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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Introduction 2024 Southeast Asian studies 13 (1): 3-5
  • Catherine Earl
  • Jamie Gillen
  • Liam C. Kelley
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2423-8686
Vietnamese carescapes in the making: looking at Covid-19 care responses in Berlin through the affective lens of face masks 2024 Southeast Asian studies 13 (1): 7-33
  • Tạ Thị Minh Tâm
  • Anita von Poser
  • Edda Willamowski
  • Eric Hahn
  • Max Müller
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2423-8686
Narrative and framing of a pandemic: public health communication in the Vietnamese public sphere 2024 Southeast Asian studies 13 (1): 7-33
  • Franziska Susana Nicolaisen
  • Mirjam Le
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2423-8686
Appropriating state techniques for effective rituals: funerals of the Raglai in contemporary Vietnam 2024 Southeast Asian studies 13 (1): 73-107
  • Yanggu Kang
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2423-8686
Where do the ravenous spirits (phi pop) go? Nakasang village in southern Laos as a place of cultural healing 2024 Southeast Asian studies 13 (1): 109-38
  • Ian G. Baird
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2423-8686
Negotiation under authoritarian environmentalism: a case study of mangrove shrimp farming in Vietnam 2024 Southeast Asian studies 13 (1): 139-67
  • Fumikazu Ubukata
  • Hiroki Watanabe
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2423-8686
Becoming a crisis: shifting narratives of seasonal air pollution in northern Thailand (1996-2019) 2023 Southeast Asian studies 12 (2): 333-61
  • Mary Mostafanezhad
  • Olivier Evrard
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2423-8686
Creation of the state forest system and its hostility to local people in colonial Java, Indonesia 2023 Southeast Asian studies 12 (1): 47-87
  • Farha Widya Asrofani
  • Hayati Sari Hasibuan
  • Kosuke Mizuno
  • Masaaki Okamoto
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2423-8686
Disrupting the realist nation: the forest as radical illegibility in the novels of Jose Rizal 2023 Southeast Asian studies 12 (2): 213-37
  • Glenn L. Diaz
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2423-8686
Family structure in early modern Vietnam: a case study of villages around Huế 2023 Southeast Asian studies 12 (2): 239-68
  • Shinya Ueda
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2423-8686
Farmers' reactions to compulsory land acquisition for urbanization in central Vietnam 2023 Southeast Asian studies 12 (1): 169-87
  • Nguyen Quang Phuc
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2423-8686
From pengusaha (businessperson) to penguasa (ruler): migrant traders and the politics of hospitality in Indonesia 2023 Southeast Asian studies 12 (1): 147-68
  • Hatib Abdul Kadir
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2423-8686
Geography of insecurity in contemporary Jakarta: cross-class spread of residential street barriers 2023 Southeast Asian studies 12 (1): 121-45
  • Genta Kuno
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2423-8686
How to frame hybrid-syncretic religious situations: based on a case study of the Guanyin cult in Yunnan, China 2023 Southeast Asian studies 12 (2): 269-305
  • Chiyoko Nagatani
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2423-8686
Introduction 2023 Southeast Asian studies 12 (1): 3-12
  • Atsushi Ota
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2423-8686
The Nguyễn Dynasty's government purchase system in the first half of the nineteenth century: multiple functions and economic rationality 2023 Southeast Asian studies 12 (1): 13-45
  • Yoshihiro Taga
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2423-8686
Political censorship and the contestation of nation-building discourse: a survey of cultural productions regarding the Malayan Communist struggle in Malaysia after 2000 2023 Southeast Asian studies 12 (2): 307-31
  • Chee Wah Kuan
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2423-8686
Why did the railways fail to monopolize transport? The limits of rail transport in Thailand and Burma before World War II 2023 Southeast Asian studies 12 (1): 89-119
  • Ichiro Kakizaki
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2423-8686
Vocabulario de Japon, a seventeenth-century Japanese-Spanish dictionary printed in Manila: from material object to cultural artifact 2023 Southeast Asian studies 12 (3): 401-28
  • Patricia May Bantung Jurilla
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2186-7275
Citizens at the end of empire: navigating loyalty and citizenship in late colonial Singapore 2023 Southeast Asian studies 12 (3): 429-62
  • John Solomon
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2186-7275
Entangled island: Filipino colonial technocrats, the Philippine legisature, and Mindanao settlement plans from the 1920s through the late 1930s 2023 Southeast Asian studies 12 (3): 463-98
  • Suzuki Nobutaka
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2186-7275
An unknown chapter in Southeast Asia's regionalism: the Republic of Vietnam and ASEAN relations (1967-1975) 2023 Southeast Asian studies 12 (3): 499-527
  • Ha Trieu Huy
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2186-7275
Comparative queer Southeast Asian Studies 2023 Southeast Asian studies 12 (3): 529-54
  • Ward Keeler
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2186-7275
Personal narratives and labor migration: a retired guojia ganbu in southeastern Guizhou 2022 Southeast Asian studies 11 (1): 3-22
  • Mei-Ling Chien
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2186-7275
Diverse experiences of agrarian change in ethnic minority communities of Vietnam's northeast uplands 2022 Southeast Asian studies 11 (1): 23-47
  • Le Minh Anh
  • Nguyen Thi Thanh Binh
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2186-7275
The struggling aristocrats? Noble families' diminishing roles after the splitting of Tana Toraja region 2022 Southeast Asian studies 11 (2): 195-218
