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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Morphophysiological correlations 2003 Voprosy antropologii 91 (): 3-21
  • L. K. Gudkova
H6/KVY [VOPROSY-] 0507-2921
Biometric cranial analysis of hominids as a basis for taxonomy and classification in human palaeonthology 2003 Voprosy antropologii 91 (): 22-33
  • V. E. Deriabin
  • V. M. KHaritonov
H6/KVY [VOPROSY-] 0507-2921
Homo Antecessor (the Atapuerca site) 2003 Voprosy antropologii 91 (): 34-41
  • E. IU. Bulygina
  • E. N. KHrisanfova
H6/KVY [VOPROSY-] 0507-2921
Children in Moscow: main tendencies in their growth and development (20th-21st cent.) 2003 Voprosy antropologii 91 (): 42-60
  • A. L. Purunczhan
  • A. V. Stepanova
  • E. I. Fomina
  • E. Z. Godina
  • I. A. KHomiakova
  • L. V. Zadorozhnaia
  • O. A. Giliarova
  • V. V. Zubareva
H6/KVY [VOPROSY-] 0507-2921
Ergonomic anthropology: the subject and the tasks of investigation 2003 Voprosy antropologii 91 (): 61-6
  • A. N. Strokina
H6/KVY [VOPROSY-] 0507-2921
The Q-factor analysis in dermatoglyphics in schizophrenics 2003 Voprosy antropologii 91 (): 67-77
  • A. L. Purundzhan
  • IU. V. Slastenko
  • T. D. Gladkova
H6/KVY [VOPROSY-] 0507-2921
The system of radial connections in some subfields of the top-parietal field No 7 in the human brain 2003 Voprosy antropologii 91 (): 78-85
  • G. S. Kravchenko
H6/KVY [VOPROSY-] 0507-2921
The KHakas population: structure of kinship and specific characteristics 2003 Voprosy antropologii 91 (): 86-98
  • B. N. Kazachenko
H6/KVY [VOPROSY-] 0507-2921
An assessment of physical development of children suffering from nephropathy 2003 Voprosy antropologii 91 (): 99-110
  • V. M. Krans
H6/KVY [VOPROSY-] 0507-2921
Age changes in body morphology of adults as a result of environmental influences 2003 Voprosy antropologii 91 (): 111-27
  • N. S. Smirnova
  • T. P. CHizhikova
H6/KVY [VOPROSY-] 0507-2921
New approaches to the investigation of the configuration of the cranial orbit region 2003 Voprosy antropologii 91 (): 128-37
  • V. IU. Bakholdina
H6/KVY [VOPROSY-] 0507-2921
Nikolai L'vovich Gondatti and his collections from Siberia in the Anthropological Museum: forgotten pages from the history of anthropology 2003 Voprosy antropologii 91 (): 138-51
  • E. I. Balakhonova
  • I. V. Bezruchenko
H6/KVY [VOPROSY-] 0507-2921
Secular trend changes in the body length of some peoples inhabiting Volga river region 2003 Voprosy antropologii 91 (): 152-60
  • I. I. Butareva
H6/KVY [VOPROSY-] 0507-2921
Comparative morphological analysis of Moscow students 2003 Voprosy antropologii 91 (): 161-76
  • I. A. Glashchenkova
  • M. A. Negasheva
H6/KVY [VOPROSY-] 0507-2921
Comparative eco-populational analysis of the adrenalin phase of ontogenesis of Russian women 2000 Voprosy antropologii 90 (): 3-10
  • E. N. KHrisanfova
  • I. V. Dzhanibekova
  • L. V. Bets
H6/KVY [VOPROSY-] 0507-2921
Age osseography of Russian rural population: some problems and results of the analysis of inter-group variations 2000 Voprosy antropologii 90 (): 11-24
  • O. M. Pavlovskii
  • O. V. IAsina
  • T. P. CHizhikova
  • V. A. Batsevich
H6/KVY [VOPROSY-] 0507-2921
Morphological typology of the body build of children and adolescents (based on variability of anthropometric traits) 2000 Voprosy antropologii 90 (): 25-58
  • V. E. Deriabin
H6/KVY [VOPROSY-] 0507-2921
The Kamchadals: history of formation of a mixed gene pool 2000 Voprosy antropologii 90 (): 59-75
  • I. V. Perevozchikov
H6/KVY [VOPROSY-] 0507-2921
Anthropology of Kamchadals 2000 Voprosy antropologii 90 (): 76-86
  • A. M. Mauer
  • I. V. Perevozchikov
  • L. K. Gudkova
  • N. I. Kochetkova
H6/KVY [VOPROSY-] 0507-2921
New approaches to the analysis of inter-group variability of grouth and development characteristics in children and adolescents 2000 Voprosy antropologii 90 (): 87-103
  • A. L. Purundzhan
  • E. Z. Godina
  • I. A. KHomiakova
H6/KVY [VOPROSY-] 0507-2921
Ontogenetic rates in Mongolian population 2000 Voprosy antropologii 90 (): 104-14
  • O. V. IAsina
  • V. IA. Batsevich
H6/KVY [VOPROSY-] 0507-2921
Use of factor analysis in population physiology 2000 Voprosy antropologii 90 (): 115-26
  • L. K. Gudkova
H6/KVY [VOPROSY-] 0507-2921
The craniology of Finno-Ugrian peoples of the Middle Volga and Ural region: geographical variability and retrospective analysis 2000 Voprosy antropologii 90 (): 127-40
  • S. G. Efimova
H6/KVY [VOPROSY-] 0507-2921
