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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
[The 'antique period' or the 'Iberian-Colchis period'? in Georgian; Russian summary] 1985 Voprosy Arkheologii Gruzii (): 123-6
  • G A Gamkrelidze
[On the appearance of Hittite tribes in central Anatolia] 1985 Voprosy Arkheologii Gruzii (): 3-21
  • G L Kavtaradze
[The Corinthian order system at Vani] 1985 Voprosy Arkheologii Gruzii (): 105-10
  • G Kipiani
[On the question as to the possibility of the Cimmerians' use of the Meotid-Colchis route] 1985 Voprosy Arkheologii Gruzii (): 111-22
  • G T Kvirkveliya
[Material dating from the middle of the lst millennium BC from Zemo Imereti] 1985 Voprosy Arkheologii Gruzii (): 56-68
  • K D Kvizhinadze
  • O S Gambashidze
[The Digmura gorge in the early feudal period] 1985 Voprosy Arkheologii Gruzii (): 90-104
  • V V Nikolaishvili
[On the question of the interlink between the west Georgian early bronze and Maykop cultures] 1985 Voprosy Arkheologii Gruzii (): 22-36
  • G G Pkhakadze
[Glass vessels with relief ornament from the Urbnisi necropolis] 1985 Voprosy Arkheologii Gruzii (): 69-89
  • M N Saginashvili
[The role of ethnographic material in archaeological investigation: (an ethno- archaeological study)] 1985 Voprosy Arkheologii Gruzii (): 37-55
  • T A Chikovani
[The Vashladzhvar burial ground] 1979 Voprosy Arkheologii Gruzii (): 63-77
  • V V Nikolaishvili
[On a particular group of art ceramics: (white clay vessels)] 1979 Voprosy Arkheologii Gruzii (): 25-31
  • M N Mitsishvili
[Literature on Georgian archaeology, published in 1976-77] 1979 Voprosy Arkheologii Gruzii 2 (): 98-1O2
  • G T Kvirkveliya
[Lower palaeolithic relics from Eristskali gorge] 1979 Voprosy Arkheologii Gruzii 2 (): 51-62
  • G K Grigolia
[Research on the chemical composition of mediaeval glass vessels found in Georgia] 1979 Voprosy Arkheologii Gruzii (): 32-50
  • A G Gegenava
  • M N Chkhatarashvili
  • S N Papuashvili
[Some questions concerning the history of Kartli empire towns of the antique period] 1979 Voprosy Arkheologii Gruzii (): 3-24
  • A V Bokhochadze
[Archaeological excavations in the village of Abano] 1978 Voprosy Arkheologii Gruzii (): 61-73
  • A A Nutsubidze
[On the distribution of relics of the Scythian culture in the material culture of ancient Georgia] 1978 Voprosy Arkheologii Gruzii (): 31-52
  • M S Pirtskhalava
[On some meetings of the Kuro-Arak and west Georgian early bronze cultures on west Georgian territory] 1978 Voprosy Arkheologii Gruzii (): 3-12
  • G G Pkhakadze
[Early antique period burials from Ul'yanovka village] 1978 Voprosy Arkheologii Gruzii (): 81-90
  • V A Tolordava
[Antique period relics from Digomi gorge] 1978 Voprosy Arkheologii Gruzii (): 91-104
  • V V Nikolaishvili
[On the question of links between central trans-Caucasia and the Near East in the early antique period] 1978 Voprosy Arkheologii Gruzii (): 17-30
  • D L Muskhelishvili
[A burial of the early antique period on Yashtkhva hill] 1978 Voprosy Arkheologii Gruzii 1 (): 74-8O
  • G T Kvirkveliya
[The village in Colchis in the antique period] 1978 Voprosy Arkheologii Gruzii (): 53-60
  • N Sh Kiguradze
[Ruins of the mediaeval fortress 'Nodzhikhu' near the village of Pakhulani] 1978 Voprosy Arkheologii Gruzii (): 105-12
  • D K Dzhgamaya
[From the history of the fertility cult (an attempt at dating a particular magic custom)] 1978 Voprosy Arkheologii Gruzii 1 (): 13-16
  • T N Chubinishvili
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