Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Shellfish gathering and shell midden archaeology 1987 Advances in Archaeological method and theory 10 (): 93-210
  • Gregory A Waselkov
Bioarchaeological interpretations of subsistence economy and behavior from human skeletal remains 1987 Advances in Archaeological method and theory 10 (): 339-445
  • Clark Spenser Larsen
The use and abuse of world systems theory: the case of the pristine west Asian State 1987 Advances in Archaeological method and theory 11 (): 1-35
  • Philip L Kohl
Colonization of islands by humans: a biogeographical perspective 1987 Advances in Archaeological method and theory 10 (): 49-92
  • Jared M Diamond
  • William F Keegan
Strategies for paleoenvironmental reconstruction in archaeology 1987 Advances in Archaeological method and theory 11 (): 255-336
  • Dena F Dincauze
Archaeofaunas and butchery studies: a taphonomic perspective 1987 Advances in Archaeological method and theory 10 (): 249-337
  • R Lee Lyman
The use and misuse of nineteenth-century English and American ceramics in archaeological analysis 1987 Advances in Archaeological method and theory 11 (): 97-209
  • Michael J O'Brien
  • Teresita Majewski
The formation of ethnographic collections: the Smithsonian Institution in the American Southwest 1987 Advances in Archaeological method and theory 10 (): 1-47
  • Nancy J Parezo
Formation processes of the archaeobotanical record 1987 Advances in Archaeological method and theory 10 (): 211-47
  • Charles H Miksicek
Weathering of inorganic materials: dating and other applications 1987 Advances in Archaeological method and theory 11 (): 211-53
  • Barbara A Purdy
  • David E Clark
Deposits for archaeologists 1987 Advances in Archaeological method and theory 11 (): 337-95
  • Julie K Stein
Modeling interregional interaction in prehistory 1987 Advances in Archaeological method and theory 11 (): 37-95
  • Edward M Schortman
  • Patricia A Urban
Geophysical methods of archaeological site surveying 1986 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 311-95
  • John W Weymouth
The first million years: the archaeology of protohuman culture 1986 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 1-96
  • Kathy D Schick
  • Nicholas Toth
The analysis of contingency tables in archaeology 1986 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 277-310
  • R Barry Lewis
Predictive models for archaeological resource location 1986 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 397-452
  • Sandra C Parker
  • Timothy A Kohler
Methodological issues in Americanist artifact classification 1986 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 149-207
  • Robert C Dunnell
Beyond bones: toward an archaeology of pastoralism 1986 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 97-148
  • Claudia Chang
  • Harold A Koster
The use of materials science techniques in the study of pottery construction and use 1986 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 209-76
  • Gordon Bronitsky
Form, content, and function: theory and method in North American rock art studies 1985 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 237-77
  • Polly Schaafsma
Postprocessual archaeology 1985 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 1-26
  • Ian Hodder
Current developments in bone technology 1985 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 157-235
  • Eileen Johnson
Is there an archaeological record? 1985 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 27-62
  • Linda E Patrik
The archaeological record on sedentariness: recognition, development, and implications 1985 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 113-56
  • Janet E Rafferty
The potential for archaeological tree-ring dating in eastern North America 1985 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 279-302
  • Daniel Wolfman
  • David W Stahle
The reaction against analogy 1985 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 63-111
  • Alison Wylie
Geomagnetic dating methods in archaeology 1984 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 363-458
  • Daniel Wolfman
Discovering sites unseen 1984 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 223-92
  • Francis P McManamon
Too many types: an overview of sedentary prestate societies in the Americas 1984 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 39-102
  • Gary M Feinman
  • Jill Neitzel
Remote sensing applications in archaeology 1984 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 293-362
  • James I Ebert
Archaeology and the study of gender 1984 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 1-38
  • Janet D Spector
  • Margaret W Conkey
The nature of organization of intrasite archaeological records and spatial analytic approaches to their investigation 1984 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 103-222
  • Christopher Carr
Plant opal phytolith analysis: major advances in archaeobotanical research 1983 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 225-66
  • Irwin Rovner
Regional sampling in archaeological survey: the statistical perspective 1983 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 289-356
  • Jack D Nance
The antiquity of man and the development of American archaeology 1983 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 1-51
  • David J Meltzer
Breaking down cultural complexity: inequality and heterogeneity 1983 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 91-142
  • R H McGuire
The siteless survey: a regional scale data collection strategy 1983 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 267-87
  • Robert C Dunnell
  • William S Dancey
Investigating the diffusion of stylistic innovations 1983 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 53-89
  • Dave D Davis
The role of palynology in archaeology 1983 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 1-224
  • Richard G Holloway
  • Vaughn M Bryant jr
Subsistence and complex societies: the case of the Maya 1983 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 143-89
  • Frederick M Wiseman
Avenues of inquiry in historical archaeology 1982 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 151-77
  • Kathleen A Deagan
Archaeological applications of computer graphics 1982 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 179-216
  • J Barto I I I Arnold
Ceramic compositional analysis in archaeological perspective 1982 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 275-330
  • George R Holley
  • Robert L Rands
  • Ronald L Bishop
Quantifying archaeological research 1982 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 217-73
  • Geoffrey A Clark
Cultural resources management [US data] 1982 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 1-50
  • Don D Fowler
Nutritional inference from paleopathology 1982 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 395-474
  • Alan H Goodman
  • George J Armelagos
  • Rebecca Huss-Ashmore
Archaeofaunas and subsistence studies 1982 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 331-93
  • R Lee Lyman
Advances in urban archaeology 1982 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 97-149
  • Edward Staski
The study of impacts on archaeological sites [US data] 1982 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 51-96
  • Leslie E Wildesen
Explaining the evolution of cultural complexity: a review 1981 Advances in Archaeological method and theory (): 79-127
  • Robert J Wenke