Specific features of the anthropometric method in ergonomic research 2000 Voprosy antropologii 90 (): 141-57
  • A. N. Strokina
H6/KVY [VOPROSY-] 0507-2921
Anthropological analysis of the skeleton of the fossil hominid from the Mousterian level of the Mezmai cave (Northern Caucasus) 2000 Voprosy antropologii 90 (): 158-70
  • G. P. Romanova
  • V. M. KHaritonov
H6/KVY [VOPROSY-] 0507-2921
Comparative morphology analysis of the Broken-Hill hominid (Zambia) in the light of the theory of Afro-European origin of Homo Sapiens 2000 Voprosy antropologii 90 (): 171-88
  • E. IU. Bulygina
  • E. N. KHrisanfova
H6/KVY [VOPROSY-] 0507-2921
The variability of somatic parametres and body mass components in girls of different puberty age 1998 Voprosy antropologii 89 (): 51-68
  • E. I. Balakhonova
The sleeping pits and edge pits of the upper palaeolithic sites [of] Avdeevo and Kostenki 1998 Voprosy antropologii 89 (): 91-8
  • E. V. Bulochnikova
[An algorithm for] the separation [of the] mixed samples in craniology: a multivariate approach 1998 Voprosy antropologii 89 (): 36-50
  • V. E. Deriabin
Some trends in the development of biological anthropology: 1990's 1998 Voprosy antropologii 89 (): 69-80
  • E. Z. Godina
Physiological homeostasis in human populations (the problem of adaptation and ecology) 1998 Voprosy antropologii 89 (): 3-16
  • L. K. Gudkova
Dermatoglyphics as a constitutional marker in multifactorial pathology 1998 Voprosy antropologii 89 (): 99-111
  • I. S. Guseva
An investigation of the role of the social and natural environment in the formation of the morphological variety and stress-stability of population 1998 Voprosy antropologii 89 (): 17-30
  • IU. S. Kurshakova
Long-term variations of the postcranial skeleton by ancient populations of Southern Siberia: the ways of interpretation 1998 Voprosy antropologii 89 (): 112-25
  • M. B. Mednikova
Morphological features of head and face structure in different constitutional types of men and women 1998 Voprosy antropologii 89 (): 81-90
  • M. A. Negasheva
Geroanthropological researches: problems, results and perspectives 1998 Voprosy antropologii 89 (): 31-5
  • O. M. Pavlovskii
The initial pages of the history of Russian anthropology (A. P. Bogdanov's letters from the archives of D. IA. Samokvasov) 1998 Voprosy antropologii 89 (): 126-36
  • S. P. SHCHavelev
Cranial variation in the mesolithic, with special reference to dimorphism and harmonization 1995 Voprosy antropologii 88 (): 68-83
  • IU. D. Benevolenskaia
Ethological and morphological analysis of primates locomotion 1995 Voprosy antropologii 88 (): 38-52
  • S. B. Borutskaia
  • V. Z. IUrovskaia
On the method of [intergroup] analysis: examination of mixed set variables 1995 Voprosy antropologii 88 (): 6-25
  • V. E. Deriabin
The correlation of [the] intensity of manipulatory activity and [the] social behaviour of primates as a factor of anthropogenesis 1995 Voprosy antropologii 88 (): 154-66
  • M. A. Deriagina
  • M. L. Butovskaia
About some rare traits in finger and palmar dermatoglyphics 1995 Voprosy antropologii 88 (): 84-90
  • T. D. Gladkova
  • T. Tóth
Seasonality of [the] menarche: biosocial influences 1995 Voprosy antropologii 88 (): 126-36
  • E. Z. Godina
  • L. V. Zadorozhnaia
Physiological blood characteristics and the state of adaptation in the populations of north-east Asia 1995 Voprosy antropologii 88 (): 26-37
  • L. K. Gudkova
Parapresbytis eohanuman cercopithecide monkey (primates, cercopithecidae) from pliocene of Baikal 1995 Voprosy antropologii 88 (): 91-116
  • E. N. Mashchenko
  • N. P. Kalmykov
[Genetic]-demographic approach in anthropological researches. Population raiter card system: a simple procedure of collecting large geneological data, their storage and analysis 1995 Voprosy antropologii 88 (): 54-67
  • B. N. Kazachenko
Phylogenetic and onotogenetic dynamics of signs of hominid's post-cranial skeleton 1995 Voprosy antropologii 88 (): 145-53
  • V. M. KHaritonov
Paleoanthropological materials at the [mesolithic] period [of] north-eastern Europe 1995 Voprosy antropologii 88 (): 117-25
  • N. N. Mamonova
Yurovskaya Vera Zelmanovna (20.12.1937-27.7.1992) 1995 Voprosy antropologii 88 (): 52-3
  • Moscow University Department of Anthropology
The morphologically significant and [determined] [dependencies] with arterial blood pressure 1995 Voprosy antropologii 88 (): 137-44
  • A. L. Purundzhan
  • A. N. Strokina
  • I. A. KHomiakova