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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
On taba/teba, dava/deva on other aspects of the pre-Indo-European, Indo-European, proto-boreal, [nostratism], and not ultimately on coherence in linguistic thracology 2002 Thraco-Dacica 23 (1/2): 7-14
  • Sorin Paliga
Mots rumains probablement autochtones, attestés au cours du premier siècle de l'écriture en roumain (1521-1621) 2002 Thraco-Dacica 23 (1/2): 15-35
  • Gheorghe Mihaţilaţ
Zu den Spondylus-Funden in Rumänien 2002 Thraco-Dacica 23 (1/2): 37-83
  • Cristian Schuster
Nuclear analysis of some eneolithic gold artifacts discovered in the Călăraşi district, Romania 2002 Thraco-Dacica 23 (1/2): 85-91
  • Done Şerbanescu
  • Viorel Cojocaru
About the meanings of the representations of clay miniatural constructions on the Romanian territory 2002 Thraco-Dacica 23 (1/2): 93-117
  • Alexandru S. Morintz
Globular amphorae culture in Moldavia between the Carpathians and Prut. Current state of the evidence 2002 Thraco-Dacica 23 (1/2): 119-52
  • Florentin Burtaţnescu
Die Kostolac-Kultur in Kroatien 2002 Thraco-Dacica 23 (1/2): 153-70
  • Jacqueline Balen
Early and middle bronze age shaft-hole axes in Moldavia, attempts of typology, chronology and cultural definition 2002 Thraco-Dacica 23 (1/2): 171-207
  • Florentin Burtaţnescu
New data about the distribution of the Tei-culture (I-III) south of the Danube 2002 Thraco-Dacica 23 (1/2): 209-14
  • Tanya Hristova
Einige Betrachtungen betreffend einem Fund von Bubueci (Fundumstände, Forschungsgeschichte, Datierung und ethnische Zuschreibung) 2002 Thraco-Dacica 23 (1/2): 215-30
  • Vitalie Bârcă
Pièces ornamentales des chariot de la Dacie préromaine 2002 Thraco-Dacica 23 (1/2): 231-42
  • Aurel Rustoiu
  • Iosif Vasile Ferencz
Archaeozoological researches in the bronze age settlement from Carei - [Bobald] (Satu Mare district) 2002 Thraco-Dacica 23 (1/2): 243-65
  • Georgeta El Susi
Social implications of the căluş dance 2002 Thraco-Dacica 23 (1/2): 267-76
  • Ionut Semuc
Contributions à l'étude du caloian roumain 2002 Thraco-Dacica 23 (1/2): 277-93
  • Anastasia Hanncu-Tentiuc
Egypto-(Indo-)European correspondences in vocabulary which has connections with the toponyms of the Tapa/Taba isogloss and with the radical 2001 Thraco-Dacica 22 (1/2): 5-14
  • Adrian Poruciuc
Papyrus et d'autres nom indo-européens de plantes et d'animaux 2001 Thraco-Dacica 22 (1/2): 15-19
  • Dan Ungureanu
Ten theses on Romanian etymology 2001 Thraco-Dacica 22 (1/2): 33-45
  • Sorin Paliga
Mots rumains d'origine autochtone, attestés au cours de premier siècle de l'écriture en langue nationale (1521-1621) (2). Glossaire 2001 Thraco-Dacica 22 (1/2): 47-65
  • Gheorghe Mihăilă
New pottery finds of Cucuteni C type in the Moldavian plateau 2001 Thraco-Dacica 22 (1/2): 77-83
  • Iiulian Grădinaru
  • Ruxandra Alaiba
The Cucuteni C pottery type from Vulturi-Dealul Frasinului and Podul Iloaiei-Şesul Târgului 2001 Thraco-Dacica 22 (1/2): 85-96
  • Madalin Văleanu
  • Ruxandra Alaiba
New Cucuteni C and Horodiştea-Erbiceni-Gordineşti pottery type recordings 2001 Thraco-Dacica 22 (1/2): 97-105
  • Ruxandra Alaiba
  • Vicus Merlan
The habitation structures in the Cernavodǎ I culture 2001 Thraco-Dacica 22 (1/2): 107-37
  • Alxandru S. Morintz
A new archaeological discovery at Baia de Criş (Hunedoara county) 2001 Thraco-Dacica 22 (1/2): 139-71
  • Nicolae-Catalin Rişcuţa
Western contributions to the birth of the Tei culture 2001 Thraco-Dacica 22 (1/2): 173-82
  • Valeriu Leahu
Funde der späten Bronzezeit in der Dobrogea und einige Betrachtungen die Coslogeni-Kultur betreffend 2001 Thraco-Dacica 22 (1/2): 183-95
