Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Walls of cloth: tentergrounds and cloth production in Bruges, c. 1200-1600 2022 Textile history 53 (1): 7-31
  • Mathijs Speecke
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Engineering Brussels tapestry: development, uses and effects of the privilege system, 1600-1700 2022 Textile history 53 (1): 32-55
  • Koenraad Brosens
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Women's ready-to-wear multiple retailers 1860-1914: H. J. Nicoll and Alfred Stedall 2022 Textile history 53 (1): 56-80
  • Clare Rose
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
'Be sure to incorporate a little history': nostalgia and stories of place in Cape Breton overshot weaving 2022 Textile history 53 (1): 81-100
  • Hilary Doda
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Weaving connections: Sicilian silk in the medieval Mediterranean 2021 Textile history 52 (1-2): 5-22
  • Timothy Smit
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Women's dress and the demise of the tailoring monopoly: farthingale-makers, body-makers and the changing textile marketplace of seventeenth-century London 2021 Textile history 52 (1-2): 23-55
  • Sarah A. Bendall
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Behind the seams: global circulations in a group of Japanese-inspired cotton nightgowns c. 1700 2021 Textile history 52 (1-2): 56-77
  • Ariane Fennetaux
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Check shirts, flannel jackets, canvas trousers: the trade in slops from eighteenth-century Liverpool 2021 Textile history 52 (1-2): 78-100
  • Miles Lambert
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Production of uniform cloth and military uniforms in Russia (1698-1762) 2021 Textile history 52 (1-2): 101-21
  • Victoria Ivleva
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Why early modern English clothiers started using Spanish wool 2021 Textile history 52 (1-2): 122-43
  • Hugh Chevis
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
The stocking knitting industry of later sixteenth-century Norwich 2021 Textile history 52 (1-2): 144-64
  • Lesley O'Connell Edwards
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Recognising the co-dependence of machine and hand in the Scottish knitwear industry 2021 Textile history 52 (1-2): 165-89
  • Lin Gardner
  • Lynn Abrams
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Introduction: missing persons and hidden heritages in European lace making 2020 Textile history 18 (1): 2-11
  • Julie Botticello
  • Tom Fischer
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Principles and pilfering: Nottingham lace design pedagogy 2020 Textile history 18 (1): 12-23
  • Amanda Briggs-Goode
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Unravelling the Battle of Britain lace panel 2020 Textile history 18 (1): 24-38
  • Carol Quarini
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Hidden hands and missing persons 2020 Textile history 18 (1): 39-52
  • Gail Baxter
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Working, singing, and telling in the 19th-century Flemish pillow-lace industry 2020 Textile history 18 (1): 53-68
  • David Hopkin
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Lace industry in Britain and France (1810-60) 2020 Textile history 18 (1): 69-91
  • Fabrice Bensimon
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Reflection on Bummock: the Lace Archive symposium 2020 Textile history 18 (1): 92-9
  • Katherine Townsend
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Dressed 'as if for a carnival': solving the mystery of the origins of children's fashion. A new perspective on the history and historiography of children's dress 2020 Textile history 51 (1): 5-28
  • Małgorzata Możdżyńska-Nawotka
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
From kings to kids: refashioning Akan adinkra symbols as 'African' motifs in a nineteenth-century British cloth design 2020 Textile history 51 (1): 29-59
  • Allison J. Martino
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Reinterpreting adire cloth in northern Nigeria 2020 Textile history 51 (1): 60-85
  • Elisha P. Renne
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
The Crutcheley archive: red colours on wool fabrics from master dyers, London 1716-1744 2020 Textile history 51 (2): 119-66
  • Anita Quye
  • Dominique Cardon
  • Jenny Balfour Paul
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
The rise and fall of the spinning jenny: domestic mechanisation in eighteenth-century cotton spinning 2020 Textile history 51 (2): 195-236
  • John Styles
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
From Senegal to Augsburg: gum arabic and the Central European textiles industry in the eighteenth century 2019 Textile history 50 (1): 4-22
  • Jutta Wimmler
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Textiles as the face of modernity: artistry and industry in mid-century America 2019 Textile history 50 (1): 23-40
  • Virginia Gardner Troy
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Business history 2019 Textile history 50 (1): 55-61
  • Shinobu Majima
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Conservation 2019 Textile history 50 (1): 62-72
  • Mary M. Brooks
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Design 2019 Textile history 50 (1): 73-81
  • Philip A. Sykas
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Dress 2019 Textile history 50 (1): 82-6
  • Charlotte Niklas
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Material culture 2019 Textile history 50 (1): 87-92
  • Beverly Lemire
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Value 2019 Textile history 50 (1): 93-8
  • Miki Sugiura
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Material messagees: a reassessment of the double portrait of Mary Tudor and Charles Brandon 2019 Textile history 50 (2): 128-42
  • Rosalind Mearns
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
'Knitting needles, knotting shuttles, and totums e cards and counters': the bluestockings and the material culture of fibre arts 2019 Textile history 50 (2): 143-62
  • Nicole Pohl
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Transatlantic textiles: Ireland's Dun Emer textiles in America during the first decade of the twentieth century 2019 Textile history 50 (2): 163-86
  • Cynthia Fowler
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Cabbage, tradition and bounce: Marion Donaldson and the black economy of the British rag trade in the 1970s 2019 Textile history 50 (2): 187-205
  • Jade Halbert
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Fashion 2019 Textile history 50 (2): 206-11
  • Chris Breward
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Gender 2019 Textile history 50 (2): 212-17
  • Adrienne D. Hood
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Cultural heritage 2019 Textile history 50 (2): 218-24
  • Barbara Karl
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Dyes and dyeing 2019 Textile history 50 (2): 225-31
  • Susan Kay-Williams
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Global trade 2019 Textile history 50 (2): 232-6
  • Prasannan Parthasarathi
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Consumption 2019 Textile history 50 (2): 237-43
  • John Styles
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Craft 2019 Textile history 50 (2): 244-8
  • Amanda Thatch
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
The colour purple? Reconsidering the Greek word halourgos (ἁλουργóς) and its relation to ancient textiles 2018 Textile history 49 (1): 22-43
  • Cecilie Brøns
  • Kerstin Droß-Krüpe
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Dyes and dyeing in the Ming and Qing dynasties in China: preliminary evidence based on primary sources of documented recipes 2018 Textile history 49 (1): 44-70
  • Anita Quye
  • Jing Han
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
'None but Abigails appeared in white aprons': the apron as an elite garment in eighteenth-century England 2018 Textile history 49 (2): 164-90
  • Elizabeth Spencer
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
An occupational study to track the rise of adult male mule spinning in Lancashire and Cheshire, 1777-1813 2017 Textile history 48 (2): 160-75
  • Keith Sugden
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
A descriptive language of dominion? Curial inventories, clothing, and papal monarchy, c. 1300 2017 Textile history 48 (2): 176-91
  • Maureen C. Miller
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Textiles and the making of sacred space 2017 Textile history 48 (2): 192-210
  • Timothy Carroll
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Embroidery as a means of diplomacy: the artistans' part in a royal marriage proposal, 1560-1561 2017 Textile history 48 (2): 211-32
  • Cecilia Candréus
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969