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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
El sur de Collasuyu: abordaje territorial espacial y análisis múltiple de microfósiles en sedimentos de sitios incas en el noroeste argentino 2024 Ñawpa Pacha 44 (1): 1-23
  • María Alejandra Korstanje
  • María Cecilia Castellanos
  • María Laura Taddei Salinas
  • Verónica Isabel Williams
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Architecture and authority: a spatial analysis of power and control at three Spanish colonial silver refineries (Puno, Peru) 2024 Ñawpa Pacha 44 (1): 25-50
  • Sarah A. Kennedy
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Análisis isotópico seriado de una muestra de cabello del individuo inhumado en el volcán Quehuar (Salta, Argentina) 2024 Ñawpa Pacha 44 (1): 51-68
  • Camila Neveu Collado
  • Gabriela Recagno Browning
  • María Fernanda Zigarán
  • Romina Florencia Heras
  • Verónica Seldes
  • Violeta A. Killian Galván
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Pampa La Cruz: a new mass sacrificial burial ground during the Chimú occupation in Huanchaco, north coast of Peru 2024 Ñawpa Pacha 44 (1): 69-154
  • Alan Chachapoyas
  • Aleksalia Isla
  • Andres Shiguekawa
  • Ann Pollard Rowe
  • Carlos Avila-Mata
  • Celeste Marie Gagnon
  • Claver W. Aldama-Reyna
  • Feren Castillo
  • Fuyuki Tokanai
  • Gabriel Prieto
  • John Verano
  • Jordi A. Rivera Prince
  • José M. Capriles
  • Julio Asencio
  • Khrystyne Tschinkel
  • Luis Flores
  • Rachel Witt
  • Richard Sutter
  • Victor Campaña
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Wari imperial motives: the variety of decorated ceramics at Cerro Baúl 2023 Ñawpa Pacha 43 (1): 1-26
  • Donna J. Nash
  • Louise Deglin
  • Patrick Ryan Williams
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Formative exchange in the Andean Titicaca basin: isotopic camelid data and lithic sourcing: evidence from the Taraco Peninsula, Bolivia 2023 Ñawpa Pacha 43 (1): 27-53
  • Christine A. Hastorf
  • Danielle J. Riebe
  • Irene E. Smail
  • Katherine M. Moore
  • Kelly J. Knudson
  • Patrick Ryan William
  • Rachel Penfil
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Picking up the pieces: instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) of Early Intermediate Period and Middle Horizon pottery from Ayacucho, Peru 2023 Ñawpa Pacha 43 (1): 55-98
  • Brandi L. MacDonald
  • Michael D. Galscock
  • Patricia J. Knobloch
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Minas, tambos, centros administrativos y montañas en red. Análisis de las interacciones socio-espaciales en el norte argentino durante el Tahuantinsuyu 2023 Ñawpa Pacha 43 (1): 99-115
  • Pablo Mignone
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Shonquilpampa: camelid pictographs of Cordillera Blanca, Perú 2023 Ñawpa Pacha 43 (1): 117-37
  • Victor M. Ponte
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
The treasure of Coricancha 2023 Ñawpa Pacha 43 (2): 139-73
  • Annick Benavides
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Pre-Hispanic cultural dynamics in the Quebrada de Morohuasi (Salta, Argentina) 2023 Ñawpa Pacha 43 (2): 175-97
  • Bruno Roux
  • Christian Vitry
  • Pablo Cruz
  • Richard Joffre
  • Thierry Winkel
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Ingredientes rituales en las ceremonias andinas propiciatorias del desierto de Atacama: el mineral de cobre, su relación con los atados de remedios, y el complejo alucinógeno 2023 Ñawpa Pacha 43 (2): 199-220
  • Francisca Gili
  • Magdalena García
  • Valentina Figueroa
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
El Cóndor Devorador Tiwanaku (590-1150 D.C.): convención, divinidad, y alegoría de un carroñerismo ritual 2023 Ñawpa Pacha 43 (2): 221-48
  • David E. Trigo Rodríguez
  • Roberto Hidalgo Rocabado
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
The founding of the Inca provincial center of Tambo Viejo, Acarí, Perú 2023 Ñawpa Pacha 43 (2): 249-78
  • Katrina J. Bettcher
  • Lidio M. Valdez
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
