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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Maya wall paintings from Chajul, Guatemala 2018-2020 Mesoamérica 60/61 (): 1-24
  • Cristina Vidal-Lorenzo
  • JarosÅ‚aw ŹraÅ‚ka
  • Juan Luis Velásquez
  • Katarzyna Radnicka
  • Lars Frühsorge
  • Lucas Asicona Ramírez
  • María Luisa Vázquez de Ágredos-Pascual
  • Monika Banach
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Ciudad Vieja, El Salvador: origins and urban materiality of the first villa of San Salvador 2018-2020 Mesoamérica 60/61 (): 25-40
  • Pedro Antonio Escalante Arce
  • William R. Fowler
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Bi-ethnic communities in the highlands of Guatemala during the sixteenth century 2018-2020 Mesoamérica 60/61 (): 41-58
  • Margarita Cossigh Vielman
  • Victor Castillo
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
From Sacbe to Macadam: the roads of El Salvador, 16th to 19th centuries 2018-2020 Mesoamérica 60/61 (): 59-79
  • Ricardo Castellón
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
A curious magistrate: observations of Don Martín Alfonso Tovilla on the ethnography and natural history of Guatemala 2018-2020 Mesoamérica 60/61 (): 80-8
  • Stephen A. Webre
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Colonial frontiers and empty spaces: Santa María del Río, New Spain, 1650-1765 2018-2020 Mesoamérica 60/61 (): 89-117
  • América Navarro-López
  • Gerardo Harnández-Cendejas
  • Pedro Urquijo Torres
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Administering earth and life: Guaymí resistance in Western Panama, 1880-1925 2018-2020 Mesoamérica 60/61 (): 118-35
  • Ana Sofía Solano Acuña
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Subsidy from nature: green sea turtles in the colonial Caribbean 2018-2020 Mesoamérica 60/61 (): 136-57
  • Karl Offen
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Honduras, the "ruffian" of "international piracy": Ramón Villeda Morales at the Chilean embassy in Tegucigalpa, November 1954 2018-2020 Mesoamérica 60/61 (): 158-77
  • Roberto García Ferreira
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
A hidden plague: violence and public health in colonial Guatemala City 2017 Mesoamérica 38 (59): 1-22
  • Sylvia Sellers-García
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Infectious indígenas and contagious diseases in Guatemala, 1900-1950 2017 Mesoamérica 38 (59): 23-46
  • David Carey Jr.
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Honduran state activity in epidemic contexts: discourses and sanitary legislation, 1880-1933 2017 Mesoamérica 38 (59): 47-70
  • Yesenia Martínez
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Pandemic voices: oral histories on COVID-19 in Costa Rica's central valley 2017 Mesoamérica 38 (59): 71-94
  • Carmen Florencia Kordick Rothe
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
The politics of COVID-19 and the role of violence in El Salvador 2017 Mesoamérica 38 (59): 95-107
  • Norbert Ross
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Portraits of the other, projections of self: independence and separatism in descriptions of the Guna of Panama, 1900-1940 2017 Mesoamérica 38 (59): 108-27
  • James Howe
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Nicaragua 2018: ensayo fotográfico 2017 Mesoamérica 38 (59): 128-37
  • Hortensia Calvo
  • Jorge Eduardo Mejía Peralta
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
The territorialization of faith 2016 Mesoamérica 37 (58): 1-21
  • Deborah Singer González
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Black cultural profiles: Africa and negritude in the early work of Rubén Darío 2016 Mesoamérica 37 (58): 22-39
  • Jennifer Carolina Gómez Menjívar
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Human value, endemic anarchy, and precarious governmentality in Guatemala 2016 Mesoamérica 37 (58): 40-66
  • James H. McDonald
  • John P. Hawkins
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
The redefinition of power relations with subaltern sectors in Central America at the end of the 20th century 2016 Mesoamérica 37 (58): 67-99
  • Juan Pablo Pérez Sáinz
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Democratization, elites, and power in Central America: the case of Guatemala and El Salvador 2016 Mesoamérica 37 (58): 100-36
  • Ricardo Sáenz De Tejada
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Political economy of Central American state-building under globalization 2016 Mesoamérica 37 (58): 137-69
  • Aaron Schneider
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Themes of evangelization, sin and depictions of death in sixteenth-century central Mexican Doctrinas 2015 Mesoamérica 26 (57): 1-21
  • Robert H. Jackson
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Festival and ritual as hypertext: "La pesca de sardina ciega" in Mexico and "La fiesta del Charco" in Gran Canaria, Spain 2015 Mesoamérica 26 (57): 22-42
  • Guadalupe Sánchez Álvarez
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Let's go somewhere else! Migration in Chiapas geography: the case of Las Margaritas, Chiapas 2015 Mesoamérica 26 (57): 43-62
  • Iván Francisco Porraz Gómez
  • Rafael Alonso Hernández López
