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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
The diplomatic relations and the trade framework between Florence and the Ottoman Empinre in the fifteenth and the sixteenth century 2011 Oriental culture (91): 25-45
  • Yoichiro Kamono
H6/KWV [ORIENTAL-] 0564-0202
Famine and food crisis of the Ottoman Empire in the late 16th century 2011 Oriental culture (91): 47-75
  • Kazuaki Sawai
H6/KWV [ORIENTAL-] 0564-0202
Population structure in southeastern Anatolia from Tapu Tahrir registers 2011 Oriental culture (91): 147-63
  • Kumiko Saito
H6/KWV [ORIENTAL-] 0564-0202
An Ottoman attempt for the control of Christian education: one aspect of educational reform in the early Tanzimat period 2011 Oriental culture (91): 243-61
  • Kiyohiko Hasebe
H6/KWV [ORIENTAL-] 0564-0202
The reorganization of the Armenian community during the Tanzimat period: focusing on the Patriarchate of Istanbul after the recognition of the Millet constitution 2011 Oriental culture (91): 263-87
  • Masayuki Ueno
H6/KWV [ORIENTAL-] 0564-0202
Decolonisation of the soul: the wisdom and courage of Confucius and Gandhi 2010 Oriental culture (90): 247-52
  • Ayumu Yasutomi
H6/KWV [ORIENTAL-] 0564-0202
Murakami Haruki's short story as an example for colonization and decolonization of the soul - The kidney-shaped stone that moves every day - 2010 Oriental culture (90): 253-60
  • Ursula Weiss
H6/KWV [ORIENTAL-] 0564-0202
'Colonization' in a Japanese company in Hong Kong: the nature of the managerial control of Yaohan Hong Kong 2009 Oriental culture (89): 271-98
  • Heung Wah Dixon Wong
H6/KWV [ORIENTAL-] 0564-0202
Sugar, rice and coffee in 20th century Asia: introductory analysis of their production and international trade statistics 2008 Oriental culture (88): 3-48
  • Hiroyoshi Kano
H6/KWV [ORIENTAL-] 0564-0202
A review of the rice export statistics of Burma (Myanmar): time series variation in volume of 'inland', border and foreign trade 2008 Oriental culture (88): 49-67
  • Akio Takahashi
H6/KWV [ORIENTAL-] 0564-0202
With special reference to the export control by the International Emergency Food Council 2008 Oriental culture (88): 69-85
  • Asuka Mizuno
H6/KWV [ORIENTAL-] 0564-0202
Jasmine rice: high-quality rice production in northeast Thailand 2008 Oriental culture (88): 87-121
  • Toshiyuki Miyata
H6/KWV [ORIENTAL-] 0564-0202
Sugar, rice, coffee and tea in Indonesia: long-term statistical change of their production and international trade 2008 Oriental culture (88): 123-43
  • Hiroyoshi Kano
H6/KWV [ORIENTAL-] 0564-0202
Development and mandeling coffee production in Indonesia 2008 Oriental culture (88): 145-72
  • Kazuo Sambongi
  • Yukio Ikemoto
H6/KWV [ORIENTAL-] 0564-0202
Structure of sugar market and brown sugar production in Japan in the interwar period 2008 Oriental culture (88): 173-207
  • Atsushi Osawa
H6/KWV [ORIENTAL-] 0564-0202
Sugar trade in the Indian Ocean rim region from 1840 to 1939: a view from Mauritius 2008 Oriental culture (88): 209-29
  • Takashi Kume
H6/KWV [ORIENTAL-] 0564-0202
The mode and succession of publication and censorship: from Japan to Manchukuo 2006 Oriental culture 86 (): 5-36
  • Shinichi Yamamuro
H6/KWV [ORIENTAL-] 0564-0202
The Japanese censorship system and Korean resistance: as seen in Korean newspapers in the 1920s 2006 Oriental culture 86 (): 37-62
  • Heon-ho Park
H6/KWV [ORIENTAL-] 0564-0202
The Japanese censorship system and Korean media in the period of cultural rule 2006 Oriental culture 86 (): 63-96
  • Kee-Hyung Han
H6/KWV [ORIENTAL-] 0564-0202
Korean literature censorship and printing-capital during the Japanese colonial period 2006 Oriental culture 86 (): 97-121
  • Man-Soo Han
H6/KWV [ORIENTAL-] 0564-0202
Changes in censorship apparatus and censors in Korea under Japanese imperial rule 2006 Oriental culture 86 (): 123-63
  • Keun-sik Jung
H6/KWV [ORIENTAL-] 0564-0202
Censorship in Taiwan during the Japanese colonial era 2006 Oriental culture 86 (): 165-214
  • Isao Kawahara
H6/KWV [ORIENTAL-] 0564-0202
Views of ancient China in the Edo period. Re-evaluating ancient Chinese studies in the Edo period 2005 Oriental culture 85 (): 5-35
