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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Hominid evolution and the evolution of the environment 1988/9 Ossa 14 (): 157-63
  • Yves Coppens
Contribution to the discussion of bipedalism 1988/9 Ossa 14 (): 45-8
  • Karl-Erik Fichtelius
[Lennart Diener, d.2.9.1989, aged 68] 1988/9 Ossa 14 (): 165-6
  • N G Gejvall
Human origins: current topics of relevance and interest 1988/9 Ossa 14 (): 11-18
  • Richard E F Leakey
Comparative ethological approaches in modelling hominid behaviour 1988/9 Ossa 14 (): 113-26
  • Phyllis C Lee
Evolution of the brain in early hominids 1988/9 Ossa 14 (): 49-62
  • Robert D Martin
Ecological context and explanations of hominid evolution 1988/9 Ossa 14 (): 99-112
  • Richard Potts
Technological evolution in early hominids 1988/9 Ossa 14 (): 97-8
  • Hélène Roche
The evolution of human bipedalism: general considerations 1988/9 Ossa 14 (): 33-4
  • Michael D Rose
Climbing as a crucial preadaptation for human bipedalism 1988/9 Ossa 14 (): 35-44
  • Brigitte Senut
Growth and development and its significance for early hominid behaviour 1988/9 Ossa 14 (): 63-96
  • B Holly Smith
Climatic influences on early hominid behavior 1988/9 Ossa 14 (): 127-56
  • E S Vrba
  • G H Denton
  • M L Prentice
Hominid diversity in the plio-pleistocene 1988/9 Ossa 14 (): -31
  • Bernard A Wood
Report on the Mycenaean human skeletal remains at Archontiki, Psara 1986/7 Ossa 13 (): 3-11
  • Anagnostis Agelarakis
A medieval biparte cuneiform I with attempted unilateral fusion 1986/7 Ossa 13 (): 39-48
  • Trevor Anderson
A medieval hypoplastic dens: a note on its discovery and a review of the previous literature 1986/7 Ossa 13 (): 13-37
  • Trevor Anderson
Metrical and mechanical properties of some skeletal bones from the house sparrow, 'Passer domesticus', a contribution to the understanding of zooarchaeological problems 1986/7 Ossa 13 (): 49-59
  • Hüvard Bjordal
Flexible fiberendoscopy: new approaches and first findings in Egyptian mummies 1986/7 Ossa 13 (): 61-73
  • others
  • Pierre Bonfils
Minimum number of individuals and its alternatives: a probability theory perspective 1986/7 Ossa 13 (): 75-86
  • Philip G Chase
  • Roberta M Hagaman
Dental esthetics of an Italian Renaissance noblewomen, Isabella d'Aragona. A case of chronic mercury intoxication 1986/7 Ossa 13 (): 207-28
  • F d'Errico
  • G Fornaciari
  • G Villa
Enamel defects in teeth from a prehistoric Cypriot population 1986/7 Ossa 13 (): 87-96
  • Jörgen G Norén
  • Peter M Fischer
The dentition of the neolithic sample from western Liguria (Italy) 1986/7 Ossa 13 (): 97-107
  • Vincenzo Formicola
Lamanai tomb N9-58/1: analysis of the skeletal evidence 1986/7 Ossa 13 (): 109-18
  • David M Pendergast
  • Hermann Helmuth
Remnants of a bronze age burial hill from Ahrenviöl, north Germany, with tusks of wild boar in the central grave 1986/7 Ossa 13 (): 1 -44
  • Ingrid Kuehl
Investigations on a skull of an Egyptian mummy from the Ptolemaic period: a [contribution] to the differential diagnosis of [osteolytic] cranial lesions 1986/7 Ossa 13 (): 145-65
  • C A Baud
  • R Lagier
  • W M Pahl
A case of crush fracture osteoporosis from late Roman Pella in Jordan 1986/7 Ossa 13 (): 167-71
  • others
  • Philip N Sambrook
The horizontal dimension of intrabony pockets: a study on dry human skulls 1986/7 Ossa 13 (): 173-9
  • Haim Tal
  • Shmuel Tau
