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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Introduction 2024 Visual anthropology 37 (1): 1-18
  • Andreas Bandak
  • Christine Crone
  • Nina Grønlykke Mollerup
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
The Syrian Archive Digital Memory Project: archiving as testimony, as evidence, as creative practice 2024 Visual anthropology 37 (1): 19-34
  • Abdul Rahman al-Jaloud
  • Dima Saber
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
The beginning of an idea about an end: on digital, diasporic, Syrian archives 2024 Visual anthropology 37 (1): 35-55
  • Stefan Tarnowski
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
The Tadamon massacre: archiving violence through the perpetrator's gaze 2024 Visual anthropology 37 (1): 56-73
  • Uğur Ümit Üngör
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Video archives of the Syrian revolution: a media experiment 2024 Visual anthropology 37 (1): 74-91
  • Chad Elias
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Afterword 2024 Visual anthropology 37 (1): 92-7
  • Thomas Keenan
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
The first images of Korea in Spanish media: von Hesse-Warteg and Sanín Cano 2024 Visual anthropology 37 (2): 99-125
  • Aurelia Martín-Casares
  • Luis Botella
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Visual community authoethnography and heritage: selected cairns in South Africa 2024 Visual anthropology 37 (2): 126-45
  • Mary E. Lange
  • Ruth Teer-Tomaselli
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
The crossover: integrating Indian sign language with mudras in an Indian classical dance performance creation 2024 Visual anthropology 37 (2): 146-65
  • Babitha Justin
  • Methil Devika
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Developing an artistic approach to ethnographic research 2024 Visual anthropology 37 (2): 166-83
  • Cecilia G. Salinas
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Australian Aboriginals in the snow 2024 Visual anthropology 37 (2): 184-91
  • Paul Hockings
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Contemporary ethnographic aesthetics: the TikTok turn 2024 Visual anthropology 37 (3): 195-211
  • Anna Magdalena Vollmer Mateus
  • Lesley Nicole Braun
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
The work of craft in the age of mechanical reproduction: the Lai Xá photography village in Vietnam 2024 Visual anthropology 37 (3): 212-36
  • Bùi Thu Hoà
  • Laurel Kendall
  • Nguyễn Văn Huy
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Photographing the Igbo funeral: the materiality of its performance 2024 Visual anthropology 37 (3): 237-64
  • Okechukwu Nwafor
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Photo George, in Douala: one of the earliest photo studios in Cameroon 2024 Visual anthropology 37 (3): 265-82
  • Jürg Schneider
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Epistemology of the ethnographic image: hybridizing genre in South Sudan's autobiographical cinema 2024 Visual anthropology 37 (3): 283-300
  • Addamms S. Mututa
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Into the twentieth century: science and entertainment, two realms apart? 2024 Visual anthropology 37 (4): 301-21
  • Paul Hockings
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
“The people’s Garibaldi”: twentieth-century politics of a Risorgimento icon 2024 Visual anthropology 37 (4): 322-53
  • Rosario Perricone
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
The material politics of graffiti removal 2024 Visual anthropology 37 (4): 354-75
  • David Pontille
  • Jérôme Denis
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Botanizing the city of Kolkata: exploring the modern-day flâneuse and a refashioned mode of flânerie in Sujoy Ghosh’s Film Kahaani 2024 Visual anthropology 37 (4): 376-492
  • Saptaparni Chowdhury
  • Subham Patar
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Introduction 2023 Visual anthropology 36 (1): 1-2
  • Irina V. Tivyaeva
  • Olga A. Suleimanova
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Visual and verbal semiotics in the Moscow-vs.-Paris Métro 2023 Visual anthropology 36 (1): 3-22
  • Daria D. Kholodova
  • Olga A. Suleimanova
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
QR codes in Moscow sites: invisible visibility, or keeping pace with the changes? 2023 Visual anthropology 36 (1): 23-37
  • Maria A. Fomina
  • Natalia A. Chemaeva
  • Olga A. Suleimanova
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Memorial plaques in multimodal urban discourse: a visual narrative reflecting Moscow's glorious past 2023 Visual anthropology 36 (1): 38-53
  • Irina T. Tivyaeva
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
City-to-resident communication: speaking with seniors and youth 2023 Visual anthropology 36 (1): 54-68
  • Natalia A. Chekmaeva
  • Natalia N. Beklemesheva
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
“Children of the Soil” to “Dark Wind”: nature, environment and climate in Indian films 2023 Visual anthropology 36 (1): 69-79
  • Pankai Jain
  • Shikha Sharma
