellatif Baali
  • Françoise Roville-Sausse
  • Hakima Amor
  • Samira Omghar
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Anthropological and medical aspects of the campaigns for a healthy dietary among young people and teenagers 2013 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 31 (3/4): 91-8
  • Adina Baciu
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Comparative study of biometric parameters of pregnant women and their newborns during urban demographic transition 2013 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 31 (3/4): 99-105
  • Jerome Kouakou Kouadio
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Changes in physical activity, nutrition, functional capacity and adiposity 2013 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 31 (3/4): 107-11
  • J. PaÅ™ízková
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Relationship of the body mass index with underweight or overweight in French-20-year-old boys 2013 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 31 (3/4): 113-18
  • Jean-Claude Pineau
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Social representations of human body promoted by anti-smoking campaigns 2013 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 31 (3/4): 119-22
  • Gabriel Stoiciu
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Discussion surrounding the identification of Henry IV's alleged skull 2013 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 31 (3/4): 119-22
  • X. Riaud
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Immature individuals' age estimation by radiological biometry of hand bones 2013 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 31 (3/4): 133-7
  • L. Lalys
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Vocal tract growth from fetus to adulthood: a longitudinal study 2012 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 30 (1-2): 11-22
  • Guillaume Barbier
  • Guillaume Captier
  • Louis-Jean Boë
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
La perception du visage en developpement 2012 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 30 (1-2): 23-8
  • Anne Hillaret de Boisferon
  • David Meary
  • Eve Dupierrix
  • Olivier Pascalis
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Etude de la croissance longitudinale des mesures de la tete chez des adolescents en fonction de l'age chronologique et de la maturation biologique 2012 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 30 (1-2): 29-36
  • Jean-Claude Pineau
  • Loïc Lalys
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
The problem of the definition of 3D features for the morphometric analysis in physical anthropology 2012 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 30 (1-2): 37-45
  • Gerard Subsol
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
La mandibule humaine dans la biologie du developpement normal et pathologique 2012 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 30 (1-2): 47-65
  • Roland Benoît
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Characterisation of speech production mechanisms: a single-speaker and multi-setup biometric and modelling approach 2012 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 30 (1-2): 67-77
  • Christophe Savariaux
  • Frederic Elisei
  • Gerard Bailly
  • Louis-Jean Boë
  • Pierre Badin
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Fat mass estimation by ultrasound compared with dexa absorptiometry: incidence of the reference devices hologic QDR 4500W and discovery A on estimation 2012 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 30 (3-4): 79-86
  • J.P. Pineau
  • L. Lalys
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Place and residence and anthropometry of mothers during a military and political crisis internal: the example of Côte d'Ivoire 2012 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 30 (3-4): 87-94
  • Jean-Bertin Beugre
  • Jérôme Kouakou Kouadio
  • Konan Djaha
  • N'Guesse Kakou Sonan
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
In vitro characterization of the anterior to posterior curvature of the superior articular facets of the Atlas as function of age 2012 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 30 (3-4): 95-9
  • Erik Cattrysse
  • Jesse M. Zrull
  • Pierre-Michel Dugailly
  • Richard C. Hallgren
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Geographical origin and obesity: study of a group of women from the city of Smara (Sahara, Morocco) 2012 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 30 (3-4): 101-8
  • Abdellatif Baali
  • Françoise Roville-Sausse
  • Hakima Amor
  • Souad Rahim
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
BMI and factors associated with the teenager's sedentarity of the city of Marrakech (Morocco) 2012 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 30 (3-4): 109-17
  • Kamal Kaoutar
  • Mohamed Kamal Hilali
  • Mohamed Loukid
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Food behavior of young adults Senegalese residents in Morocco 2012 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 30 (3-4): 119-25
  • Amor Hakima
  • Baali Abdellatif
  • Lassakri Amal
  • Ouirari Jalal
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Appraise of a work of art by similarity biometrics: case report by the direct method and the cranio-caudal lines method 2012 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 30 (3-4): 127-37
  • Brice Poreau
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Development of morphological and motor characteristics during preschool age 2011 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 29 (1-2): 1-6
