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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Female heroes in south Slavic oral poetry within the conventions of the genre 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 104-9
  • Elka Agoston-Nikolova
Sur fées et sorcières dans les contes populaires. (Une typologie mystifiée entre le populaire et le savant) 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 110-14
  • Antonio Rodr guez Almodóvar
Les descriptions communes et situatives dans le conte de fée et dans la poésie épique 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 115-21
  • Lydie Astafieva
Einige Züge der ungarischen Glaubenssagen 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 122-9
  • Iván Balassa
Das Sujet [Der Hund ahmt den Wolf nach] (AaTh47D, 101*, 117*, 119*) in den Volkskunst und Literaturüberlieferungen 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 138-48
  • L. G. Barag
Die ungarländische jüdische Folklore und ihr Volksleben im Spiegel der ungarischsprachigen Presse der 1840er Jahre 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 130-7
  • Gyo rgy Barbás
Wald als Sagenhort. (Die Suche nach nationaler und kultureller Identität in deutschen Sammlungen zur Volkspoesie) 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 149-61
  • Siegfried Becker
Research on talented informants in Africa 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 162-7
  • Szila rd Biernaczky
Aspects of song and legend: the treatment of real occurrences in traditional communication 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 170-6
  • Julia C. Bishop
Warum wurden die Isländersagas nicht in Latein verfasst? 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 177-81
  • A rni Björnsson
Children's bibles as a form of folk narrative 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 182-90
  • Ruth B. Bottigheimer
Popular imagination or Indo-European roots 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 191-208
  • Carsten Bregenhøj
The poetics of the Ukranian folktale: methods of study 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 209-13
  • A. Yu. Britsina
Folk narrative in religion: legends of Saint James 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 214-20
  • James Wesley Childers
Le chamanisme et la magie dans la poésie populaire finno-ougrienne 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 221-7
  • Carla Corradi Musi
The transformation of classical myths: a computerised approach 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 228-37
  • Sa ndor Darányi
The Budapest School of Folktale Study 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 41-50
  • Linda Dégh
Erotic folktales of the Bulsa in northern Ghana 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 238-44
  • Sabine Dinslage
Hităr Petăr (der schlaue Peter) in the bulgarischen Volksüberlieferung 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 245-51
  • Dorothea Dobreva
Stories about [Rebes] in the world of the Yeshivas 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 252-5
  • István Domán
Contes et conteurs roumains en Hongrie 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 256-62
  • Sa muel Domokos
Sagenstoffe in der Märchenüberlieferung 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 263-70
  • A kos Dömötör
Tierherrvorstellungen in der frühen epischen Literatur Irlands 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 271-82
  • Doris Rita Edel
Rígṣula, a charter myth or a poet's fantasy? 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 283-7
  • Hallfreður O rn Eiríksson
Legend taxonomy and [the mysterious woman in black] 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 288-98
  • Bill Ellis
Le vampire dans le folklore roumain 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 299-306
  • Jenő Farkas
Die Poetik der gegenwärtigen slowakischen Volksprosa 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 307-13
  • Viera Gašpariková
Etude des contes: l'école finnoise - l'école hongroise 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 51-5
  • Veronika Görög
The function of Texas historical legends 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 314-28
  • Sylvia Grider
Gegenwärtiges Erzählen in der Magdeburger Börde 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 329-37
  • Gisela Griepentrog
Palestinian folklore research. A short history 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 338-50
  • Moni'm S. Haddad
Folktales as cultural indicators 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 351-6
  • Lee Haring
The shaping of history: narrative patterns in Welsh culture 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 357-64
  • Elissa R. Henken
Historical consciousness and legend as a problem of folklore studies. (The Slovak example) 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 365-72
  • Hana Hlôšková
Die Ästetik des ungarischen Volksmärchens in internationaler Perspektive 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 56-69
  • Katalin Horn
Structural analysis of Ob-Ugrian heroic songs 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 373-9
  • Zsuzsanna Horváth
The indexing of the folk narrative tradition in the Uralica Database 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 380-8
  • Henni Ilomäki
Reflections about genre in oral literature 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 389-400
  • Heda Jason
Storytelling in modern China - Its position and evolution 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 29-37
  • Zhi Jia
The use of eroticism in Nasreddin Hoca anedoctes 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 401-8
  • Seyfi Karabas
Fact and fiction in today's stories of buried treasure 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 409-15
  • Zoja Karanović
Lower myths and astrology in Kerala folklore 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 416-20
  • K. K. Karunakaran
Les problèmes juridiques de la conservation des œuvres folkloriques 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 421-5
  • Su leyman Kazman
Theoretical problems of folklorism and the theory of values 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 426-35
  • G. T. Kendirbajeva
Structural-semantic principles of formation of the type of the folk tale 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 436-40
  • Bronislava Kerbelyte
Folk-narratives as means of pre-school education in the Puyuma tribe 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 441-3
  • Yung-hua King
Erzähler von folklore - Prosa in unserer gegenwart (Die Frau als Erzählerin) 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (1): 444-51
  • Jordanka Koceva
Erzählen vom Krieg - Krieg als Reise II 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (2): 452-61
  • Konrad Köstlin
Perfective and regulative folklore functions in children's self-education 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (2): 462-5
  • Violetta Krawczyk-Wasilewska
Zur Problematik der erotischen Motive in der slowakischen Folklore 1995 Artes populares 16/17 (2): 466-71
  • Eva Krekovičová