  • Ratri Istania
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2186-7275
Dharmawara Mahathera, Sihanouk, and the cultural interface of Cambodia's Cold War relations with India 2022 Southeast Asian studies 11 (2): 219-47
  • John A. Marston
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2186-7275
Two dark stories from rural Indonesia: comparing the poverty in Turah (2016) and Siti (2014) 2022 Southeast Asian studies 11 (2): 249-71
  • Aidatul Chusna
  • Muhammad Taufiqurrohman
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2186-7275
Sustainability of Acacia catechu forest management for cutch production in Magway region, Myanmar 2022 Southeast Asian studies 11 (2): 273-97
  • Shinya Takeda
  • Way Phyoe Maung
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2186-7275
Malaysia's new economic policy: fifty years of polarization and impasse 2022 Southeast Asian studies 11 (2): 299-329
  • Hwok-Aun Lee
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2186-7275
Son preference in a welfare state: the case of Vietnamese Australian families 2022 Southeast Asian studies 11 (3): 339-62
  • Deborah Dempsey
  • Karen Farquharson
  • Tran T. T. Giang
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2186-7275
'Anak ng Bayang Dukha2: a computational and comparative keyword analysis of Sakdalista and Communist discourses from 1925 to 1941 2022 Southeast Asian studies 11 (3): 363-98
  • Dominic Sy
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2186-7275
Mount Bromo will take care of us: Tenggerese religious-ecological knowledge, challenge of modern reason, and disaster mitigation in postcolonial times 2022 Southeast Asian studies 11 (3): 399-426
  • Albert Tallapessy
  • Andang Subaharianto
  • Ikwan Setiawan
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2186-7275
Semi-archives and interim archives: a history of the National Wages Council in Singapore 2022 Southeast Asian studies 11 (3): 427-49
  • Jeremy Goh
  • Loh Kah Seng
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2186-7275
Sending money back home: banking digitalization, Myanmar migrant workers, and the Thailand-Myanmar border trade 2022 Southeast Asian studies 11 (3): 451-75
  • Andang Wantanasombut
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2186-7275
Media representation of China in Malaysia: television news coverage of Najib Razak's visit in 2016 2022 Southeast Asian studies 11 (3): 477-514
  • Hooi-Sean Ng
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2186-7275
Chinese laborers on a mining frontier: the case of copper miners in northern Luzon, 1856-98 2021 Southeast Asian studies 10 (1): 3-31
  • Jely A. Galang
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 0563-8682
Care relations and custody of return-migrant children in rural Vietnam: cases in the Mekong Delta 2021 Southeast Asian studies 10 (1): 33-52
  • Iwai Misaki
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 0563-8682
'No nation can go forward when it is crippled by disease': Philippine science and the Cold War, 1946-65 2021 Southeast Asian studies 10 (1): 53-87
  • Vivek Neelakantan
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 0563-8682
Local politics in the migration between Vietnam and Cambodia: mobility in a multiethnic society in the Mekong Delta since 1975 2021 Southeast Asian studies 10 (1): 89-118
  • Shimojo Hisashi
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 0563-8682
Peasant violence in early nineteenth century Philippines and Guatemala: the cases of Apolinario de la Cruz and Rafael Carrera in comparative perspective 2021 Southeast Asian studies 10 (1): 119-40
  • Byron Josue de Leon
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 0563-8682
Intensification of rice cultivation in the floodplain of the Chao Phraya Delta 2021 Southeast Asian studies 10 (1): 141-68
  • Chatchom Chompadist
  • François Molle
  • Thanawat Bremard
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 0563-8682
Ghosts as political possibilities: a review of instantiations of haunting in Southeast Asia 2021 Southeast Asian studies 10 (3): 339-57
  • Joy Xin Yuan Wang
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2186-7275
Development and abandonment of mangrove paddy fields and their impacts thereof in a Mon village in Taninthayi region, Myanmar 2021 Southeast Asian studies 10 (3): 359-90
  • Takeda Shinya
  • Wing Maung Aye
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2186-7275
Soeara 'Aisjijah magazine and the preparation of Indonesian Muslim women to anticipate the arrival of Japanese occupation forces (1941-1942) 2021 Southeast Asian studies 10 (3): 391-411
  • Muhammad Yuanda Zara
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2186-7275
Livelihood and happiness in a resource (natural and cultural)-rich municipality in the Philippines 2021 Southeast Asian studies 10 (3): 413-33
  • Rosalina Palanca-Tan
  • Sheila Bayog
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2186-7275
Local names of fishes in a fishing village on the bank of the middle reaches of the Kampar River, Riau, Sumatra Island, Indonesia 2021 Southeast Asian studies 10 (3): 435-54
  • Nofrizal
  • Akhwan Binawan
  • Desti Zarli Mandari
  • Hasegawa Takuya
  • Kurniawati Hastuti Dewi
  • Mahyu Prasetyawan
  • Nakagawa Hikaru
  • Okamoto Masaaki
  • Osawa Takamasa
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2186-7275
Policy making after revolution: the faces of local transformation of the Philippines 2021 Southeast Asian studies 10 (2): 199-221
  • Takagi Yusuke
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 0563-8682
Rise of 'business-friendly' local elite rule in the Philippines: how the Valdezes developed San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte 2021 Southeast Asian studies 10 (2): 223-53
  • Kusaka Wataru
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 0563-8682
Conjugal mayorship: the Fernandos and the transformation of Marikina, 1992-2010 2021 Southeast Asian studies 10 (2): 255-72
  • Meynardo P. Mendoza
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 0563-8682