Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Indigenous peoples' way of learning and knowing 2015 Tebtebba 16 (): 39-42
  • Florence Daguitan
  • Helen Biangalen-Magata
  • June Batang-ay
  • Marie Ngoddo
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
Nicaragua indigenous community maps lands to secure rights 2015 Tebtebba 16 (): 31-3
  • Jo Ann L. Guillao
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
Creating alternative path through indigenous peoples' livelihoods 2015 Tebtebba 16 (): 20-4
  • José Luis Montenegro
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
Indigenous peoples major group statement on the role of sustainable development goals 2015 Tebtebba 16 (): 9-12
  • Galina Angarova
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
Ensuring indigenous peoples' rights and development in the post-2015 development agenda 2015 Tebtebba 16 (): 4-8
  • Galina Angarova
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
Drawing on communication strategies from each other's experiences: indigenous communities harness media tools to effect change 2014 Tebtebba 15 (): 13-17
  • Maurice Malanes
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
Indigenous peoples tap mapping and information technologies as they chart future 2014 Tebtebba 15 (): 4-11
  • Mara Stankovich
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
Mexico's Mixe people coping with climate change and defining own development 2014 Tebtebba 15 (): 18-22
  • Jo Ann Guillao
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
Regaining sense of being women and being Tharu. Nepal's once forsaken Tharu peoples now engage government 2014 Tebtebba 15 (): 23-8
  • Maurice Malanes
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
Indigenous representatives help review biodiversity strategies, action plans 2014 Tebtebba 15 (): 32-6
  • Florence Deguitan
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
Indigenous leaders count gains from UN climate change 2014 Tebtebba 15 (): 37-41
  • Tebtebba Indigenous Information Service
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
The global indigenous peoples' dialogue with FCPF: a summary 2013 Tebtebba 14 (): 17-21
  • Mara Stankovich
Solidarity and the exercise of self-determination: the Gurung of Khasur village 2013 Tebtebba 14 (): 14-16
  • Jo Ann Guillao
Measuring indigenous peoples' and planet's well-being 2013 Tebtebba 14 (): 4-13
  • Mauricio Malanes
Community maps can empower indigenous peoples to assert land rights 2012 Tebtebba 13 (): 32-5
  • Tebtebba Indigenous Information Service
Indigenous peoples' partners collaborate to confront climate change 2012 Tebtebba 13 (): 22-31
  • Mauricio Malanes
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
Elaborating a more holistic, equitable and far-sighted framework: indigenous peoples' sustainable, self-determined development 2012 Tebtebba 13 (): 16-21
  • Raymond de Chavez
  • Victoria Tauli-Corpuz
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
Engaging Rio +20: towards recognition of indigenous peoples' rights and sustainable, self-determined development 2012 Tebtebba 13 (): 8-15
  • Grace Balawag
  • Raymond de Chavez
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
The Copenhagen climate talks: implications for indigenous peoples' local adaptation and mitigation measures 2010 Tebtebba 12 (): 23-36
  • Lars Andrea-Baer
  • Victoria Taui-Corpuz
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
Showcasing indigenous peoples' tradition on resource management 2010 Tebtebba 12 (): 12-19
  • Grace Balawag
  • Marissa Maguide-Cabado
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
Bold steps towards effective and meaningful participation of indigenous peoples in climate change and REDD+ processes 2010 Tebtebba 12 (): 4-11
  • Grace Balawag
  • Marissa Maguide-Cabado
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
Social research for indigenous peoples' empowerment 2009 Tebtebba 11 (): 32-8
  • Helen Magata
  • Mikara Kaye Jubay
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
Making research relevant for indigenous peoples: international training on social research and indigenous peoples 2007 Tebtebba 10 (): 40-3
  • Eleanor Baldo-Soriano
  • Helen Magata
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
How the UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples got adopted 2007 Tebtebba 10 (): 4-23
  • Victoria Tauli-Corpuz
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
Indicators relevant for indigenous peoples 2007 Tebtebba 10 (): 44-7
  • Helen Valdez
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
Building capacities, making impacts 2005 Tebtebba 8 (): 30-3
  • Maurice B. Malanes
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
Integrating issues of ethics, socio-economics and sustainability in Philippine policy on GMOs and regulations on biosafety 2005 Tebtebba 7 (2): 8-29
  • Jennifer Corpuz
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
The Holok: rice pests, plants and Ifugao gods 2005 Tebtebba 7 (2): 30-42
  • Montanosa Research and Development Center
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
Food insecurity among the Tumandoks 2005 Tebtebba 7 (2): 43-65
  • Organic Farming Field Experimental and Resources Station
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
The reason we live: the cause of our struggle 2005 Tebtebba 7 (2): 87-103
  • Clint Bangaan
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
Development initiatives in the CHT: crisis and potentiality 2005 Tebtebba 7 (2): 104-17
  • Mathura Tripura
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
Exploring international options for indigenous people's rights 2005 Tebtebba 8 (): 18-21
  • Jennifer Tauli-Corpuz
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
IPGREN and grassroots education for indigenous peoples 2005 Tebtebba 8 (): 24-30
  • Leah Enkiwe-Abayao
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
Making research and education plausible: milestones of the Indigenous People's Global Research and Education Network (IPGREN) 2004 Tebtebba 7 (): 20-4
  • Leah Enkiwe-Abayao
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
Advancing development work among indigenous peoples 2004 Tebtebba 7 (): 25-36
  • Salvador Armando Ramo
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
The struggle of indigenous women in the Philippines and Asia 2004 Tebtebba 7 (): 37-57
  • Aida Priscilla T. Cadiogan
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
Indigenous peoples and the convention on biological diversity 2002 Tebtebba 4 (): 28-9
  • Jack G. L. Medrana
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
Humanizing globalization 2002 Tebtebba 4 (): 18-22
  • Ruth Sidchogan-Batani
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
Indigenous peoples and the WSSD 2002 Tebtebba 4 (): 4-10
  • Jack G. L. Medrana
H6/KD [TEBTEBBA-] 1655-4523
Indigenous peoples, natural resources extractive corporations and human rights 2001 Tebtebba 5 (1): 10-41
  • Joji Cariño
Indigenous peoples of Asia: resisting racism and racial discrimination 2001 Tebtebba 3 (1/2): 4-16
  • Victoria Tauli-Corpuz
Indigenous cosmologies and lifeways in the era of globalization 2001 Tebtebba 3 (1/2): 32-7
  • Victoria Tauli-Corpuz
The long and winding path of indigenous people in the convention on biological diversity 2001 Tebtebba 3 (3): 14-17
  • Jack G. L. Medrana
Eradicating racism: a losing battle? 2001 Tebtebba 3 (3): 18-21
  • Ann Loreto Tamayo
Standing on the ruins of China's Great Wall 2001 Tebtebba 3 (3): 22-4
  • Eleanor Dictaan-Bang-oa
In the Native way 2001 Tebtebba 3 (3): 25-7
  • Tom Goldtooth
On the new technologies: the indigenous perspective 2001 Tebtebba 3 (3): 28-32
  • Jack G. L. Medrana
Biotechnology dilemma in sustainable agriculture 2001 Tebtebba 4 (2): 8-23
  • Jack G. L. Medrana
Traditional medicine and global ecological challenges 2001 Tebtebba 4 (2): 32-49
  • Leah Enkiwe-Abayao
Traditional medicine and global ecological challenges 2001 Tebtebba 4 (2): 50-129
  • Philippine Association for Intercultural Development
  • Sarapunta Foundation