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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Don Crabtree: Idaho's own expert stone tool maker 2000 Tebiwa 27 (2): 1-43
  • E. S. Lohse
Recent small-scale excavations at Weston Canyon rockshelter in southeastern Idaho 1999 Tebiwa 27 (1): 1-46
  • Brooke S. Arkush
Micro-botanical and micro-refuse analysis of flotation samples from Weston Canyon rockshelter 1999 Tebiwa 27 (1): 60-4
  • Kathleen M. Heath
Weston Canyon rockshelter faunal remains 1999 Tebiwa 27 (1): 47-59
  • Susanne J. Miller
A little down the trail: prehistoric obsidian use on the Flying D Ranch, northern Gallatin-Madison river divide, southwestern Montana 1997 Tebiwa 26 (2): 141-61
  • Mark F. Baumler
Mobility, settlement patterns, and obsidian source variation in Jackson Hole, Wyoming 1997 Tebiwa 26 (2): 162-85
  • Melissa Connor
Volcanic glass utilization in eastern Idaho 1997 Tebiwa 26 (2): 186-204
  • Richard N. Holmer
Prehistoric high altitude obsidian selection in the Beartooth Mountains of Montana 1997 Tebiwa 26 (2): 205-15
  • Raymond Kunselman
As clear as opaque obsidian: source location in Jackson Hole, Wyoming 1997 Tebiwa 26 (2): 216-24
  • James R. Schoen
The earliest fossil mole (insectivora, mammalia) from Idaho 1997 Tebiwa 26 (2): 233-9
  • Allen R. Tedrow
Wyoming basin-Yellowstone plateau interaction: a study of obsidian artifacts from southwest Wyoming 1997 Tebiwa 26 (2): 241-54
  • Jana V. Pastor
  • Kevin W. Thompson
Olivella beads from Braden site (10-WN117), southwestern Idaho 1997 Tebiwa 26 (2): 225-32
  • Robert M. Yohe II
A computerized descriptive system for functional analysis of stone tools 1996 Tebiwa 26 (1): 3-66
  • E. S. Lohse
Edge attrition on obsidian flakes from wood scraping 1996 Tebiwa 26 (1): 118-22
  • K. L. Malmstrong
Little Blue Table Complex: the sun watcher site, Owyhee County, Idaho 1996 Tebiwa 26 (1): 67-91
  • P. McShane
Obsidian flake edge-wear as a result of trampling in different site matrices 1996 Tebiwa 26 (1): 129-33
  • M. G. Plew
Preliminary results of 1995 Archaeological test excavations at Swan Falls, southwest Idaho 1996 Tebiwa 26 (1): 134-6
  • M. G. Plew
Mapping the California trail: city of rocks 1996 Tebiwa 26 (1): 92-117
  • D. Sammons
Obsidian flake edge-wear as a result of trampling in different site matrices 1996 Tebiwa 26 (1): 123-8
  • K. Wilson
Project point classification: the eastern Idaho data base 1995 Tebiwa 25 (1): 115-21
  • R. H. Holmer
Northern intermountain west projectile point chronology 1995 Tebiwa 25 (1): 3-51
  • E. S. Lohse
Sources in southeastern Idaho prehistory: excavations and syntheses 1995 Tebiwa 25 (1): 52-69
  • D. Sammons
Investigations on Caribou Mountain, Bonneville county, Idaho 1995 Tebiwa 25 (1): 108-14
  • D. Sammons
A perspective of archaeology in Oregon and Idaho 1995 Tebiwa 25 (1): 70-9
  • G. Sloss
Continuous artifact tradition from the middle archaic to the historical present: analyses of lithics and pottery from selected sites in southeast Idaho 1995 Tebiwa 25 (1): 80-107
  • K. J. Torgler
Introduction [to special issue 'Resource management and tribal development: issues from Peru's Palcazu project' 1990 Tebiwa 24 (): v-xii, 34-5
  • Anonymous
Environmental conservation and the Palcazu project 1990 Tebiwa 24 (): 13-16, 34-5
  • Pedro Aguilar Delgado
Land use planning and forestry-based economy: the case of the Amuesha forestry cooperative 1990 Tebiwa 24 (): 7-12, 34-5
  • Robert Simeone
Agricultural projects among native peoples: lessons from the Palcazu 1990 Tebiwa 24 (): 1-6, 34-5
  • Charles Staver
Developers and Indians: finding the middle ground 1990 Tebiwa 24 (): 25-35
  • Anthony Stocks
The descriptive archaeology of Nat cave, 45-WT-lOO 1987 Tebiwa 23 (): 1-8
  • Roderick Sprague
A comparison of pressure and percussion debitage from a Crabtree obsidian stoneworking demonstration 1987 Tebiwa 23 (): 23-30
  • Donald R Tuohy
The use of different time and space scales in geoarchaeological research: an example from northern Alaska 1984 Tebiwa 21 (): 1-7
  • Patricia M Anderson
Archaeological sites and habitation potential in coastal and riverine environments, southwest Alaska 1984 Tebiwa 21 (): 8-14
  • S Neal Crozier
Holocene lake level fluctuations inferred from fish remains in the Fort Rock basin, Oregon 1984 Tebiwa 21 (): 50-5
  • Ruth L Greenspan
Geomorphic setting of archaeological sites: southern Willamette valley, Oregon 1984 Tebiwa 21 (): 35-44
  • Patricia F McDowell
Late-pleistocene and early-holocene fluvial processes and their effects on human use of the riverine landscape 1984 Tebiwa 21 (): 15-25
  • Robert R Mierendorf
The Marmes site revisited: dating and stratigraphy 1984 Tebiwa 21 (): 45-9
  • John C Sheppard
  • Meyer Rubin
  • Peter Wigand
Interpreting the stratigraphy of Northwest shell middens 1984 Tebiwa 21 (): 26-34
  • Julie K Stein
Introduction [to special issue]: Geoarchaeology in the Northwest: recent applications and contributions 1984 Tebiwa 21 (): i-iii
  • Judith A Willig
Geoarchaeological research at the Dietz site and the question of Clovis lake/marsh adaptation in the northern Great basin 1984 Tebiwa 21 (): 56-69
  • Judith A Willig
The problem with probability: alternative methods for forest survey 1983 Tebiwa 20 (): 22-34
  • P W Baxter
  • T J Connolly
The Lookingbill site, Wyoming 48FR308 1983 Tebiwa 20 (): 1-16
  • G C Frison
Aboriginal-style pottery from Joseph canyon, Oregon: is it ancient or modern? 1983 Tebiwa 20 (): 43-51
  • K D Gehr
Archeofauna from Aspen Shelter Sevier county, Utah 1983 Tebiwa 20 (): 35-42
  • J Pecotte
  • S R James
Moapa black-on-gray pottery from south central Idaho 1982 Tebiwa 19 (): 79-80
  • B R Butler
The Wind River sun dance: an ecological interpretation 1982 Tebiwa 19 (): 41-6
  • R H Crapo
An analysis of lithic tools and debitage from 35CS1: a prehistoric site on the southern Oregon coast 1982 Tebiwa 19 (): 47-78
  • J A Draper
Botanical remains from the Halverson site, upper Willamette valley, Oregon 1982 Tebiwa 19 (): 15-25
  • C Pickett
  • R Minor
The Halverson site: a late prehistoric campsite in the upper Willamette valley, Oregon 1982 Tebiwa 19 (): 1-14
  • K A Toepel
  • R Minor