  • Takao Hirase
H6/KWV [ORIENTAL-] 0564-0202
The Edo period, on the eve of Japan's modern era. The foundation of Japanese arithmetic texts in the early Edo period - A study of abacus counting system of the Hassan-Kenichi 2005 Oriental culture 85 (): 37-78
  • Tokimasa Takeda
H6/KWV [ORIENTAL-] 0564-0202
Views of the Ming dynasty in the Edo period. A comparative study of Ming and Edo illustrated fiction 2005 Oriental culture 85 (): 79-100
  • Yasuchi Oki
H6/KWV [ORIENTAL-] 0564-0202
A new attempt at solving the problem of the authenticating the original sources of the 'Bukkanbon Ming Lü' edition 2005 Oriental culture 85 (): 101-19
  • Yuko Shimizu
H6/KWV [ORIENTAL-] 0564-0202
Views of the Ming and the East Asian world order. The rituals of Chinese hegemonic power structure during the Ming dynasty and the new East Asian world order 2005 Oriental culture 85 (): 121-60
  • Shigeki Iwai
H6/KWV [ORIENTAL-] 0564-0202
From Indian meditation to Chinese Chan Buddhism 2003 Oriental culture 83 (): i-vii
  • Hajime Okayama
The influence of Chan sect in the development of Chinese poetry 2003 Oriental culture 83 (): 1-33
  • Changwu Sun
History, history of thought, and the history of universal ideology: considering several issues in the research of the history Chan thought (in the case of the Tang Dynasty) 2003 Oriental culture 83 (): 35-53
  • Zhaoguang Ge
Chan meditation practice; looking at the moon, forgetting the pointing finger: research into the Chinese Buddhist interpretive studies 2003 Oriental culture 83 (): 55-74
  • Yukai Zhou
Several ideological issues as seen in the epitaph of Lao An 2003 Oriental culture 83 (): 75-97
  • Kosei Ishii
Tang Dynasty Chan Buddhist thought: Chan Buddhism of the Shitou (Sekito) lineage 2003 Oriental culture 83 (): 99-126
  • Takashi Ogawa
A textual critique of the Zutangji (Sodoshu) 2003 Oriental culture 83 (): 127-51
  • Kenji Kinugawa
Special characteristics of the history of the Song Dynasty Chan sect: tracing the clues in the Song Dynasty history of the lamp transmission 2003 Oriental culture 83 (): 153-85
  • Shudo Ishii
Verse and commentary in the Biyanlu (Hekiganroku) 2003 Oriental culture 83 (): 187-209
  • Fumihiko Sueki
Criticism of the northern Song Wu Shi (Buji) [inactive Chan] and Yuanwu Keqin (Engro Kokugon) 2003 Oriental culture 83 (): 211-30
  • Taisuke Tsuchiya
The end of the history of Chan Buddhism and the creation of the precious scrolls: focusing on the Xiaoshi jingang and Xiangshan Baojuan 2003 Oriental culture 83 (): 231-65
  • Toru Maekawa
The long-distance and regional trade in the modern Indian history 2002 Oriental culture 82 (): 1-46
  • Kaoru Sugihara
Ownership and mortgage of agricultural lands in a upper Myanmar village during the colonial period 2002 Oriental culture 82 (): 165-80
  • Asuka Mizuno
Introduction 2001 Oriental culture 81 (): 1-21
  • Takao Hirase
Religious services in the three commentaries to the Chunqiu (Gongyang, Zuo, Guliang) 2001 Oriental culture 81 (): 23-53
  • Hisako Ishiguro
An investigation into odes as quoted in the Zuozhuan - the background of Fushiduanzhang 2001 Oriental culture 81 (): 55-102
  • Atsushi Kotera
The character of the Book of History as quoted in the Zuozhuan 2001 Oriental culture 81 (): 103-38
  • Jun'ya Takatsu
An investigation into zaishu (written oaths) as they appear in covenants 2001 Oriental culture 81 (): 139-60
  • Lü Jing
The local bureaucratic system and its relation to the Zhouli at the end of the western Han and the eastern Han 2001 Oriental culture 81 (): 161-79
  • Yukinobu Abe
The composition of the Zhouli and the kingdom of its accomplishment 2001 Oriental culture 81 (): 181-212
  • Takao Hirase
A classification of the contents of the Zhouli - partial edition 2001 Oriental culture 81 (): 213-29
  • Takao Hirase
'Communalism' phenomena and the belief-world of everyday experience experience: the observations in Chennai (Madras) City from 1994 to 1998 2000 Oriental culture 80 (): 1-76
  • Yasumasa Sekine
Hindu-Muslim relationship found in ritual songs of lower castes in northern Bihar 2000 Oriental culture 80 (): 77-138
  • Shingo Einoo