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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Bibliography of Finnish sociology 198O-1984 1989 Transactions of the Westermarck Society 21 (): i-xxxii, 1-151
  • Maria Forsman compiler
Bibliography of Finnish sociology 197O-1979 1985 Transactions of the Westermarck Society 20 (): [i-xiv], 1-381
  • Terttu Turunen-Noro
Bibliography of Finnish sociology 196O-1969 [with an introduction by A. Eskola and Y. Littunen] 1973 Transactions of the Westermarck Society (): i-xv, 1-370
  • Hilkka Sisko Lamminen
  • Majlis Tulander
Transformation analysis of statistical variables: an introduction of group-theoretical ideas into multivariate analysis 1970 Transactions of the Westermarck Society 17 (): 1-103
  • Kaarle Nordenstreng
  • Yrjö Ahmavaara
Marriage in a matrilineal African tribe: a social anthropological study of marriage in the Ondonga tribe in Ovamboland [with separately paginated index] 1970 Transactions of the Westermarck Society 18 (): 1-171, 1-23
  • Maija Tuupainen
Poverty and children: a study in family planning 1969 Transactions of the Westermarck Society 16 (): 1-154
  • Elina Visuri
Uber ideologische und nationale Werte: ein typologische Analyse mit erganzender Betrachtung des Isomorphieproblems 1969 Transactions of the Westermarck Society 15 (): 5-223
  • R Kolari
Social structure, family patterns and interpersonal influence 1967 Transactions of the Westermarck Society 14 (): 1-151
  • Veronica Stolte Heiskanen
Bibliography of Finnish sociology, 1945-1959 [with an introduction by E. Allardt] 1966 Transactions of the Westermarck Society 13 (): 2-179
  • Erkki J Immonen
  • Tor W Holm
Identity and mental illness: a study on the interaction between the mentally ill and their environment 1966 Transactions of the Westermarck Society 12 (): 5-116
  • J Hirvas
A mechanism of inactivity: a study on recipients of public assistance 1965 Transactions of the Westermarck Society 11 (): 1-108
  • F Jyrkilae
The legislative career in Finland 1964 Transactions of the Westermarck Society 10 (): 441-63
  • M Noponen
  • P Pesonen
Party politics after the end of ideology 1964 Transactions of the Westermarck Society 10 (): 56-63
  • M Abrams
A theory on solidarity and legitimacy conflicts 1964 Transactions of the Westermarck Society 10 (): 78-96
  • E Allardt
"One-party" systems-the concept and issue for comparative studies 1964 Transactions of the Westermarck Society 10 (): 281-90
  • J J Wiatr
The structure of urban parties in Norway during the first period of extended suffrage 1884-1898 1964 Transactions of the Westermarck Society 10 (): 377-99
  • U Torgersen
Regional contrasts in Norwegian politics: a review of data from official statistics and from sample surveys 1964 Transactions of the Westermarck Society 10 (): 162-238
  • H Valen
  • S Rokkan
International co-operation in political sociology: current efforts and future possibilities 1964 Transactions of the Westermarck Society 10 (): 5-18
  • S Rokkan
Patterns of class conflict and working class consciousness in Finnish politics 1964 Transactions of the Westermarck Society 10 (): 97-131
  • E Allardt
Majority rule and the representative system of government 1964 Transactions of the Westermarck Society 10 (): 343-76
  • W M Miller
A profile of the Japanese Conservative party 1964 Transactions of the Westermarck Society 10 (): 425-40
  • J Masumi
Political ideology and social development 1964 Transactions of the Westermarck Society 10 (): 64-9
  • R D Lukic
Social restraints and ideological pluralism 1964 Transactions of the Westermarck Society 10 (): 70-7
  • Y Littunen
Political cleavages in "developed" and "emerging" polities 1964 Transactions of the Westermarck Society 10 (): 21-55
  • S M Lipset
An authoritarian regime: Spain 1964 Transactions of the Westermarck Society 10 (): 291-341
  • J J Linz
Geography of the Swiss party system 1964 Transactions of the Westermarck Society 10 (): 132-61
  • R Girod
Bureaucratization, markets, and power structure 1964 Transactions of the Westermarck Society 10 (): 241-55
  • S N Eisenstadt
The adoption of mass organization by the British Conservative party 1964 Transactions of the Westermarck Society 10 (): 400-24
  • J Cornford
The societal functions of party systems in sub-Saharan Africa 1964 Transactions of the Westermarck Society 10 (): 256-80
  • S Chodak
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