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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
The efficacy of cultural resources management in southern Gauteng Province, South Africa 2019 South African archaeological bulletin 74 (209): 3-15
  • Witness Mudzamatira
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
The truth about Ovambo women's copper ankle rings 2019 South African archaeological bulletin 74 (209): 16-24
  • Nicholas Maritz
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Beware of the sheep in eland's clothing: a critique of 'Springbok in sheep's clothing', by Horsburgh et al. 2019 South African archaeological bulletin 74 (209): 25-34
  • Ina Plug
  • Karin Scott
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Towards community inclusion: Chongoni world heritage site and sustainable cultural tourism in Malawi 2019 South African archaeological bulletin 74 (209): 35-41
  • Oris Malijani
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Two new rock painitng sites in the Mpumalanga highlands, South Africa 2019 South African archaeological bulletin 74 (209): 42-5
  • Brent Sinclair Thomson
  • David G. Pearce
  • Kayla Macconachie
  • Kiah Johnson
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Heuningneskrans and the Stone Age sequence of the Ohringstad River catchment on the eastern border of the great escarpment, Limpopo province, South Africa 2019 South African archaeological bulletin 74 (209): 46-55
  • Aurore Val
  • Guillaume Porraz
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Kweneng: how to lose a precolonial city 2019 South African archaeological bulletin 74 (209): 56-62
  • Karim Sadr
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Stone age cultures of East Africa 2019 South African archaeological bulletin 74 (210): 70-5
  • W. Purity Kiura
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
The role of sorghum beer and porridge in Meroitic society: new evidence from the Meroitic cemetery at Berber, Northern Sudan 2019 South African archaeological bulletin 74 (210): 76-81
  • Mahmoud Suliman Bashir
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Reseaching our shared heritage: what do we want to see today? 2019 South African archaeological bulletin 74 (210): 82-5
  • Kodzo Gavua
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
A 40-year reflection on Klasies River research projects (1977-2017) 2019 South African archaeological bulletin 74 (210): 86-90
  • J. Francis Thackeray
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Identifying Zulu military (Amakhanda) settlements in the archaeological record 2019 South African archaeological bulletin 74 (210): 91-100
  • Innocent Pikirayi
  • Renier Hendrik Van der Merve
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
The lottering connection: revisiting the 'discovery' of Mapungubwe 2019 South African archaeological bulletin 74 (210): 101-10
  • Justine Wintjes
  • Sian Tiley-Nel
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
A bioarchaeological analysis of historical human skeletal remains recovered from Lancaster Mine, Witwatersrand, South Africa 2018 South African archaeological bulletin 73 (207): 4-12
  • Anja Meyer
  • Cherene De Bruyn
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Late Holocene climatic and cultural variability at a focal point of settlement near Lamberts Bay, South Africa: test excavations at Soutpansklipheuwel 2018 South African archaeological bulletin 73 (207): 13-34
  • Antonieta Jerardino
  • David Halkett
  • Edmund February
  • Jayson Orton
  • Lita Webley
  • Madelon Tusenius
  • René Navarro
  • Rio Button
  • Timm Hoffman
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
First fossil record of the spitting Elapidae in the Cradle of Humankind, South Africa 2018 South African archaeological bulletin 73 (207): 35-40
  • Dominique Gommery
  • Lazarus Kgasi
  • Nonhlanhla Vilakazi
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
The fauna at Tora Nju, Botswana: ritual and regional implications 2018 South African archaeological bulletin 73 (207): 41-50
  • Edwin N. Wilmsen
  • Ina Plug
  • James R. Denbow
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
The arrival of ceramics at Kasteelberg on the west coast of South Africa 2018 South African archaeological bulletin 73 (207): 51-63
  • Karim Sadr
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Atmar and Bernol Farms: new Acheulian sites in the lower Sundays River Valley, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa 2018 South African archaeological bulletin 73 (207): 64-74
  • Kathleen Kuman
  • Matt Geoffrey Lotter
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Space as material culture: residential stone buildings on the precolonial Swahili coast in a comparative perspective 2018 South African archaeological bulletin 73 (208): 82-92
  • L. Smejda
  • M. Baumanova
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Large-scale hunter-gatherer exploitation of marine resources in South Africa, part I: 'Kreefbaai C' megamidden, Lamberts Bay area 2018 South African archaeological bulletin 73 (208): 93-107
  • Antonieta Jerardino
  • Rene Navarro
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Large-scale hunter-gatherer exploitation of marine resources in South Africa, part II: Grootrif and Malkoppan megamiddens, Lamberts Bay area 2018 South African archaeological bulletin 73 (208): 108-25
  • Antonieta Jerardino
  • Rene Navarro
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
VR048: an open-air Later Stone Age site on the Knersvlakte of southern Namaqualand 2018 South African archaeological bulletin 73 (208): 126-37
  • Jayson Orton
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
An additional person from Diaz Street midden, Saldanha Bay, Western Cape 2018 South African archaeological bulletin 73 (208): 138-42
  • Michelle Cameron
  • Susan Pfeiffer
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Oxygen isotope rations of turbo sarmaticus molluscan opercula from Late Pleistocene archaeological deposits, Klasies River, South Africa 2018 South African archaeological bulletin 73 (208): 143-6