The Charaña obsidian source and its role in the prehispanic exchange networks of the Titicaca basin 2022 Ñawpa Pacha 42 (1): 1-16
  • Martin Giesso
  • Michael D. Glascock
  • Paul S. Goldstein
  • Richard L. Burger
  • Vanessa Jimenez Balderrama
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
The ancient Inca town named Huayna Picchu 2022 Ñawpa Pacha 42 (1): 17-31
  • Brian S. Bauer
  • Donato Amado Gonzales
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
El Algarrobal De Moro: a lower-level administrative center in the Jequetepeque Valley on Peru’s north coast 2022 Ñawpa Pacha 42 (1): 33-61
  • Carol J. Mackey
  • William D. Sapp
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
The Icla/Chullpamoko excavation and final remarks from Contributions to the Archaeology of Bolivia. The 1958 Excavations of the Berlin Ethnological Museum by Heinz Walter 2022 Ñawpa Pacha 42 (1): 63-95
  • Erik J. Marsh
  • Sonia Alconini
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Highland-coastal relations and transformations in dualistic political ideologies in Middle Horizon Jequetepeque 2022 Ñawpa Pacha 42 (1): 97-134
  • Edward Swenson
  • Stephen Berquist
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
La Cumbe: un centro político-religioso Paracas en el Valle De Chincha, Perú 2022 Ñawpa Pacha 42 (1): 135-61
  • Alexis Rodríguez
  • Charles Stanish
  • Henry Tantaleán
  • Irving Aragonéz
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Nasca domestic culture: the significance of past environments for reading the material culture of the south coast of Peru 2022 Ñawpa Pacha 42 (2): 163-83
  • David G. Beresford-Jones
  • Oliver Q. Whaley
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Sayrosa, a minor obsidian source in the puna de Arequipa 2022 Ñawpa Pacha 42 (2): 185-204
  • Eisei Tsurumi
  • Kurt Rademaker
  • Matthew Boulanger
  • Michael D. Glascock
  • Richard L. Burger
  • Véronique Bélisle
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Stages, periods, and radiocarbon: 14C dating in the archaeology of the central Andes 2022 Ñawpa Pacha 42 (2): 205-33
  • Daniel A. Contreras
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Mortuary practices amid sociopolitical changes: interpreting a large communal ossuary at Las Huacas, Chincha Valley 2022 Ñawpa Pacha 42 (2): 235-60
  • Colleen O’Shea
  • Jordan A. Dalton
  • Juliana Gómez Mejía
  • Noemi Oncebay Pizarro
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Inca funerary practices (ca. 1400-1532): a first assessment on the basis of archaeological data 2022 Ñawpa Pacha 42 (2): 261-86
  • Amandine Flammang
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Health, diet, and violence during Wari expansion: bioarchaeology at Ak’awillay, Cusco, Peru 2021 Ñawpa Pacha 41 (1): 1-18
  • Bridget C. Bey
  • Valerie A. Andrushko
  • Véronique Bélisle
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
The Suñawa monolith and a genre of extended arm sculptures at Tiwanaku, Bolivia 2021 Ñawpa Pacha 41 (1): 19-46
  • Anna Guengerich
  • John W. Janusek
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Recent excavations at the Initial Period site of Taukachi-Konkán, Casma Valley, Peru 2021 Ñawpa Pacha 41 (1): 47-142
  • Rosa Marín Jave
  • Shelia Pozorski
  • Thomas Pozorski
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Late Formative shamans of the Ecuadorian coast: architectural, mortuary, and artifactual evidence from Salango in the Middle and Late Engoroy phases (600-100 BC) 2021 Ñawpa Pacha 41 (2): 143-86
  • Richard M. Lunniss
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Moche pottery: forms, functions, and social change 2021 Ñawpa Pacha 41 (2): 187-209
  • Jeffrey Quilter
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Naipes: functions and significance of Middle Sicán standardized sheetmetal artifacts 2021 Ñawpa Pacha 41 (2): 211-49
  • Izumi Shimada
  • John F. Merkel
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Local trade and pottery production in the Cusco region before and during the Wari expansion 2020 Ñawpa Pacha 40 (1): 1-20
