Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
The medical impact of the siege of Beirut 1983 Race and Class 24 (): 411-14
  • Ameen I Ramzy
Lebanon: an American's view 1983 Race and Class 24 (): 401-9
  • Donald Wagner
Notes towards an understanding of the revolution in south Yemen 1974 Race 16 (1): 83-100
  • H Ali
  • K Whittingham
[Comment on 'Academic gamemanship', by P. van den Berghe] 1974 Race 15 (3): 389-90
  • C Bagley
Race and politics in Chicago in the Daley era 1974 Race 15 (3): 329-50
  • N Bonney
Black workers and strikes in South Africa 1974 Race 15 (3): 351-9
  • M Boulanger
Aristotle and black slavery: a study in race prejudice 1974 Race 15 (3): 283-301
  • M Campbell
How the trade unions try to control and integrate immigrant workers in the German Federal Republic 1974 Race 15 (4): 497-514
  • G Kosack
  • S Castles
The future of race relations research in Britain: economists in race relations research: a personal view 1974 Race 15 (3): 383-9
  • D Collard
'Illegal' immigration: policy and law 1974 Race 15 (3): 361-9
  • J Constable
Racialism and pluralism as dimensions of nations: a further investigation [comment on 'Racialism and pluralism: a dimensional analysis of forty-eight nations', by C. Bagley] 1974 Race 15 (3): 370-81
  • M N Cooper
Repression, radicalism and change in the West Indies 1974 Race 15 (4): 401-29
  • D Forsythe
Imperialism and archaeology 1974 Race 15 (4): 431-59
  • A Gidiri
The question of compensation: a third world perspective 1974 Race 16 (1): 53-82
  • N Girvan
Differential political and economic patterns of ethnic and race relations: a cross-national analysis 1974 Race 15 (3): 303-28
  • J Grove
[Reply to comment by C. Bagley on 'A British scale for measuring white attitudes to coloured people', by P. Hartmann and C. Husband] 1974 Race 15 (3): 391-4
  • P Hartmann
The origins of the Afrikaners and their language, 1652-1720: a study in miscegenation and creole 1974 Race 15 (4): 461-95
  • K Jordaan
Revolution in the Gulf [Oman] 1974 Race (): 515-27
  • H Lackner
Africa and Portugal 1974 Race 16 (1): 1-28
  • J La Rose
The 'relevance' of anthropology to colonialism and imperialism 1974 Race 16 (1): 29-51
  • J Stauder
The rise of black consciousness in South Africa 1973 Race 15 (2): 149-65
  • H Adam
The institutionalization of racism 1973 Race 15 (1): 99-106
  • S Allen
The Afro-American and the Italo-Ethiopian crisis, 1934-1936 1973 Race 15 (2): 167-84
  • S K B Asante
Race relations and the press: an empirical analysis 1973 Race 15 (1): 59-89
  • C Bagley
[Letter on 'A British scale for measuring white attitudes to coloured people', by P. Hartman and C. Husband] 1973 Race 14 (4): 488-90
  • C Bagley
The future of race relations research in Britain: the establishment of a multi-disciplinary research unit 1973 Race 15 (2): 223-9
  • M Banton
The stranger hypothesis [letter] 1973 Race 15 (1): 111-15
  • M Banton
[Letter on migration to the Netherlands from Surinam and the Netherlands Antilles] 1973 Race 15 (2): 248-53
  • F Bovenkerk
Race relations research: from colonialism to neo-colonialism?: some random thoughts 1973 Race 14 (3): 331-41
  • L Bridges
Pakistanis in Britain: transients or settlers? 1973 Race 14 (3): 241-77
  • B Dahya
Teachers, race, and intelligence 1973 Race 15 (2): 195-211
  • A G Davey
Some issues in the sociology of race relations 1973 Race 15 (2): 241-7
  • H Dickie-Clarke
Discrimination in western Canada 1973 Race 15 (2): 213-22
  • J S Frideres
Particularism in sociology departments' hiring practices 1973 Race 15 (1): 106-11
  • P L van den Berghe
  • S H Gould
Racial conflict in the U.S. army 1973 Race 15 (1): 1-24
  • W S Gould
Slave and citizen: the South African case 1973 Race 15 (1): 25-46
  • L J Greenstein
Strategies for structural change [example of Stanislaus county, California] 1973 Race 14 (4): 443-63
  • S Haberfeld
[Comment on 'The future of race relations research in Britain', by J. Rex; with a reply by J. Rex] 1973 Race 15 (1): 115-19
  • A H Halsey
Participation and political buffers in urban America 1973 Race 14 (4): 465-80
  • I Katznelson
The social geographer and black people: can geography contribute to race relations? 1973 Race 15 (2): 230-41
  • B Leach
The first Afro-Brazilian congress: opportunities for the study of race in the Brazilian northeast 1973 Race 15 (2): 185-93
  • R M Levine
Dr. Harold Arundel Moody and the League of Coloured Peoples 1931-1947: a retrospective view 1973 Race 14 (3): 291-310
  • R J Macdonald
The future of race relations research in Britain: a social psychologist's view 1973 Race 15 (1): 91-9
  • D Milner
Notes on an economic theory of racism 1973 Race 14 (4): 365-81
  • M Nikolinakos
The amplification of Maori crime: cultural and economic barriers to equal justice in New Zealand 1973 Race 15 (1): 47-57
  • P O'Malley
The future of race relations research in Britain: sociological research and the politics of racial justice 1973 Race 14 (4): 481-8
  • J Rex
Racism and Russian revolutionists 1973 Race 14 (3): 279-89
  • J A Rogers
Race, class and power: an outline for study 1973 Race 14 (4): 383-91
  • A Sivanandan
Racism and the Montreal computer incident 1973 Race 14 (3): 229-40
  • P K Tunteng
A content analysis of the essays of black and white South African high school pupils 1973 Race 14 (3): 311-29
  • B Unterhalter