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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Geometric and subgeometric ceramics from Eretria III (Skyphoi) 1981 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 84-113
  • A Andreiomenou
Observations on the corrections of King Antigonos with Eleutherna and Hieraputna (Staatsv. III, 501, 502) 1981 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 114-26
  • C Bourazelis
Late Roman portraits of the 2nd-5th centuries AD in the National Museum in Athens 1981 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 127-38
  • A Datsouli-Stavridi
The coins from the sanctuary of the basilica on 3rd September St., Thessaloniki 1981 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 82-5
  • D Evgenidou
Excavation of a bronze age dwelling at Pentapolis in the nomos of Serrai 1981 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 91-153
  • D Grammenos
On the activity of ancient trade in Thessaly 1981 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 1-9
  • E Ch Kakavoyannis
The tombstome of a gladiator Greek 1981 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 37-52
  • A Kontoyannis
The enkainion of the basilica at the north cemetery of Thessaloniki 1981 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 70-81
  • E Kourkoutidou-Nikolsidou
The continuity of Cretomycenaean worship: survivals and revivals 1981 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 1-24
  • A Lempese
The martyrium with a cross and the Christian tombs on 3rd September St. in Thessaloniki 1981 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 53-69
  • E Marki-Angelkou
On Herodotus VI.83 1981 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 139-41
  • M Th Mitsos
The ancient fortress at Teuthrone 1981 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 10-22
  • L Moskou
  • T Moskos
The joyful Boetian Heracles 1981 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 38-51
  • N Papahatzes
Ritual hammers and clubs in the Minoan world 1981 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 74-83
  • M Platonos-Manti
A 'hoard' of Corcyrean silver staters 1981 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 52-73
  • A Spetsieri-Horemi
'Saltantes Lacaenae' [on a work of Callimachus, in Greek] 1981 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 25-37
  • M Tiberios
The cremations from the royal Macedonian tombs of Vergin 1981 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 142-60
  • F Langenscheidt
  • N I Xirotiris
[Recent investigations of the early Christian monuments of the Dodecanese] 1980 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 1-17
  • I E Bolonakes
Portrats aus der julischclaudische Zeit im Nationalmuseum zu Athen 1980 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 119-27
  • A Datsouli-Stavridi
[Cretan inscriptions. 3] 1980 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 1-42
  • C Davaras
[The wall-paintings at Ss. Cosmas and Damian (Agioi Anargyroi), Kepoula (1265)] 1980 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 97-118
  • N B Drandakes
[Once again the kylix of Euphronios at Athens] 1980 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 62-5
  • B Filippake
[The vase collection of Athens University] 1980 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 33-61
  • K Kokkou-Buride
Akrotiri, vases of Middle Helladic tradition in the destruction level 1980 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 182-211
  • M Marthari
[The sacred hymn from the Asklepieion, Epidaurus] 1980 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 212-16
  • M Th Mitsos
[On I.G. II sup_2, 236] 1980 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 54-7
  • M Th Mitsos
[The ancient sculpture in the collection at Andros] 1980 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 18-32
  • L Palaiokrassa
[Remarks on five reliefs of horsemen] 1980 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 167-81
  • E Pantermali
[The coroplastic workshop at Chalcis] 1980 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 136-66
  • A Sampson
[The lyre-player stele from Potidaia] 1980 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 43-53
  • Th Stephanidou-Tiberiou
[Ambushers in Greek vasepainting] 1980 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 58-74
  • M A Tiberios
[A study of the off-centredness of representations on the "new style" Hellenistic Athenian tetradrachmae] 1980 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 128-35
  • K Tzaimou
[An early Christian basilica in the locality of Mygdaleza, Attica] 1980 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 85-96
  • E Tzophopoulou-Gini
[An ore-refinery at Thorikos] 1980 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 75-84
  • P Zorides
A "hoard" of silver triobols from Patras (1973) 1979 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 188-99
  • P Agallopoulou-Kalliontzi
Le "tresor" de Thebes, decouvert en 1932 1979 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 200-13
  • V Athanassopoulou-Penna
[Takousit, daughter of the great leader of the Maxyes] 1979 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 72-94
  • N Boufides
[Excavation at Agios Dimitrios Lombardaris, Athens] 1979 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 161-87
  • S I Charitonides
Frauenportrats aus der Severerzeit im National Museum zu Athen 1979 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 226-30
  • A Datsouli-Stavridi
A double axe-design (?) from Vrokastro 1979 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 114-17
  • C Davaras
[The inscription on the marble iconostasis at Phaneromeni, central Mani (1079)] 1979 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 218-25
  • N B Drandakes
La solution d'un "puzzle": Odyssee, VII, 105-110 et l'usage des auges doubles minoennes 1979 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 154-60
  • H van Effenterre
Late bronze age tombs and other antiquities in the region of Nevrokopi (nome of Drama) 1979 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 26-71
  • D Grammenos
[The Numismatic Museum [Athens] 1829-1979] 1979 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 1-10
  • M Karamesine-Oikonomidou
[On I.G. IV sup_2 1, 75] 1979 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 214-17
  • M Th Mitsos
[New investigations at Rhamnous] 1979 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 1-81
  • B H Petrakos
Sur un mois du calendrier bithynien 1979 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 231-6
  • L Robert
[The Scylla from Eretria] 1979 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 118-53
  • P G Themeles
[Contribution to a description of the palaeochristian and early Byzantine monuments of Samos] 1979 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 11-25
  • K Tsakos
The stone vessels from the bronze age settlement at Akrotiri, Thera 1979 Archaiologike ephemeris (): 82-113
  • P M Warren