  • Brian S. Bauer
  • Véronique Bélisle
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
A pyro-engraved gourd from Cahuachi: an iconographic and technical analysis of a Nasca masterpiece 2020 Ñawpa Pacha 40 (1): 21-40
  • Janusz Z. WoĹ‚oszyn
  • Jessica G. Lévy Contreras
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
The architecture and chronology of Reparin, eastern Ancash, Peru 2020 Ñawpa Pacha 40 (1): 41-59
  • Bebel Ibarra Asencios
  • Fuyuki Tokanai
  • Jason Nesbitt
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Finding the ties bind: aboriginal forms of societal affiliation in the Cauca River area of Colombia in the 16th century 2020 Ñawpa Pacha 40 (1): 61-80
  • Alejandro Patiño-Contreras
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Reassembling the mortuary assemblage: new investigations into the Field Museum’s osteological and artifact collections from Ancón, Peru 2020 Ñawpa Pacha 40 (1): 81-99
  • Nicole M. Slovak
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Pots speak volumes: commensal politics and kitchenwares in Early Horizon Nepeña, Peru 2020 Ñawpa Pacha 40 (1): 101-17
  • David Chicoine
  • Hugo C. Ikehara
  • Kenneth Sutherland
  • Matthew Helmer
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Pichqa and Pisqoyñu: Inca gaming paraphernalia from Tambo Viejo, Peru 2020 Ñawpa Pacha 40 (1): 119-32
  • Katrina J. Bettcher
  • Lidio M. Valdez
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Nasca pottery production: retrospect and prospect 2020 Ñawpa Pacha 40 (2): 133-61
  • Patrick H. Carmichael
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
The legume pod motif as a symbolic representation of the shamanic hallucinogen, vilca (Anadenanthera spp.), in Pre-Columbian Andean cultures 2020 Ñawpa Pacha 40 (2): 163-73
  • Colin Domnauer
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Max Uhle’s field notes and textile collection from Chimu Capac, Supe Valley, Peru; style and cultural affiliation during the Early and Late Middle Horizon 2020 Ñawpa Pacha 40 (2): 175-222
  • Amy Oakland
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Lambayeque silver beakers: further considerations 2020 Ñawpa Pacha 40 (2): 223-47
  • Carol J. Mackey
  • Joanne Pillsbury
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Paisajes políticos y ushnu en el orden social y espacial de Choquerecuay, s. XV-XVI 2019 Ñawpa Pacha 39 (1): 1-30
  • Miguel Aguilar Díaz
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
The Tiwanaku camelid sacrificer: origins and transformation of animal iconography in the context of Middle Horizon (A.D. 400-1100) state expansion 2019 Ñawpa Pacha 39 (1): 31-56
  • David E. Trigo Rodríguez
  • Sarah I. Baitzel
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Campanayuq Rumi and Arpiri: two civic-ceremonial centers on the southern periphery of the Chavín interaction sphere 2019 Ñawpa Pacha 39 (1): 57-75
  • Jason Nesbitt
  • Yuichi Matsumoto
  • Yuri Cavero Palomino
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Sacred Sanpedro in ethnoarchaeological context 2019 Ñawpa Pacha 39 (1): 77-120
  • Douglas Sharon
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
The "coastal Cajamarca" style did not come from the coast 2019 Ñawpa Pacha 39 (1): 121-44
  • Howard Tsai
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Stages, periods, epochs, and phases in Paracas and Nasca chronology: another look at John Rowe's Ica valley master sequence 2019 Ñawpa Pacha 39 (2): 145-79
  • Patrick H. Carmichael
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
Illomas: the three thusand year history of a rock site in southern Peru 2019 Ñawpa Pacha 39 (2): 181-211
  • Giles Spence-Morrow
  • Justin Jennings
  • Maarten van Hoek
  • Ronald A. San Miguel Fernández
  • Stefanie Bautista
  • Willy Yépez Álvarez
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
An analysis of the fabrics from La Tiza, a site in the southern Nasca drainage 2019 Ñawpa Pacha 39 (2): 181-211
  • Blair N. Mills
  • Christina A. Conlee
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297