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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Ladi Kwali pottery art at Abuja: a revisitation 1990 Nigeria magazine 58 (1/2): 102-13
  • John-Tokpabere T Agberia
Benin city arts and craft heritage 1990 Nigeria magazine 58 (1/2): 3-17
  • Kokunre A Agbontaen
Yoruba drum language: a problem of interpretation 1990 Nigeria magazine 58 (1/2): 29-37
  • 'Bade B Ajayi
Craft industries in Nigeria: Ipetu-Ijesa traditional woven-mat-craft example 1990 Nigeria magazine 58 (3/4): 65-94
  • Frank Ajayi
The beadworks of Jimoh Buraimoh as compositional patterns of spiritual reality 1990 Nigeria magazine 58 (1/2): 50-7
  • PSO Aremu
Lighting as an expressive theatrical medium in African dance theatre 1990 Nigeria magazine 58 (3/4): 33-46
  • Domba Asomba
The symbol of broom among the Tiv 1990 Nigeria magazine 58 (1/2): 47-9
  • Peter O Atuu
Perception and definition of contemporary Nigerian art 1990 Nigeria magazine 58 (1/2): 114-21
  • Ola Babalola
Masquerades as events with potentials for tourism - beyond the showcase 1990 Nigeria magazine 58 (1/2): 18-28
  • Joe Eboreime
Traditional religion and art in southern Nigeria 1990 Nigeria magazine 58 (1/2): 78-89
  • Moses Oladipo Fowowe
Literature and communication in Nigerian rural communities 1990 Nigeria magazine 58 (3/4): 95-8
  • PO Iheakaram
The role of sculptures in Yoruba 'Egungun' masquerade 1990 Nigeria magazine 58 (3/4): 1-13
  • RO Rom Kalilu
When minimum is appropriate: the Igbo clothing example 1990 Nigeria magazine 58 (1/2): 38-46
  • CS Okeke
Conceptual issues in traditional obstetrics and gynaecology in Yoruba ethnomedicine: a case study of Ife community 1990 Nigeria magazine 58 (1/2): 58-77
  • JA Oyewumi
From ritual to theatre: the example of the Mada Glu-Kyu (dance of death) performance 1990 Nigeria magazine 58 (3/4): 14-26
  • Choo Tony Saleh
Uboro fertility stone figure 1990 Nigeria magazine 58 (3/4): 47-51
  • AR Saliu
The gandu system in the economy of Hausaland 1989 Nigeria magazine 57 (3/4): 49-59
  • B Achi
Yoruba palace entertainment crew: the Alaafin palace example 1989 Nigeria magazine 57 (3/4): 60-7
  • B Ajayi
Bakor new yam festival at Alok 1989 Nigeria magazine 57 (1/2): 49-53
  • A U Akpan
Palm oil trade in the Bight of Biafra before the abolition 1989 Nigeria magazine 57 (1/2): 54-61
  • I R Amadi
Igala bibliography (a progress report) 1989 Nigeria magazine 57 (1/2): 62-77
  • I O O Amali
The conflict potential of the British colonial administrative boundaries 1894-1940; the case of northeast Yorubaland 1989 Nigeria magazine 57 (1/2): 10-17
  • Z O Apata
The traders of Kasar Kano in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: the case of Agalawa 1989 Nigeria magazine 57 (3/4): 37-43
  • A U Dan Asabe
The aesthetic values of singing in drama and theatre 1989 Nigeria magazine 57 (1/2): 78-85
  • H L Bell-Gam
Education and ethnic insults 1989 Nigeria magazine 57 (3/4): 76-81
  • T N Ekpo
The influence of the folktale on written fiction for Nigerian youth 1989 Nigeria magazine 57 (3/4): 28-36
  • P O Fayose
Drama and theatre for rural emancipation in Nigeria: a modest proposal 1989 Nigeria magazine 57 (1/2): 5-9
  • J O J Nwachukwu-Agbada
The Igbo proverb: a wider perspective 1989 Nigeria magazine 57 (1/2): 31-37
  • I U Nwadike
The pulse of the nation: tribalism and power in 'The siren in the night' [E Iroh (London: Heinemann, 1986)] 1989 Nigeria magazine 57 (1/2): 38-43
  • C Nwahunanya
Performer training in Igbo traditional theatre: its relevance to contemporary theatre experiments 1989 Nigeria magazine 57 (3/4): 113-19
  • S O S Obuh
Oza-nogogo: a peripheral Edo community 1989 Nigeria magazine 57 (3/4): 89-95
  • O W Ogbomo
Music, women and social mobilization in Nigeria 1989 Nigeria magazine 57 (1/2): 18-26
  • R C Okafor
Sex education and family planning among the Yoruba of Nigeria 1989 Nigeria magazine 57 (3/4): 44-8
  • M S M Opeola
The social context of decoration in Nigerian vernacular architecture 1989 Nigeria magazine 57 (1/2): 86-93
  • C O Osasona
The image of woman in the Yoruba art of the twentieth century 1989 Nigeria magazine 57 (1/2): 100-14
  • P Oyelola
Government [in] pre-colonial Ibibio-land: the role of secret societies 1989 Nigeria magazine 57 (3/4): 14-27
  • E A Ukpong
Yoruba adverbial constructions in pragmatic perspective 1989 Nigeria magazine 57 (1/2): 27-30
  • A Yusuff
Oku riro - Yoruba system for avenging the dead 1988 Nigeria magazine 56 (1/2): 16-21
  • S Adebajo
The ancestors and their roles in the human life: a case study of the Bini people of Bendel State of Nigeria 1988 Nigeria magazine 56 (3/4): 63-8
  • D O Aghahowa
Origins and development of the masquerade theatre among the Tiv of Benue State of Nigeria 1988 Nigeria magazine 56 (3/4): 41-51
  • T Ahura
Technology in the arts: an appreciation of Yoruba traditional handloom weavers 1988 Nigeria magazine 56 (1/2): 69-74
  • V O Akinola
Motifs in African calabash decoration 1988 Nigeria magazine 56 (3/4): 52-62
  • D O Babalola
'Ogun' - a poetic tradition of Ijumu district of Oyi division in Kwara State 1988 Nigeria magazine 56 (3/4): 78-92
  • A Bamikunle
Preliminary survey of some sites in Zangon Katab district of the upper Kaduna basin 1988 Nigeria magazine 56 (1/2): 94-101
  • Y I Bitiyong
The role of public culture in Nigeria 1988 Nigeria magazine 56 (1/2): 58-62
  • A Folarin
Content and narrative forms in the Nigerian child's literature: the case of the Tiv child's written literature 1988 Nigeria magazine 56 (1/2): 86-93
  • G A Gundu
Ganigan war 1881-1882; the Kyadya reaction to the political and economic domination of Bida in the middle Niger 1988 Nigeria magazine 56 (1/2): 75-85
  • A A Idrees
Prospects for an industry of traditional music in northern states of Nigeria 1988 Nigeria magazine 56 (1/2): 63-8
  • I Igoil
Folklore and Nigerian cultural identity 1988 Nigeria magazine 56 (1/2): 45-8
  • P O Iheakaram
Man, masks and deity in traditional Nigeria perspective 1988 Nigeria magazine 56 (1/2): 102-10
  • S Inuejulawo