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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
The Muslim Qāḍī and the peasant Bedouin of the emirates 2004 New Arabian studies 6 (): 156-86
  • Abdullah A. Yateem
*H6/KWH [NEW-] 1351-4709
The Ma'āzibah and Zarānīq Tihāmah 2004 New Arabian studies 6 (): 132-55
  • Francine Lida Stone
*H6/KWH [NEW-] 1351-4709
Three tales from Arabia - Story-telling in Ibn al-Muǧāwir's 7th /13th century guide 2004 New Arabian studies 6 (): 124-31
  • G. Rex Smith
*H6/KWH [NEW-] 1351-4709
Carving and recarving: three Rasulid gravestones revisited 2004 New Arabian studies 6 (): 10-29
  • Elizabeth Lambourn
*H6/KWH [NEW-] 1351-4709
Yemen relations with European countries (historical background) 2004 New Arabian studies 6 (): 1-9
  • Hussein A. Al-Amri
*H6/KWH [NEW-] 1351-4709
The Ibex hunt in the rock art of Oman 2000 New Arabian studies 5 (): 33-46
  • Ali T. ElMahi
Erithraean ichtyophagy: Arabian fish-eaters observed 2000 New Arabian studies 5 (): 7-32
  • William J. Donaldson
The canon and proportion of pre-Islamic Arabian sculptures 2000 New Arabian studies 5 (): 183-87
  • Hamid I. Al-Mazrou
The small long-handled axes of Oman 2000 New Arabian studies 5 (): 97-113
  • David Insall
Wise men control wasteful women: documents on [Customs and traditions' in the Kathīrī State archive, Say]ūn 2000 New Arabian studies 5 (): 67-96
  • Hanne Schönig
  • Ulrike Freitag
Smuggling and international politics in the Red Sea in the late Ottoman period 2000 New Arabian studies 5 (): 47-66
  • Caesar E. Farah
The Arabian gulf in Syriac sources 1997 New Arabian studies 4 (): 205-32
  • Hamad Bin Seray
The cult of saints and Islamic reformism in early twentieth century Ḥaḍramawt 1997 New Arabian studies 4 (): 139-67
  • Alexander Knysh
Description of the Johnstone papers held in the Palace Green section of the University Library of Durham 1997 New Arabian studies 4 (): 71-138
  • Anda Hofstede
Omani proverbs: problems in translation 1997 New Arabian studies 4 (): 39-70
  • Peter G. Emery
A preliminary evaluation of al-Radā'ī's Urǧuzat al-Ḥaǧǧ as a primary geographical source for surveying the Yemeni highland pilgrim route 1997 New Arabian studies 4 (): 243-60
  • Mohammed A. R. Al-Thenayian
The native land of the Nabataeans 1997 New Arabian studies 4 (): 233-42
  • S. Al-Theeb
Water sources and traditional irrigation in Yemen 1996 New Arabian studies 3 (): 238-57
  • Daniel Martin Varisco
A Kufic inscription from Ḥamdānah in southern Hijaz referring to Amīr Ibrāhīm Bin Ziyād 1996 New Arabian studies 3 (): 258-66
  • Ahmad 'Umar Al-Zayla'ī
'Trick or treat' in the Arabian Gulf 1996 New Arabian studies 3 (): 176-91
  • J. R. Smart
Women in Arabic proverbs from Yemen 1996 New Arabian studies 3 (): 164-75
  • Avihai Shivtiel
The old south Arabian so-called Bulawayo stone (CIH 458) recovered 1996 New Arabian studies 3 (): 134-46
  • Jacques Ryckmans
Poetry and power in Ḥaḍramawt 1996 New Arabian studies 3 (): 118-33
  • Mikhail Rodionov
Bibliography of Robert Bertram Serjeant 1996 New Arabian studies 3 (): 69-78
  • Ronald E. compiler Kon
A letter from Imam Yaḥyā concerning the Idrīsī 1996 New Arabian studies 3 (): 58-68
  • Paul Dresch
The special features of the Yemeni weekly market system: an attempt at an anthropological interpretation 1996 New Arabian studies 3 (): 50-7
