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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Archaeological testing of the Tipton-Haynes cemetery by students in the Governor's School for Tennessee Studies 1993 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 18 (4): 1-5
  • A L Young
The Melungeon film project 1993 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 18 (2): 1-2
  • C H Faulkner
  • U T Knoxville
The 1992 field season at the Tipton-Haynes historical site, Johnson City, Washington county, Tennessee 1993 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 18 (5): 1-14
  • C L Coxe
Kitchen and manor at Clifton Place plantation 1993 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 18 (6): 2-11
  • N Honerkamp
Summary report on the 1991 Hermitage field quarter excavation 1993 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 18 (1): 1-17
  • L McKee
Gar scales as projectile points 1992 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 17 (2): 3-4
  • G Agogino
Excavations at the Pitts and Lockart Chapel sites and description of the Wells Creek phase 1992 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 17 (3): 1-13
  • A P Bradbury
The occurrence of gar remains on Tennessee archaeological sites 1992 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 17 (2): 5-8
  • C H Faulkner
Slave and master in the upland South: investigations at the Mabry site (40KN86) 1992 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 17 (1): 5-15
  • H S McKelway
A critical issue in Tennessee archaeology [American Indian burials] 1992 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 17 (1): 1-4
  • C H McNutt
Recent archaeological studies at the Chattooga site (380C18) 1992 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 17 (5): 1-6
  • G F Schroedl
Conch shell artifacts from the Nashville basin 1992 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 17 (6): 1-4
  • K E Smith
  • M C Moore
A Cox mound woodpecker gorget from Wickliffe mounds, Kentucky 1992 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 17 (2): 1-3
  • K W Wesler
Archaeological investigations of the Forbus site (4OFN122), Fentress county, Tennessee 1991 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 16 (): 1-17
  • Andrew P Bradbury
A southeastern ceremonial complex gorget from Putnam county, Tennessee 1991 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 16 (): 1-4
  • Andrew A Buchner
  • Mitchell R Childress
The summer public archaeology program at Big South Fork national river and recreation area 1991 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 16 (): 1-8
  • Tom Des Jean
Summary report of the 199O Hermitage field quarter excavation 1991 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 16 (): 1-17
  • Larry McKee
Archaeological testing and data recovery at the Morning Sun farmstead site (4OSY5O8), Shelby county, Tennessee 1991 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 16 (): 2-8
  • others
  • Guy G Weaver
The nineteenth century occupation of the Sovran bank site (4OKN128), Knox county, Tennessee 1990 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 15 (): 1-14
  • Charles Bentz jr
Whatever happened to the Citico mound? 1990 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 15 (): 1-6
  • Nicholas Honerkamp
The Kimberly-Clark site bean date: a lesson in context and contemporaneity 1990 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 15 (): 14-15
  • Jefferson Chapman
The early middle Woodland Neel phase occupation of the Aenon creek site (4OMU493), Maury county, Tennessee 1990 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 15 (): 2-23
  • Charles Bentz jr
Desiccated human paleofeces from Big Bone cave (4OVB1O3), Van Buren county, Tennessee 1989 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 14 (): 1-7
  • Charles T Faulkner
Contract human osteology at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville 1989 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 14 (): 2-11
  • P Willey
  • Stephen P Langdon
The Forensic Anthropology Center at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville 1988 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 13 (): 1-6
  • William M Bass
The late Archaic occupation of the Bailey site (4OGL26), Giles county, Tennessee 1988 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 13 (): 1-20
  • Charles Bentz jr
The late Woodland occupation of the Bailey site (4OGL26), Giles county, Tennessee 1988 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 13 (): 1-20
  • Charles Bentz jr
The Jeffrey L. Brown Institute of Archaeology [University of Tennessee, Chattanooga] 1988 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 13 (): 1-8
  • Nicholas Honerkamp
Discovery of a lost Confederate cemetery: Port Hudson, Louisiana 1988 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 13 (): 2-5
  • Douglas W Owsley
  • Mary H Manhein
A controlled feeding study involving gray wolf ('Canis lupus') and white-tailed deer ('Odocoileus virginianus') 1988 Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter 13 (): 1-9
  • Lynn M Snyder
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