  • Hana Dvorakova
  • Jana Parizkova
  • Vera Baboulkova
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
The incidence of the gender and the degree of obesity on the physical capacity at a population of Tunisian teenagers 2011 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 29 (1-2): 7-14
  • Iteb Magouri
  • Jaoued Bouslimi
  • Jean-Claude Pineau
  • Zouhaier Farhani
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Taste sensitivity according to the sex, the age and the weight status in children and adolescents of Bucharest 2011 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 29 (1-2): 15-23
  • Cristina Glavce
  • Dana Tanasescu
  • Françoise Roville-Sausse
  • Marie-Odile Monneuse
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Speciation, evolution and climatic changes in fossil hominin 2011 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 29 (1-2): 25-43
  • Tony Chevalier
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Factorial analysis of the components of metabolic syndrome in an obese subjects lot 2011 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 29 (1-2): 45-54
  • Nicoleta Milici
  • Richard Daivd-Rus
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Femoral condyle size and bipedal locomotor pattern in four cercopithecidae genera of the Ivoirian biotope: variability and functional interpretation 2011 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 29 (1-2): 55-63
  • Jean-Bertin Beugre
  • Kakou N. Sonan
  • Konan Djaha
  • Patrice Doue
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Anthropometry thermographic concentration of Co2 in advanced athletes 2011 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 29 (1-2): 65-70
  • I. Al Shunaifi
  • J. Bouslimi
  • J. C. Pineau
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Direct relationship of body mass index and waist circumference with tissue mass distribution: a cadaver study 2011 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 29 (1-2): 71-87
  • Aldo Scafoglieri
  • Bruno Sesboüé
  • Ivan Bautmans
  • Jonathan Tresignie
  • Steven Provyn
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Human fossils (125-200 KY), of the cave of Coupe-Gorge - Montmaurin (Haute-Garonne - France), new interpretation, speech emergence 2011 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 29 (3-4): 89-105
  • Evelyne Peyre
  • Jean Granat
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Volumetric valuation processes of bony zygomatic region 2011 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 29 (3-4): 107-18
  • R. Fenart
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Study of the vertical jump and its relationship with anthropometric parameters of young Algerian basketball players 2011 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 29 (3-4): 119-24
  • M.L. Krideche
  • N. Mimouni
  • S. Mimouni
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Identification and birth weight estimation of smalll and large fetuses from ultrasound data 2011 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 29 (3-4): 125-32
  • J.C. Pineau
  • L. Lalys
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
New gender-specific equations for lean tissue distribution in physically active adults 2011 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 29 (3-4): 133-44
  • Aldo Scafoglieri
  • Bruno Sesboüe
  • Jonathan Tresignie
  • Michael Marfell-Jones
  • Steven Provyn
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
The nutritional transition process in children and adolescents from Bucharest 2011 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 29 (3-4): 145-54
  • Cristiana Glavce
  • Dana Popescu-Spineni
  • Daniela Manuc
  • Francoise Roville-Sausse
  • Richard David-Rus
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Inputs on the study of dental DNA and dental mineral structure in archeology and forensic dentistry through historical cases 2011 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 29 (3-4): 155-61
  • X. Riaud
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Anatomy and growth of the vocal tract from fetus to 5 years 2010 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 28 (3-4): 65-73
  • Guillaume Barbier
  • Guillaume Captier
  • Louis-Jean Boë
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Prediction value of frequently used, unexplored and newly designed indices for the assessment of segmental and whole body composition 2010 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 28 (3-4): 75-83
  • Aldo Scafoglieri
  • Bruno Sesboüe
  • Jan Pieter Clarys
  • Jonathan Tresignie
  • Steven Prvyn
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Feeding behavior and nutritional status in a schoolchildren group of Côte d'Ivoire 2010 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 28 (3-4): 85-93
  • Ali Yeo
  • Firmin Kouassi Kouakou
  • Jean-Bertin Beugre
  • Odile Ake
  • Odile Ake-tano
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Making a diagnosis of the results of a simple linear regression: outliers, extreme and influential points 2010 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 28 (3-4): 95-103
  • Anne-Beatrice Dufour
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Food behavior and nutritional status of the teenagers of Marrakech 2010 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 28 (3-4): 105-12
  • A. Baali
  • A. Lassakri
  • F. Roville-Sausse
  • H. Amor
  • J. Ouirari
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863