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Introduction: development in Central America: models, debates, practices and imaginaries 2015 Mesoamérica 26 (57): 63-8
  • Christiane Bert
  • Corinne A. Pernet
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
"The small family lives better": demographic research, transnational experts, and academic debates on the 'population explosion' in Guatemala after 1945 2015 Mesoamérica 26 (57): 69-98
  • Annika Hartmann
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
On conceptions of development and modernity in the poetic discourse of Central America 2015 Mesoamérica 26 (57): 99-116
  • Dante Barrientos Tecún
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Development actors and geopolitical conflict in Nicaragua: the case of food donations, 1960-1990 2015 Mesoamérica 26 (57): 117-49
  • Chrisiane Berth
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
"So much suffering! Only my Indian faith has kept me strong...": Jorge Ubico and the Indigenismo of Father Celso Narciso Teletor 2014 Mesoamérica 35 (56): 1-23
  • Sergio Romero
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Stele 5 of Izapa and the Mesoamerican rites of foundation 2014 Mesoamérica 35 (56): 24-38
  • Alejandro Sheseña
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Beyond the Xajil Chronicle: lost Kaqchiquel-Maya documents of the Franciscan Archive of Guatemala 2014 Mesoamérica 35 (56): 39-60
  • Robert M. Hill II
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
The political economy of inequality: Central America three decades after the peace accords 2014 Mesoamérica 35 (56): 61-77
  • Diego Sánchez-Ancochea
  • Salvador Martí i Puig
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
The power of the right and the permanent influence of the elite in Central America 2014 Mesoamérica 35 (56): 78-104
  • Barry Cannon
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Income distribution in Central America 2014 Mesoamérica 35 (56): 105-39
  • Juan Diego Trejos
  • T.H. Gindling
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Social policy in Central America: stubborn legacies, positive yet limited change 2014 Mesoamérica 35 (56): 140-65
  • Juliana Martínez-Franzoni
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Update on social movements in Central America 2014 Mesoamérica 35 (56): 166-93
  • Rose J. Spalding
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
"These troops of the oriente, those güites of Imán": Maya warriors in separatist Yucatan 2013 Mesoamérica 34 (55): 1-26
  • Arturo Taracena Arriola
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Casualties of heritage distancing: children, Ch'orti' indigeneity, and the Copán archaeoscape 2013 Mesoamérica 34 (55): 68-99
  • Patricia McAnany
  • Shoshaunna Parks
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
The lettered countryside: reflections on reading and writing in regions of Mayan Mesoamerica 2013 Mesoamérica 34 (55): 191-204
  • Kathryn Sampek
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Spanish 'reductions' in the Guatemalan highlands: Mayan responses 2013 Mesoamérica 34 (55): 205-22
  • Ajpub' García Ixmata'
  • Ixq'anil Judith M. Maxwell
  • Jorge Raymundo
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Literacy in Guatemalan indigenous languages: from autonomy to colonization and coloniality 2013 Mesoamérica 34 (55): 223-45
  • Jorge Raymundo
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Policing the "Other": race, criminality and government-sanctioned violence on the north coast of Honduras, 1910-1940 2012 Mesoamérica 33 (54): 27-53
  • Glenn A. Chambers
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Guatemala's green revolution: synthetic fertilizers, public health, and economic autonomy in the Maya highlands 2011 Mesoamérica 32 (53): 32-73
  • David Carey jr.
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Costa Rica's expeditionary armies in the national campaign: campesinos-militiamen caught between obedience and the golden grains 2011 Mesoamérica 32 (53): 74-105
  • José Antonio Fernández Molina
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Social networks in teh dynamics of a subordinate group in a peripheral colonial society: the cacao producers of Costa Rica, 1660-1740 2011 Mesoamérica 32 (53): 106-32
  • Eduardo Madrigal Muñoz
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Hybridization of contemporary Mayan worldviews: an ethnographic study in San Martín Sacatepéquez, Guatemala 2011 Mesoamérica 32 (53): 133-56
  • Julie Hermesse
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Viviendo in "aquellos tiempos" en Ixcán, Guatemala: la violencia y la vida en las PAC 2011 Mesoamérica 32 (53): 157-88
  • Matthew J. Taylor
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Movilizaciones populares y conspiración en la futura Guatemala, 1808-1814 2011 Mesoamérica 32 (53): 189-99
  • Aaron Pollack
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963
Hemorragia en los archivos: reflexiones sobre la pérdida de documentos coloniales guatemaltecos, tesoros de un país despojado 2011 Mesoamérica 32 (53): 236-45
  • Christopher H. Lutz
  • W. George Lovell
  • Wendy Kramer
H6/KUL [MESOAMERICA-] 0252-9963