  • Mihai Irimia
Sur la localisation du soi-disant [dépôt de bronzes de Şandra] (comp. Biled, Dép. de Timiş) 2001 Thraco-Dacica 22 (1/2): 197-204
  • Alexandru Szentmiklosi
  • Florin Medeleţ
  • Petru Rogozea
Ein in Teliţa-Amza, Bezirik Tulcea, entdecktes eisernes Ärmchenbeil 2001 Thraco-Dacica 22 (1/2): 205-9
  • Gabriel Jugănaru
  • Victor H. Bauman
Archaeological testimonials on the Getan-Dacian flag (XXth century discoveries) 2001 Thraco-Dacica 22 (1/2): 213-21
  • Augustin Mureşan
  • Liviu Mărghitan
Archaeozoological researches at Foeni-'Cimitirul Ortodox' (Timeş county). Fauna of the bronze age levels 2001 Thraco-Dacica 22 (1/2): 223-46
  • Georgeta El Susi
The substratum elements in a Romanian custom, Cǎluşarii. The cult of the sun, horse and weapons 2001 Thraco-Dacica 22 (1/2): 247-51
  • Ionut Semuc
The root ar- [to make, to become, to arrangeá to till, to plough] in Indo-European and non-Indo-Eeuropean languaes 2000 Thraco-Dacica 21 (1/2): 5-11
  • Adrian Poruciuc
Bulgarian indirect speech: verbal forms and the circumpontic substratum 2000 Thraco-Dacica 21 (1/2): 13-16
  • Gustavo Adolfo Loría Rivel
'eots rumains d'origine autochtone, attestés au cours du premier siècle de l'écriture en langue nationale (1521-1621). (2) Glossaire 2000 Thraco-Dacica 21 (1/2): 17-31
  • Mihaila Gheorghe
Two studies in defence of migration concept 2000 Thraco-Dacica 21 (1/2): 33-102
  • Valentin Dergacev
The settlements and the cemetery of the Otomani culture from Pir (Satu Mare county) 2000 Thraco-Dacica 21 (1/2): 103-46
  • Zsolt Székely
The harness in the Bronze age 2000 Thraco-Dacica 21 (1/2): 147-62
  • Ion Pâslaru
New complexes of the Belozerka culture in the Dniestr-Danube interfluve 2000 Thraco-Dacica 21 (1/2): 163-76
  • L. V. Subbotin
  • V. P. Vančugov
Traditions hallstatiens dans la production céramique de la culture Belozerka 2000 Thraco-Dacica 21 (1/2): 177-209
  • Oleg Leviţki
A complex with horses skeletons of the bronze age in a tumulus at Ripiceni (Botoşani county) 2000 Thraco-Dacica 21 (1/2): 257-63
  • Florentin Bărtanescu
  • Georgeta El Susi
Über das Verhältnis zwischen den Musik-schöpferischen Fähigkeiten der Thrako-Phryger un das Musikleben der alten Griechen. Ein Anlaß zu einem Streifzung in das Substrat der rumänischen Folklore 2000 Thraco-Dacica 21 (1/2): 265-93
  • Ionut Semuc
  • Saviana Diamandi
Sacred symbols of pre-and Indo-European cultures: Auroch's (bovid) worship. The universal symbolism of the antic mythologem of Europe 2000 Thraco-Dacica 21 (1/2): 295-308
  • Ruxandra Alaiba
Adrian Radulescu (1932-2000) 2000 Thraco-Dacica 21 (1/2): 337-9
  • Petre Roman
Maria Cristescu (1929-2000) 2000 Thraco-Dacica 21 (1/2): 340-3
  • Alexandra Comşa
Olga Necrasov (1910-2000) 2000 Thraco-Dacica 21 (1/2): 344-50
  • Mircea Petrescu-Dîmboviţa
Zoltán Székely (1912-2000) 2000 Thraco-Dacica 21 (1/2): 351-2
  • Zsolt Székely
Tumulus Sarmate près du village Cazaclia (Ier s. apr. J.-C.) 1999 Thraco-Dacica 20 (1/2): 287-307
  • Sergei Agulnikov
  • Valeriu Bubulici
Zwei Pharzoios-Goldstatere aus einer ukrainischen Privatsammlung 1999 Thraco-Dacica 20 (1/2): 383-6
  • Victor Cojocaru
Composition of some ancient coins from Călăraşi district analyzed by XRF and PAA 1999 Thraco-Dacica 20 (1/2): 365-67
  • Done Şerbănescu
  • Voirel Cojocaru
H6/KE [THRACO-] 0259-1081
Contributions à l'étude de la culture Verbicioara. La station archéologique de Rogova (Dép de Mehedinţi) 1999 Thraco-Dacica 20 (1/2): 79-108
  • Gabriel Crăcinescu
Cultural-historical dialogue between the Balkans and eastern Europe (neolithic-bronze age) 1999 Thraco-Dacica 20 (1/2): 33-78
  • Valentin Dergachev
H6/KE [THRACO-] 0259-1081