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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Findings about the early medieval fortification of the Mikulčice - Valy acropolis 2014 Slavia antiqua 55 (): 7-65
  • Marian Mazuch
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
Fortification of the suburb of the Great Moravian stronghold at Mikulčice-Valy 2014 Slavia antiqua 55 (): 67-124
  • Alena Dohnalová
  • Jana Šušlová
  • Marek Hladík
  • Michaela Látková
  • Roman Hadacz
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
The conquest involving Viking war-bands in the process of the Piast State formation. A critique 2014 Slavia antiqua 55 (): 125-43
  • Michał Kara
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
Gemstones from the ducal part of the fortified settlement of Poznań (10th/11th century) in the light of gemological studies and micro-Raman spectroscopy 2014 Slavia antiqua 55 (): 145-69
  • Hanna Kóčka-Krenz
  • Janusz Skoczylas
  • Michał Sachanbiński
  • Robert Girulski
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
Gypsum mortars in the buildings from the beginning of the Polish state 2014 Slavia antiqua 55 (): 171-8
  • Janusz Skoczylas
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
Did everybody in Gniezno ice-skate? Ice skates from the settlement Targowisko in Gniezno - on the means of their use in the middle ages and not only 2014 Slavia antiqua 55 (): 179-209
  • Daniel Żychliński
  • Kamilla Waszczuk
  • Piotr Pachulski
  • Robert Prawniczak
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
A forgotten town, the village and manor Zwanowo. Contribution to the studies into late mediaeval and modern settlement complex in Niedźwiedziny (hamlet Dzwonowo), administrative district Wągrowiec, Great Poland 2014 Slavia antiqua 55 (): 211-36
  • Marcin Krzepkowski
  • Marcin Moeglich
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
In memoriam: Zofia Hilczer-Kurnatowska (9.6.1932-11.8.2013) 2013 Slavia antiqua 54 (): 9-20 [insert i]
  • Krystyna Sulkowska-Tuszyńska
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
Dagome vs. Mieszko 2013 Slavia antiqua 54 (): 21-60
  • Wojciech Banasik
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
An ethnic perspective on early middle ages elite burials - a Scandinavian presence in the first Piast state and Pomerania? 2013 Slavia antiqua 54 (): 61-96
  • Jerzy Sikora
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
The journey of Bruno of Querfurt to the Pechenegs - its politics and mission 2013 Slavia antiqua 54 (): 97-116
  • Aleksandar Paroń
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
Vessels with ledges in Aestii's antiquities (on material of a burial ground of Lauth/B. Isakovo) 2013 Slavia antiqua 54 (): 117-41
  • Vladimir I. Kulakov
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
Towards uncovering early Poznań - a newly discovered settlement on Lake Malta dating from the dawn of the middle ages 2013 Slavia antiqua 54 (): 143-219
  • Paweł Pawlak
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
Archaeo-zoological analysis of bones from site 362, Poznań-Nowe Miasto 2013 Slavia antiqua 54 (): 221-36
  • Marta Osypińska
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
Impressions of plain-weave cloth on a vessel from site 362, Poznań-Nowe Miasto 2013 Slavia antiqua 54 (): 237-40
  • Andrzej Sikorski
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
Selected archeaological excavations of workshop pottery from the early middle ages in south-west Wielkopolska and the south-east part of Ziema Lubushka (in the light of specialist research) 2013 Slavia antiqua 54 (): 241-65
  • Bartłomiej Gruszka
  • Michał Kara
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
Several comments on a weight with an alleged runic sign found on Góra Chełmska in Kozalin 2013 Slavia antiqua 54 (): 267-73
  • Andrzej Janowski
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
Medieval glass finger rings with oval plates: insignia of members of the clergy? 2013 Slavia antiqua 54 (): 275-85
  • Donat Wehner
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
Spurs after all: Lutomiersk-type bronze ferrules (the latest investigations on the Ciepłe cemetery, Gniew commune) 2013 Slavia antiqua 54 (): 287-305
  • Zdzisława Ratajczyk
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
In praise of the Grand Princess of Vladimir, Maria. Original and translation of an unknown monument of Old Russian literature 2013 Slavia antiqua 54 (): 307-20
  • Zofia Brzozowska
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
The complex of archaeological sites on the Litmanovská Hill in Jarabina (northern Slovakia) 2013 Slovenská archeológia 61 (1): 1-20
  • Marián Soják
  • Mariola Biernat
  • Paweł Valde-Nowak
H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] 1335-0102
The settlement of the Dzeravá skala cave in the period of the Epilengyel cultural circle 2013 Slovenská archeológia 61 (1): 21-91
  • Zdeněk Farkaš
H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] 1335-0102
Grave 3 from the Únětice culture cemetery of Geitzendorf. The first evidence for a female metal worker (goldsmith) in the early bronze age in Lower Austria 2013 Slovenská archeológia 61 (1): 93-106
  • Doris Pany-Kucera
  • Ernst Lauermann
H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] 1335-0102
Early blue glass bracelets in the middle Danube region 2013 Slovenská archeológia 61 (1): 107-42
  • Gertrúda Březinová
  • Jaroslav Frána
  • Marek Fikrle
  • Natalie Venclová
H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] 1335-0102
