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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Toward a structural definition of direct and indirect objects: support from Swahili 1982 Word 32 (2): 109-31
  • K N Shepardson
Between standard Italian and creole: an interim report on language patterns in an Italian-American community 1981 Word 32 (3): 181-91
  • H W Haller
Alternative paradigms in the sociology of language 1981 Word 32 (1): 1-13
  • J W Tollefson
The generative model of dialectology: Burgundian, Franco-Provencal and standard French 1981 Word 32 (1): 45-62
  • E R van Vliet
New York City and the ante-bellum South: the maritime connection 1980 Word 31 (1): 47-53
  • M D Berger
The absolute construction in Gothic 1980 Word 31 (1): 91-104
  • J R Costello
Intonation: tonetic stress marks versus levels versus configurations 1980 Word 31 (2): 151-98
  • A S Crompton
Maintenance and loss of samemeaning structures in language death [Gaelic] 1980 Word 31 (1): 39-45
  • N C Dorian
The name of the Argolid 1980 Word 31 (1): 105-7
  • H M Hoenigswald
Linguistic characterization in "Dream of the red chamber" 1980 Word 31 (1): 109-17
  • D L Kao
A parametric analysis of antithetical conflict and irony: Tolkein's "The Lord of the rings" 1980 Word 31 (2): 121-49
  • H C Mack
Tondol: Sinhala baby talk 1980 Word 31 (3): 287-309
  • P B Meegaskumbura
Some speculations about the early Indo-European verb 1980 Word 31 (3): 259-74
  • K Shields jr
[Review article on 'A grammar of Phoenician and Punic', by S. Segert] 1980 Word 31 (2): 217-24
  • P Swiggers
Open syllabification and diphtongization of /e/ and /o/ in preliterary Spanish 1980 Word 31 (2): 199-215
  • R M Terry
A lowering rule for vowels, and its ramifications, in a dialect of North Welsh 1980 Word 31 (1): 15-32
  • A R Thomas
[Review article on 'The syntax of Welsh: a transformational study of the passive', by G.M. Awbery] 1980 Word 31 (3): 311-19
  • A R Thomas
Consonant length and vowel phonemics in early twentieth-century Welsh 1980 Word 31 (1): 33-8
  • R L Ward
A methodology for defining dialects and for calibrating differentiation 1979 Word 30 (3): 213-33
  • C A Brakel
Allan Forbes Hubbell 1914-1976 1979 Word 30 (3): 317-18
  • M M Bryant
Ephraim Cross 1893-1978 1979 Word 30 (3): 315-17
  • M M Bryant
Language planning in Albania and in Albanian-speaking Yugoslavia 1979 Word 30 (1/2): 15-44
  • J Byron
Language reform in China in the seventies 1979 Word 30 (1/2): 45-57
  • Cheng Chin-chuan
Language planning and language treatment in unified Vietnam 1979 Word 30 (1/2): 117-33
  • Nguyen Dinh-hoa
History as language planner: the Netherlandic language area 1979 Word 30 (1/2): 58-75
  • G Geerts
Icelandic purism and its history 1979 Word 30 (1/2): 76-86
  • H Halldorsson
Parameters: reactance as analytic tool and evidence 1979 Word 30 (3): 205-11
  • J Macris
  • L G Heller
[Review article on 'Recent advances in the psychology of language. 4A, Language development and mother-child interaction. 4B, Formal and experimental approaches', edited by R.N. Campbell and P.T. Smith] 1979 Word 30 (3): 273-94
  • J F Kess
Prolegomena to language policy analysis 1979 Word 30 (1/2): 5-14
  • W F Mackey
Social implications of borrowing: the Visigothic element in Hispano-Romance 1979 Word 30 (3): 257-72
  • P E Mason
Language planning and language treatment in Quebec 1979 Word 30 (1/2): 87-104
  • A Martin
  • D Daoust-Blais
  • G D McConnell
Language consciousness and language policy in Poland 1979 Word 30 (1/2): 134-59
  • H Niedzielski
Tanzanian language policy and Swahill 1979 Word 30 (1/2): 160-70
  • E C Polome
Swedish in Finland: minority language and regional variety 1979 Word 30 (1/2): 171-85
  • M Reuter
The productive affixes in Mandarin Chinese morphology 1979 Word 30 (3): 245-55
  • H H Y Tiee
Scotland: the unfinished quest for linguistic identity 1979 Word 30 (1/2): 186-202
  • R E Wood
[Review article on 'The languages of the world', by K. Katzner, 'The written languages of the world: a survey of the degree and modes of use', edited by H. Kloss and G.D. McConnell, 'Linguistic composition of the nations of the world', edited by H. Kloss and G.D. McConnell and 'Classification and index of the world's languages', by C.F. Voegelin and F.M. Voegelin] 1979 Word 30 (3): 294-301
  • R E Wood
The taxonomy of word making 1978 Word 29 (2): 122-31
  • J Algeo
Prolegomena to a neo-structuralist theory of language 1978 Word 29 (3): 240-59
  • R L Allen
The politics of language 1978 Word 29 (1): 44-62
  • R N St Clair
Rule simplification and the reconstruction of interdialectal rule borrowing 1978 Word 29 (3): 233-9
  • J R Costello
The phonology of deviant child language 1978 Word 29 (2): 139-47
  • L B Leonard
On the scope of linguistics today 1978 Word 29 (1): 7-17
  • L Pap
A different hyssop: Old English hlenortear 1978 Word 29 (2): 110-13
  • J Rosier
Eugene Dorfman 1917-1974 1978 Word 29 (1): 63-6
  • B H Smeaton
Element order in the Spanish word 1978 Word 29 (3): 225-32
  • B Stiehm
Breton settlement names: a geographical view 1972 Word 28 (1/2): 63-77
  • P Flatres
Studies of Celtic languages in France 1972 Word 28 (1/2): 12-36
  • L Fleuriot
  • S Fleuriot
Welsh dialectology [review article on 'The linguistic geography of Wales: a contribution to Welsh dialectology', by A.R.Thomas] 1972 Word 28 (1/2): 230-8
  • R A Fowkes
Toward an explanation of phonetic symbolism 1972 Word 28 (3): 305-22
  • P L French