  • Walter Dostal
Observations on measures of capacity in present-day northern Yemen 1996 New Arabian studies 3 (): 33-49
  • W. J. Donaldson
Early Islamic painting: from Samarra to northern Sicily 1996 New Arabian studies 3 (): 14-32
  • P. M. Costa
The Arabian travels of Johann Wild 1996 New Arabian studies 3 (): 8-13
  • Charles Beckingham
The birth of an archaeological journal in the Middle East: reminiscence and comments 1996 New Arabian studies 3 (): 147-63
  • Sami Al-Sakkar
The correspondence of Imam Yaḥyā Ḥamīd al-Dīn with the tribes of eastern and southern Yemen - a rare and unpublished document 1996 New Arabian studies 3 (): 1-7
  • H usayn 'Abd Allāh al-'Amrī
The making of palm vinegar at al-Ḥiswah (near Aden) and some other crafts related to palm trees 1994 New Arabian studies 2 (): 175-85
  • Martine Vanhove
Aloe and dragon's blood, some medicinal and traditional uses on the island of Socotra 1994 New Arabian studies 2 (): 186-98
  • Marie-Claude Simeone-Senelle
The ibex hunt ceremony in Ḥaḍramawt today [first publ in Russian in J Orient Stud (St Petersburg) 1992 (1)] 1994 New Arabian studies 2 (): 123-9
  • MA Rodionov
The Rashīdī dynasty: political centralization among the Shammar of north Arabia 1994 New Arabian studies 2 (): 140-52
  • Madawi Rasheed
European travellers in Oman and southeast Arabia 1792-1950: a biobibliographical study 1994 New Arabian studies 2 (): 1-57
  • Brian Marshall
Arabia and Austria in the 18th and 19th centuries 1994 New Arabian studies 2 (): 58-67
  • Eric Macro
Recruitment and regulation: migration for employment of 'Adenese' seamen in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries 1994 New Arabian studies 2 (): 75-102
  • RI Lawless
Some trends of evolution of the Sabaean cultural-political area: from clan titles to clan names? 1994 New Arabian studies 2 (): 153-64
  • Andrei Korotaev
A note on the tarkabah and the Omani boiled date trade 1994 New Arabian studies 2 (): 68-74
  • WJ Donaldson
The text of an unpublished fatwā of the scholar al-Maqbalī (d. 1108/1728) concerning the legal position of the Bāṭiniyyah (Ismā'īliyyah) of the people of Hamdān 1994 New Arabian studies 2 (): 165-74
  • Ḥusayn 'Abdallāh 'Amrī
The founding of the Great Mosque (al-Jāmi' al-Kabīr) in Ṣan'ā' 1993 New Arabian studies 1 (): 175-88
  • 'Abd al-Muḥsin al-Mad'aj
The pre-metric weights and measures of Oman in the 1970s 1993 New Arabian studies 1 (): 83-107
  • WJ Donaldson
Musandam: an ethno-archaeological appreciation 1993 New Arabian studies 1 (): 153-74
  • Paolo M Costa
Water, risk and environmental management: agriculture and irrigation in South Yemen (PDRY) 1993 New Arabian studies 1 (): 124-36
  • Colin Barnes
The role of rhyme and maxim in Bedouin law: examples from guaranty (kafālah) 1993 New Arabian studies 1 (): 21-35
  • Clinton Bailey
Report on epigraphic work at Madā' in Ṣāliḥ 1993 New Arabian studies 1 (): 228-30
  • John F Healey
Sources for the study of Nabataean law 1993 New Arabian studies 1 (): 203-14
  • John F Healey
A Rasulid agricultural almanac for 808/1405-6 1993 New Arabian studies 1 (): 108-23
  • Daniel Martin M Varisco
The language situation in Jordan and code-switching: a new interpretation 1993 New Arabian studies 1 (): 1-20
  • Yasir Suleiman