  • Francis Thackeray
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
A stab in the dark: testing the efficacy of Watsonia exudate as glue for stone tool hafting 2018 South African archaeological bulletin 73 (208): 147-53
  • Benjamin J. Schoville
  • Elzanne Singels
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Yvonne Brink 1931-2018 2018 South African archaeological bulletin 73 (208): 154
  • Anne Solomon
  • Antonia Malan
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
"...The eyes are no longer wild. You have taken the Kudu into your mind": the supererogatory aspect of San hunting 2017 South African archaeological bulletin 72 (205): 3-16
  • Mathias G. Guenther
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Technological analyses of late pleistocene later stone age lithic assemblages from Apollo 11 rock shelter, ||Karas region, southwestern Namibia 2017 South African archaeological bulletin 72 (205): 17-37
  • Götz Ossendorf
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Preliminary findings on the archaeological context of the Monk's Kop ossuary remains: the Mbagazewa Hill cultural landscape, Mutoroshangaa area, northern Zimbabwe 2017 South African archaeological bulletin 72 (205): 38-48
  • Elaine Swanepoel
  • Godfrey Bvocho
  • Maryna Steyn
  • Willem C. Nienaber
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Problem of urbanisation and conservation of cultural landscapes in Africa: the case of Ibadan, Southwestern, Nigeria 2017 South African archaeological bulletin 72 (205): 49-59
  • Kola Adekola
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Kuida Spring 1, Namibia: first impressions of a later stone age site complex 2017 South African archaeological bulletin 72 (205): 60-70
  • Anzel Veldman
  • Isabelle Parsons
  • Marlize Lombard
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
The effect of urban sprawl on archaeological sites between Johannesburg and the River Vaal: a GIS study 2017 South African archaeological bulletin 72 (205): 71-9
  • Karim Sadr
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Preliminary results from recent iron age excavations in southern Mozambique 2017 South African archaeological bulletin 72 (205): 80-90
  • Marjaana Kohtamäki
  • Shaw Badenhorst
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Heritage vs development 2017 South African archaeological bulletin 72 (205): 91-3
  • Steve Cathey
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Response to discussion: heritage vs development 2017 South African archaeological bulletin 72 (205): 93-4
  • Annie van der Venter-Radford
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Reply to van der Venter-Radford 2017 South African archaeological bulletin 72 (205): 94-5
  • Steve Cathey
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Joan M. Gero 1944-2016 2017 South African archaeological bulletin 72 (205): 96
  • Claire Smith
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Holocene LSA archaeology from Equus Cave, Buxton-Norlim limeworks, South Africa: an analysis of the bone tool assemblage 2017 South African archaeological bulletin 72 (206): 103-15
  • Andy I.R. Herries
  • Brian J. Armstrong
  • Caroline Spry
  • Matthew V. Caruana
  • Rhiannon C. Stammers
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
'I have ||Gubbo': ||Kabbo's maps and place-lists and the |Xam concept of !Xoe 2017 South African archaeological bulletin 72 (206): 116-24
  • José Manuel De Prada-Samper
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Exhumation and repatriation of the remains of the Ebo 4, Kwanza Sul Province, Angola 2017 South African archaeological bulletin 72 (206): 125-33
  • Maryna Steyn
  • Willem C. Nienaber
  • Willem S. Boshoff
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Somatogenesis: vibrations, undulations and the possible depiction of sound in San rock paintings of elephants in the Western Cape 2017 South African archaeological bulletin 72 (206): 134-41
  • Andrew Paterson
  • John Parkington
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Scandinavia's Magersfontein dead - their final resting place? 2017 South African archaeological bulletin 72 (206): 142-7
  • Garth Benneyworth
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Microfocus X-ray tomography as a method for characterizing macro-fractures on quartz backed tools 2017 South African archaeological bulletin 72 (206): 148-55
  • Frikkie De Beer
  • Justin Pargeter
  • Lunga Bam
  • Marlize Lombard
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Early Pleistocene stone artefacts from Cooper's Cave, South Africa 2017 South African archaeological bulletin 72 (206): 156-61
  • Christine Steininger
  • Kathleen Kuman
  • Morris B. Sutton
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Revisiting the Holocene occupations at Grassridge rocksheleter, Eastern Cape, South Africa 2017 South African archaeological bulletin 72 (206): 162-70
  • Benjamin Collins
  • Christopher Ames
  • Jayne Wilkins
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Some interpretive notes on a Schroda figurine type 2017 South African archaeological bulletin 72 (206): 171-4
  • J. Mokakabye
  • J.M. Dederen
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Leaving a mark: South African War-period (1899-1902) refuge graffiti at Telperion Shelter in western Mpumalanga, South Africa 2016 South African archaeological bulletin 71 (203): 4-13
  • Christian Louw
  • Tim Forssman
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Zhizo and Leokwe period human remains and burial practices at Schroda 2016 South African archaeological bulletin 71 (203): 14-26
  • Annie R. Antonites
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
Re-viewing the Sehonghong rainmakers: visual interpretations and copies of a key South African rock art motif 2016 South African archaeological bulletin 71 (203): 27-35
  • Anne Solomon
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969