The settlement development in the upper Nitra river basin in the older phases of the middle ages 2013 Slovenská archeológia 61 (1): 143-75
  • Peter Šalkovský
H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] 1335-0102
Archaeological data on some details of the 10th century sabretache finds and fire lighting tools in the Carpathian Basin, in the light of Eastern European analogues 2013 Slovenská archeológia 61 (1): 177-98
  • Attila Türk
H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] 1335-0102
Expansion of the Únětice culture with the significance of the finds on the territory of Slovakia 2013 Slovenská archeológia 61 (2): 203-321
  • Vladimír Mitáš
H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] 1335-0102
The problem of the earliest Slavs in intra-Carpathian Romania (Transylvania and the north-west vicinity) 2013 Slovenská archeológia 61 (2): 323-70
  • Ioan Stanciu
H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] 1335-0102
In memoriam: Július Béreš (11.10.1939-19.4.2013) 2013 Slovenská archeológia 61 (2): 371-3
  • Alexander T. Ruttkay
H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] 1335-0102
In memoriam: Ivan Kuzma (2.5.1955-3.12.2013) 2013 Slovenská archeológia 61 (2): 375-7
  • Matej Ruttkay
H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] 1335-0102
Finds of bronze knives from the bronze age in the territory of Slovakia 2012 Slovenská archeológia 60 (1): 1-36
  • Petra Chebenová
H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] 1335-0102
Signs of domestic protection in a hillfort from the Hallstatt period in Smolenice-Molpír, south-western Slovakia. About two fragments of daub with z-shaped decoration 2012 Slovenská archeológia 60 (1): 37-44
  • Sebastian Müller
H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] 1335-0102
Cemetery from the 11th-12th centuries at Devín Castle 2012 Slovenská archeológia 60 (1): 45-118
  • Denisa Divileková
  • Veronika Plachá
H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] 1335-0102
Anthropological, paleodemographical and paleopathological analysis of the historical population from Castle Devín 2012 Slovenská archeológia 60 (1): 119-56
  • Radoslav Beňuš
  • Soňa Masnicová
H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] 1335-0102
Mineralogical study of beads from the 11th-12th century cemetery at Devín Castle 2012 Slovenská archeológia 60 (1): 157-68
  • Ľubomír Vančo
  • Magdaléna Kadlečíková
  • Miloš Gregor
H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] 1335-0102
In memoriam: Jozef Hoššo (11.5.1946-19.5.2012) 2012 Slovenská archeológia 60 (1): 169-70
  • Jozef Bátora
H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] 1335-0102
In memoriam: Miroslav Richter (29.5.1932-12.8.2011) 2012 Slovenská archeológia 60 (1): 171-2
  • Alexander T. Ruttkay
H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] 1335-0102
Descriptive system and evidential power of clay daub from the younger and later stone age 2012 Slovenská archeológia 60 (2): 195-250
  • Jozef Ďuriš
H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] 1335-0102
The Lengyel culture stockade buildings. Ground plans, interior, and their function 2012 Slovenská archeológia 60 (2): 251-84
  • Juraj Pavúk
H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] 1335-0102
Knives from the bronze age in Slovakia 2012 Slovenská archeológia 60 (2): 285-342
  • Ladislav Veliačik
H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] 1335-0102
Monuments of the reverence of predecessors? On the meaning of barrows of the Hallstatt age from Nové Košariská site 2012 Slovenská archeológia 60 (2): 343-64
  • Sebastian Müller
H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] 1335-0102
To the alleged existence of the so-called circular pagan cultic feature in the suburbium of the great Moravian center of power Mikulčice-Valy 2012 Slavia antiqua 53 (): 15-36
  • Marian Mazuch
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
Lookism in the middle ages: archaeological case studies from eastern Germany 2012 Slavia antiqua 53 (): 37-43
  • Donat Wehner
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
Kruszwica in Kujawy's administrative structure (to the end of the 18th century) 2012 Slavia antiqua 53 (): 45-69
  • Dariusz Karczewski
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
Ownership structure of the settlers in the Lake Gopło region (to the end of the 15th century) 2012 Slavia antiqua 53 (): 71-104
  • Joanna Karczewska
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
About continuance of a certain theory: Indo-European tripartition (Georges Dumézil's ideas in light of criticism) 2012 Slavia antiqua 53 (): 105-30
  • Dariusz Andrzej Sikorski
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
Arbalest brooches with an animal ornament 2012 Slavia antiqua 53 (): 131-64
  • Vladimir I. Kulakov
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
Cultural changes of the Noteć River area in the migration period - remarks on the margins of the discovery of a brooch with a spade-like foot near Ujście (Mirosław-Wybudowanie) 2012 Slavia antiqua 53 (): 165-74
  • Jarosław Rola
  • Milena Teska
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
Cultural contexts of mythological lexis of Slavic languages on the example of archaeological finds from the early middle ages 2012 Slavia antiqua 53 (): 175-85
  • Michał Łuczyński
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
A stone baptismal bowl discovered near the Church of St. James in Toruń 2012 Slavia antiqua 53 (): 187-206
  • Krystyna Sulkowska-Tuszyńska
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993