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Ethnography and volumography: drawings of theory on the blackboard 2023 Visual anthropology 36 (2): 95-116
  • Albert Piette
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
The male householder and the hypermasculine deity: Malayalam-language films based on the Sabarimala temple in Kerala 2023 Visual anthropology 36 (2): 117-41
  • Ajit Kumar Mishra
  • F.R. Kavya Kirshna
  • S.S. Sooraj
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Delinking "the gentleman's game": visual epistemic representations in the film Shabaash Mithu 2023 Visual anthropology 36 (2): 142-74
  • Goutam Karmakar
  • Payel Pal
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Photographic practices among Albanian families in Kosovo 2023 Visual anthropology 36 (2): 175-90
  • Zanita Halimi
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Amateur film, cultural memory and the visual legacy of the 1920 Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial 2023 Visual anthropology 36 (3): 201-28
  • Alison Griffiths
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Mumiani season: visual aspects of a south coast Kenyan rumor 2023 Visual anthropology 36 (3): 229-48
  • Zebulon Dingley
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
(In)visibility, mediated, and sporting perceptions: Bollywood, biopics, and the epistemic turn in Mary Kom 2023 Visual anthropology 36 (3): 249-79
  • Goutam Karmakar
  • Payel Pal
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
A creative ethnography approach: reconstructing the socio-material remains of the ghost ships of Suva 2023 Visual anthropology 36 (3): 280-95
  • Emit Snake-Beings
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
When women speak phallocentric positionalities: biopolitics of female loneliness in the Russian cinemascape 2023 Visual anthropology 36 (4): 397-420
  • Sergei Akopov
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
“Today, we are all Ukrainians”—Visual responses in Georgian cities to Russia’s war in Ukraine 2023 Visual anthropology 36 (4): 348-72
  • Michael Cole
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Personal epistemology on the war in eastern Ukraine in 2021: constructing and deconstructing knowledge 2023 Visual anthropology 36 (4): 308-29
  • Evija Djatkoviča
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
An authoritarian spectacle: visual biopolitics and the dramaturgy of the Poland-Belarus border migration crisis 2023 Visual anthropology 36 (4): 373-96
  • Aliaksei Kazharski
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Visual biopolitics of multiple insecurities: anthropological inquiries in Eastern Europe 2023 Visual anthropology 36 (4): 301-7
  • Andrey Makarychev
  • Yuliia Kurnyshova
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Photography as testimony: insecurities, “bareness” of life, and resilience during the war in Ukraine 2023 Visual anthropology 36 (4): 330-47
  • Andrey Makarychev
  • Sami Siva
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Peace and war in our bodies and our minds: public subversion vs. mass totalization 2023 Visual anthropology 36 (4): 421-42
  • Tatiana Romashko
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Probing issues of indigeneity and contemporaneity in a collection of Rorke’s drift ceramics 2023 Visual anthropology 36 (5): 515-33
  • Mathodi Motsamayi
  • Phindile Dlamini
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
A future horizon for restitution in a film on the Argentinian puna: Rubén Guzmán’s The Noise of Time 2023 Visual anthropology 36 (5): 443-64
  • Arnd Schneider
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Cultural globalization and transnational cinema: on intersectionality and ethnoscapes in Hermine Huntgeburth’s Die weiße Massai 2023 Visual anthropology 36 (5): 465-86
  • Addamms Songe Mututa
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
The skyline is changing: editing space and discourse in nuclear decommissioning 2023 Visual anthropology 36 (5): 487-514
  • Petra Tjitske Kalshoven
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Images of Syrian refugees in transit through minefields in Turkey, 2011–2015 2022 Visual anthropology 35 (1): 5-36
  • Juan A. Roche Cárcel
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
The making of an ethnographic film of the Hopi Snake Dance in August 1898: a reconstruction from the photographic and textual record 2022 Visual anthropology 35 (1): 37-79
  • Paul Henley
  • Peter Whitley
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
How does an image relate to what it shows?—The uses of photography among the Badagas of South India 2022 Visual anthropology 35 (1): 80-92
  • Frank Heidemann
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Does ethnographic film (still) matter? Reflections on the genre in a world of multimodality 2022 Visual anthropology 35 (2): 120-37
  • Anna Grimshaw
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
“We felt that the country was in the stage of a rough cut…”: vernacular documentation, political affects and the ideological functions of catharsis in Ukraine 2022 Visual anthropology 35 (2): 95-119
  • Nataliya Tchermalykh
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920