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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Kunskap, handlag och råmaterial - en diskussion kring produktionen och konsumtionen av senneolitiska flintdolkar i Skandinavien 1998/1999 Tor 30 (): 35-82
  • Jan Apel
Käringsjön - en offerplats för bondebefolkning eller ledarskikt? Studier kring en romartida kultplats och dess omland i södra Halland 1998/1999 Tor 30 (): 123-64
  • Anne Carlie
Lämningar från stridsyxekulturen på Fågelbacken, Hubbo sn, Västmanland 1998/1999 Tor 30 (): 5-33
  • Fredrik Hallgren
Continuity and long-term changes - three prehistoric sites in western Östergötland 1998/1999 Tor 30 (): 107-22
  • Anders Kaliff
  • Anna Molin
  • Fredrik Molin
  • Karin Sundberg
  • Tom Carlsson
Senneolitiskå skafthalsyxor i depå - och offersammanhang 1998/1999 Tor 30 (): 83-106
  • Per Lekberg
Vapen och brandgravskick under Vendeltid 1998/1999 Tor 30 (): 165-84
  • John Ljungkvist
Burning down the house: the transformational use of fire and other aspects of an early neolithic TRB site in eastern central Sweden 1997 Tor 29 (): 5-47
  • Jan Apel
The estate of Skuttunge church. The prehistoric background 1997 Tor 29 (): 279-94
  • Ha kan Aspeborg
Political and social structures in early Scandinavia, 2. Aspects of space and territoriality - the settlement district 1997 Tor 29 (): 389-437
  • Stefan Brink
Finnish cultural influences in the eastern part of Sweden during the mesolithic and neolithic 1997 Tor 29 (): 157-85
  • Lennart Falk
Skogsmossen, an early neolithic settlement site and sacrificial fen in the northern borderland of the Funnel-beaker culture 1997 Tor 29 (): 49-111
  • Fredrik Hallgren
Pottery design and time: the pottery from the TRB site Skogsmossen, in view of the AMS-datings of organic remains on potsherds 1997 Tor 29 (): 113-36
  • Frederik Hallgren
Odin's sacrifice. Shadows of a shamanic tradition in migration-period Scandinavia 1997 Tor 29 (): 265-78
  • Lotte Hedeager
The fight at Finnsburg 1997 Tor 29 (): 295-333
  • Frands Herschend
Economical and cultural changes in the landscape development at Novgorod 1997 Tor 29 (): 353-87
  • Lars-Ko nig Königsson
Simple shaft-hole axes in graves 1997 Tor 29 (): 137-55
  • Per Lekberg
Quivers, arrow barrages and logistics - from Nydam to the Mary Rose 1997 Tor 29 (): 241-63
  • Peter Lindbom
A Viking age settlement in Gamla Uppsala 1997 Tor 29 (): 335-52
  • John Ljungkvist
Dating pottery - another way of doing it 1997 Tor 29 (): 187-98
  • Synno ve Reisborg
Salvation, doom or just a functional tool? On information technology (IT) and archaeology 1997 Tor 29 (): 439-56
  • Helena Victor
Spurs of the early iron age in Västmanland, Södermanlad and Uppland 1997 Tor 29 (): 199-239
  • Jonas Wikborg
Political and social structures in early Scandinavia: a settlement-historical pre-study of the central place 1996 Tor 28 (): 235-81
  • Stefan Brink
Recent finds in Sigtuna of 12th-century ship-pictures 1996 Tor 28 (): 305-12
  • Rune Edberg
The process of gradual increase of archaeological knowledge: an example taken from archaeological investigations 1992-95 in the Mälar valley 1996 Tor 28 (): 153-73
  • Stefan Elgh
Four poems by Venantius Fortunatus concerning Duke Lupus: translated into Swedish and English 1996 Tor 28 (): 189-208
  • Johan Flemberg
Social territories and exogamous relations in the late mesolithic. A discussion on the Pärlängsberget site in Södermanland 1996 Tor 28 (): 5-27
  • Frederik Hallgren
Myths and material culture: the Scandinavian origin myths in early Christian Europe 1996 Tor 28 (): 217-34
  • Lotte Hedeager
Verses for Lupus, Duke of Champagne. Four poems by Venantius Fortunatus 1996 Tor 28 (): 209-16
  • Frands Herschend
A note on late iron age kingship mythology 1996 Tor 28 (): 283-303
  • Frands Herschend
Deir el-Kattar el Byzanti and the search for lost cities: results of the 1995 excavation and survey in the El-Lisan area of Jordan 1996 Tor 28 (): 69-90
  • Richard Holmgren
The archaeology of lowland Maya and in eastern Africa 1996 Tor 28 (): 91-103
  • Christian Isendahl
Muslim burial customs on the east African coast 1996 Tor 28 (): 349-55
  • Abdurahman Juma
Ecofacts indicating late neolithic and early bronze age farming in Sweden 1996 Tor 28 (): 53-67
  • Anna Kristensson
Quartz as source material - examples from the mesolithic site Hagtorp 1996 Tor 28 (): 29-52
  • Christina Lindgren
An explanatory note on the connection between archaeology and racism 1996 Tor 28 (): 357-61
  • Allan A. Lund
Science and religion in negative dialogue 1996 Tor 28 (): 313-47
  • Michel Notelid
Two sets of harness mounts from Barshalder and Vende period unit of measurement 1996 Tor 28 (): 175-88
  • Martin Rundkvist
The inhumations at Bastubacken. The inhumation burial rite in the Mälar region during the Roman iron age 1996 Tor 28 (): 105-51
  • Jonas Wikborg
Patterns of neolithic farming in Sweden 1995 Tor 27 (1): 133-84
  • Karin Ahlfont
Fågelbacken and the Funnel-beaker society. Social organisation and ritual aggregation in the transition to a settled life in eastern central Sweden 1995 Tor 27 (1): 47-132
  • Jan-Erik E Apel
Regalia in Svealand in early medieval times 1995 Tor 27 (1): 311-35
  • Birgit Arrhenius
Monastery land in the Gotland countryside 1995 Tor 27 (2): 663-74
  • Christina Bendegard
One trench too few and a great deal too many 1995 Tor 27 (2): 741-63
  • Roger Blidmo
The evil dragon: the Christian message in the rune-stone ornamentation. An attempt at interpretation 1995 Tor 27 (2): 449-57
  • Hans Christiannson
Kings, thegns, Tegnebys, jewellery and hoards. On Danish influence in Sweden during the late Viking age 1995 Tor 27 (2): 625-62
  • Wladyslaw Duczko
Levels of prescriptive language in archaeology 1995 Tor 27 (2): 725-40
  • Roger Edenmo
The women of the rune-stones once again 1995 Tor 27 (2): 459-74
  • Anne-Sofie S Gräslund
'But thank goodness we have professors, to whom the truth is fairly clear...' 1995 Tor 27 (2): 675-724
  • Johan Hegardt
The great midwinter sacrifice and the royal mounds at Uppsala 1995 Tor 27 (1): 337-94
  • Göran Henriksson
Friends of Trimalchio's: a study of Spanish lead ingots from three Roman wrecks 1995 Tor 27 (1): 269-310
  • Frands Herschend