Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Dental mutilation in Cuba's African population 1994 Revista cubana de ciências sociales 28 (): 100-9
  • Manuel Rivero de la Calle
American-Indian movements and political organizations 1994 Revista cubana de ciências sociales 28 (): 110-22
  • Dulce O'Halloran
Cuba: education and racism, 1792-1959. Notes for their study 1994 Revista cubana de ciências sociales 28 (): 154-70
  • Ana Julia García-Dally
Invariants, essences and hypostasis of 'archetypes' in modern linguistics 1994 Revista cubana de ciências sociales 28 (): 171-82
  • Max Figueroa-Esteva
The education of American-Indians in Latin America: development or ethnocide? 1994 Revista cubana de ciências sociales 28 (): 123-34
  • Pablo Corrales La Rosa
Socialization of domestic economy in Cuba: a real perspective? 1994 Revista cubana de ciências sociales 28 (): 68-82
  • María del Carmen Caño Secade
American-Indian communities and the land question 1994 Revista cubana de ciências sociales 28 (): 135-53
  • Rebeca Camhí-Guillén
Philosophy and Latin-American identity: critical exposition of a [problem] 1992 Revista cubana de ciências sociales 27 (): 58-77
  • Santiago Castro-Gomez
The half millenium and the national language of Cubans 1992 Revista cubana de ciências sociales 27 (): 144-56
  • Sergio Valdés-Bernal
Retrospective and actuality of the '5th centenary' in the religious field 1992 Revista cubana de ciências sociales 27 (): 93-108
  • J Berges-Curbelo
  • Jorge Ramirez-Calzadilla
Cuban national self-consciousness in its origin: reflections [on the occasion of] the 500th anniversary 1992 Revista cubana de ciências sociales 27 (): 78-92
  • Olivia Miranda-Francisco
Presence of the aborigines in Cuban ethnogenesis 1992 Revista cubana de ciências sociales 27 (): 123-30
  • Jesús Guanche-Perez
Parallelism and transculturation in the aborigines' regiosity before and after the Conquest 1992 Revista cubana de ciências sociales 27 (): 109-22
  • Maria Daisy Fariñas-Gutierrez
Freedom of belief and of religion in Cuba 1991 Revista cubana de ciencias sociales 25 (9): 133-56
  • Jorge Ramirez Calzadilla
Problems of the neolithic economy in the Antilles 1991 Revista cubana de ciencias sociales 25 (9): 171-91
  • Pedro P. Godo
Production relations in South Africa 1991 Revista cubana de ciencias sociales 25 (9): 157-70
  • Luis R. Fernandez Tabio
Semantics and ideography of Cuban Spanish: an essay on the semantics of "bueno" 1990 Revista cubana de ciências sociales 24 (): 57-69
  • Díaz L Caballero
Lexical characterization of urban speech: the structured interview 1990 Revista cubana de ciências sociales 24 (): 45-56
  • Casaña L Vallés
On the founding of the chair of anthropology at the University of Havana 1990 Revista cubana de ciências sociales 24 (): 134-41
  • de la Calle M Rivero
The Cuban Communist party as a political expression of national identity 1990 Revista cubana de ciências sociales 24 (): 70-85
  • Freyre R Pino
  • Pupo R Pupo
The situation of Cuban industrial workers on the eve of the revolution 1990 Revista cubana de ciências sociales 24 (): 100-17
  • González M C Pachecho
Calero cave: an aboriginal funeral chamber 1990 Revista cubana de ciências sociales 24 (): 142-57
  • Gabino A G Martínez
  • Pantoja A Rives
Changes in the socio-economic structure of Zimbabwe 1990 Revista cubana de ciências sociales 24 (): 118-33
  • O V Gridchina
Phonetic and phonological characterization of present-day urban speech in Cuba 1990 Revista cubana de ciências sociales 24 (): 20-34
  • Esteva M Figueroa
  • López L R Choy
  • P Dohotaru
Notas acerca de la fraseología en la esfera de los procesos cognoscitivos 1990 Revista cubana de ciências sociales 24 (): 35-44
  • Moré Z Carneado
  • Pérez A M Tristá
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