Correspondence analysis and the analysis of skull shape and structure [carnivores] 1986/7 Ossa 13 (): 181-9
  • Lars Werdelin
A case of poliomyelitis from an early medieval cemetery at Georgenberg / Upper Austria 1986/7 Ossa 13 (): 1-205
  • Eike-Meinrad Winkler
  • Karl Grossschmidt
The fauna of Alvastra. An osteological analysis of animal bones from a neolithic pile dwelling 1986 Ossa 12 (): supp1ement 1 i-xiv, 1-210
  • Ebba During
Familiar relationship reconstruction in the [burial] 'circles' of the Alfedena necropolis (iron age: L'Aquila, Italy) using the mobility and topographic distribution of non-malignant osseous neoplasm 1985/6 Ossa 12 (): 3-7
  • Luigi Capasso
Dental pathology of the skeletal remains of Pontecagnano, Salerno, Italy: VII-IV centuries BC 1985/6 Ossa 12 (): 9-31
  • Ester Balducci
  • Gino Fornaciari
  • Maria Giulia Brogi
Osteoid-osteoma from [a] middle ages [cemetery] in Poland 1985/6 Ossa 12 (): 33-9
  • A Mysliwski
  • Judyta Gladykowska-Rzeczycka
Age-related bone loss in a prehistoric Koniag Eskimo population 1985/6 Ossa 12 (): 41-7
  • Michele Gunness-Hey
Bilateral ankylosis of [the] temporomandibular joint from the 9th century [Czechoslovakia] 1985/6 Ossa 12 (): 49-57
  • Josef Horejs
  • Milan Stloukal
Cremation of a diseased rich man from Latène period carriage grave near Husby, Kr Flensburg, north Germany 1985/6 Ossa 12 (): 59-78
  • Ingrid Kuehl
  • W Remagen
Peripheral polyarthritis in two neolithic skeletons [Gotland] 1985/6 Ossa 12 (): 79-88
  • Evy Persson
  • Ido Leden
  • Ove Persson
Schädel-Hirn-Traumata im Alten Agypten und ihre Therapie nach dem 'Wundenbuch' des Papyrus E Smith (ca 15OO vChr) 1985/6 Ossa 12 (): 93-131
  • Wolfgang Michael Pahl
Radiography of an Egyptian 'cat mummy'. An example of the decadence [of] animal worship in the late dynasties? 1985/6 Ossa 12 (): 133-40
  • Wolfgang Michael Pahl
A review of British trepanations with reports on two new cases 1985/6 Ossa 12 (): 141-57
  • Charlotte A Roberts
  • Keith Manchester
  • Sally Parker
Quantitative study of the animal bones from archaeological sites: methodological approach 1985/6 Ossa 12 (): 159-70
  • Blandyna Jerszynska
  • Janusz Piontek
Anthropological studies on the dental remains from some Irish archaeological sites 1985/6 Ossa 12 (): 171-86
  • Catryn Power
Alveolar osteitis and other oral diseases in 'Smilodon californicus' 1985/6 Ossa 12 (): 187-96
  • Stewart Shermis
A method for assessing the clinical severity of periodontal bone loss in human dry skulls 1985/6 Ossa 12 (): 7-202
  • Haim Tal
The clinical severity of periodontal bone loss in dry mandibles of South African blacks 1985/6 Ossa 12 (): 203-10
  • Haim Tal
Dental morphology and oral health of the AD 1764 Medvedev Russian party, Nikolski, Alaska 1985/6 Ossa 12 (): 211-9
  • Albert B Harper
  • Christy G I I Turner
  • William S Laughlin
The case of a slowly growing tumor destructing the face of a skeleton from Viborg Domkirke, Denmark 1982/4 Ossa 9/11 (): 3-11
  • Jesper L Boldsen
  • Ove Persson
About the dead bodies of two Buddhist monks preserved in the form of statues at the Dau pagoda 1982/4 Ossa 9/11 (): 105-9
  • Lan Cuong Nguyen
Craniosynostosis in a prehistoric Aboriginal skull: a case report 1982/4 Ossa 9/11 (): 111-18
  • others
  • Miroslav Prokopec
Analysis of some human femora from a medieval charnal house at Rothwell parish church, Northamptonshire, England 1982/4 Ossa 9/11 (): 1 -34
  • Charlotte A Roberts